Advertisement on the social media
Advertisement on the social media
My target markets would be men and women of between 18 years and 35 years. I intend to design an electronic graphic advertisement. The graphic advertisement would be coloured and appealing to the eyes so that it can easily be seen by the people who would visit the social media1. I intend to use $82 for the design and production of the graphic advertisement. Thereafter, I would post it to several social media platforms which include twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. In an effort to increase the number of people who would have access to the advertisement, I intend to pay the social media companies a total sum of $200. By so doing, the companies would stream the advertisement on the timelines of all their customers (O. C. Ferrell, Michael Hartline, 2010, pp. 17-19). All the people who are within the country and have accounts with the social media giants would be able to view the advertisement. The advertisement would be the first thing that would pop on their screens every time they log into their social media accounts.
The massage in the advertisement would read “WELCOM TO PIZZO INN RESTURANT and HOTEL, home away from home”. The advertisement is likely to reach very many youths who are my target group. 99% of people in this age category have accounts with at least one of the mentioned social media. In addition, the group of people sign into their social accounts at least once every day. Accessibility to social media platforms has been improved by the fact that the sites can be accessed through many devices. The devices include computers, tablets and mobile phones (Christian Fuchs, Marisol Sandoval, 2013, p. 32). Generally every device that has access to the internet can access the social media platforms. Interestingly, almost every person aged 18 years to 35 years has smart phones which have access to the internet. In addition, the social media has a wide coverage. It is therefore capable of reaching out to very many people. On average, the advertisement would reach10 million people. The average expenditure of an individual under this category is $4 and is likely to visit our hotels 10 times in a month. We are therefore likely to collect a total revenue of $400 million in a single month.
Advertisements on banners and bill boards
The target group for this kind of advertisement will be road users, i.e. drivers, passengers and pedestrians of all ages. There are 200,000 people who use major roads on daily basis. On average, we would target 6.2 million people every month. The bill boards and banners will be of measurements 6metres by 4 metres and will be well designed. Advertisement message that reads “WELCOM TO PIZZO INN RESTURANT and HOTEL, home away from home” would be printed on the bill boards and banners. The billboards will be erected at strategic places along major roads in major towns and in the countryside. The banners on the other hand will be erected over major roads at strategic places where most road users are able to see and read the information on them (Steven P. Schnaars, 1998, p. 10).
The total cost for the purchase and designing all the banners and billboards is $1000. The transportation costs of all the materials to the necessary locations would be $500. In addition, we would pay license fee to the local authorities for putting up the advertisements (Stuart Clark Rogers, 2011, p. 51). The fee would be $ 1000 per month. The total expenditure would therefore be $2,500 per month. An average of 3million people is likely to get information from the advert every month. The people will spend about $ 30,000 per month in our hotels. That is the revenue that we would collect at the end of every month.
Newspaper advertisements
The target market for this advertisement are people of middle and upper class (C.L. Tyagi, Arun Kumar, 2004, pp. 20-22). Newspapers are mostly bought by working people or rather people who are financially (Christian Fuchs, Marisol Sandoval, 2013, pp. 4-5). Newspapers are also mostly read in offices where the category of people work and go about their day to day activities. I would seek for a designer who would design the advert. Thereafter, I would present the advert to the leading newspaper houses. The advert would cover an entire page in all the daily newspapers. The advert would show the image of the hotel and restaurant and a welcome message (Norman Mailer, 1992, p. 27). There will also be further information describing the location of the hotel. There will also be contact information that could be used to book the hotel. Its design work would cost $5. The advertisement cost per month on the daily newspapers would cost $60 million. A total of one million people are likely to be reached by the advert in the daily newspapers. Out of this number of people, half a million people would visit the hotel and spend a total of $100 million every month.
Comparing the three marketing strategies, advertisement on the social media would rave in the most profits. After subtracting all the expenses involved in the advertisement from the total revenue collected, there would be a profit of about $399 million. Newspaper advertisement would come second, raking in a profit of about $ 40 million. Advertisements on bill boards would rake in profits in the tune of $27,500. The social media therefore stands out as the best place for carrying out advertisements. There are a number of reasons why it stands out among the three strategies. It can be accessed by very many people. At the same time it is quite cheap to carry out advertisements on the platform. There is also the possibility of carrying out advertisements on the social media without necessarily having to incur even a single cent. However, the number of potential customers who would be reached would not be as many as when some money is paid to the companies that own the social platform sites. The strategy is also still new and has not been embraced by many competitors.
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