Microbiology Dissertation Topics

Previously, we discussed 10 facts for dissertation on microbiology in our first guide on this topic. We’re confident that these facts must have allowed you to grasp some credible information on microbiology, on which you can start writing immediately.
To make things easier, we have included two more guides for you.
In this second guide you’re going to get acquainted with 20 microbiology dissertation topics relevant to microbiology. This will help you in writing your thesis as you will not have to scratch your head searching for ideas.
Many students just don’t know where to start, which is why these topics can come in handy. Furthermore, we have also included a short sample dissertation essay. This sample essay would allow you to know how a dissertation is structured. We have also stated some references to help you find more information on a specific topic if you decide to choose it for your dissertation.
After you’re done reading this guide, we highly recommend you to read the last guide, how to write a good dissertation on microbiology, which would definitely help you compose a stellar dissertation paper.
Microbiology Dissertation Topics
Without further ado let’s pay attention to our topics:
  1. A Microbiological Analysis of Shea Butter Sold in Washington, US
  2. A Dissertation Paper on Tapeworms and The Dangers Associated With Them
  3. A Microbiological Characterization of Ebola Virus
  4. The Spreading of Influenza in World War II and its Effects on the War
  5. Cellular Microbiology: The Use of Restriction-Modification (R-M)
  6. The Clinical Outcomes of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Infections
  7. Applied Microbiology: How Microorganisms can Generate BioFuels
  8. The Aetiological Agent of Johne’s Disease: Mycobacterium Avium Subsp. Paratuberculosis aka MAP – The Most Important Bacterial Pathogen in Ruminants
  9. How the Study of Microorganisms Has Prevented Life-Threatening Diseases
  10. The Important Role of Microbiology in Pharmaceutical and Food Industries
  11. The Invention of Microscope and the Impact on How we Know Microbiology
  12. A Dissertation Paper on the Fermentation of Starch and The Activities and Specificities of Enzymes in it
  13. A Study on Microorganisms Found in Onions
  14. The Correlation of Malaria and Some Species of Plasmodium (a Microorganism)
  15. A Study in Microbiology: The Diagnoses of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
  16. A Study on Bacterias that can Withstand One of the Most Powerful Antimicrobial (Antibiotics) without Hassle
  17. A Microbiological Study on the Effects of Obesity on Patients with High Blood Pressure
  18. A Microbiological Study on How Yogurts are Commercially Prepared in New York
  19. A Dissertation Paper on Wetland Bacteria, its Properties, and its Functionalities
  20. A Thorough Research and Study on Cyanophycin: a Bacterial Polymer
There you have it! These topics surely have opened up your mind towards writing your dissertation paper. To make things even easier, we have chosen one of the topics mentioned above, to provide you with a short dissertation sample essay, so you can have quite a good idea on how it’s structured:
Microbiology Dissertation Topics

Sample Essay on the Invention of Microscopes around 1590 that Opened a Whole New World of Microorganisms

For over a millennia, humans could see nothing smaller than the thickness of their hair, until around the 1590, when the microscope was invented. Through this pioneer instrument, humans were able to see previously hidden world of microorganisms – living in foods we eat, water we drink and even the air we breath in.
But there is a problem in the history itself; Nobody knows for sure who invented the microscope, but there are three geniuses, who are mentioned as the inventors of this incredible instrument: Hans Janssen and Zacharias Janssen. These two brilliant inventors are known to have worked as a father-son team. However, there is a third name as well. Many historians claim the inventor to be the famous Hans Lippershey, known for filing the first patent for a telescope. Coincidently, the Janssens were living in the same town where Lippershey was living in.
However, the letters of Dutch Diplomat William Borrell, initially sent to the physician of French King, stated that Zacharias Janssen talked about the microscope. But it was only talking, and the invention was really seen years after. At the time of the letter, which was in the early 1590s, Zacharias was also a teenager, so the historians argue about that too. Nevertheless, whoever invented this instrument, did a marvelous job.
The first microscope was a significant milestone, but it needed improvements that were obtained thanks to the names like Galileo, Robert Hooke, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, Robert Koch, Ernst Ruska and Max Knoll.
However, the correct time when microscopes evolved was in the beginning of the 21st century when Ernst Ruska and Max Knoll invented the electron microscope, which is now used worldwide. This particular lens could resolve objects that were smaller than the wavelength of visible light, which had become the barrier of previous microscopes. The electron microscope has revolutionized the study of micro-organisms.
Today, a variety of microscopes can be found in labs, including but not limited to: reflecting microscopes, ultraviolet microscopes, confocal microscopes, phase contrast microscopes, and even some modern microscopes that can show a single atom.
In simple words, the invention of microscopes didn’t only give rise to the study of microorganisms, which we call microbiology, but it also revolutionized other aspects of science and had helped scientists in researching and developing their theories.
Due to the invention of microscope, microbiologists can now figure out which bacterias are actually needed for human survival and which are not.
Through the use of a microscope, microbiologists can also understand how pathogens (the harmful bacteria) work, and how this form of bacteria can be safely exterminated. Due to this innovation, we are creating new milestones in the world of medicine and have eradicated several diseases from the face of this earth. We are also working on cures for cancer and HIV due to these technological advancements.
Great! Now you have the topics, as well as a sample essay to give you a head start in composing your dissertation paper. Let’s head on to our final guide to get to know how a dissertation is actually written and structured.
  1. Mouton, J. M., Helaine, S., Holden, D. W., & Sampson, S. L. (2016). Elucidating population-wide mycobacterial replication dynamics at the single-cell level. Microbiology.
  2. Drancourt, M., Michel-Lepage, A., Boyer, S., & Raoult, D. (2016). The Point-of-Care Laboratory in Clinical Microbiology. Clinical microbiology reviews, 29(3), 429-447.
  3. Nunes-Alves, C. (2016). Applied microbiology: Shining a light on biofuels. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 14(2), 63-63.
  4. Attar, N. (2016). Cellular microbiology: Damage limitation after friendly fire. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 14(3), 130-130.
  5. Rathnaiah, G., Bannantine, J. P., Bayles, D. O., Zinniel, D. K., Stabel, J. R., Gröhn, Y. T., & Barletta, R. G. (2016). Analysis of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis mutant libraries reveals loci-dependent transposition biases and strategies for novel mutant discovery. Microbiology, 162(4), 633-641.
  6. Forchhammer, K., & Watzer, B. (2016). Microbiology Comment. Microbiology, 162(5), 727-729.
    Microbiology Dissertation Topics


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