Religion/Theology Post
Religion/Theology Post
Read Job 1-42. The problem of pain remains a vexing issue for many people even today. Job was caused to endure the loss of everything precious to him short of his own life. He then had to endure the speeches of his three “friends” who were quite sure they knew why he was suffering so. > > 1. How did his friends interpret Job’s suffering situation?> 2. What was Job’s response to all this?> 3. How does God, at the end, size up all of their attempts to explain Job’s circumstances?> 4 Can you discern the answer to the question, “Why?” > 5. Does meditating on Job’s experience help you in your own struggles with suffering?> 6. Suggest a personal anecdote or situation where you thought you knew how Job felt.> 7. What did you do about it?> 8. How would you deal with it now after your study of Job?
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