RMIT Training, COSC2665,Networking Assignment
This assignment contributes towards 30% of your assessment for Networking.
The criteria for marking are available online. A mark out of 60 will be awarded.
There are some areas where you will need to make decisions that will help to ensure that your submission is your own original work.This assignment must be your own work.
On request, you will need to provide evidence of your progress in Weeks14, 15 and 16.
Not being able to provide timely evidence of your progress will result in a loss of marks.
Please do not copy or plagiarise nor have another person do your work for you.
You need to submit a combination of paper based and online material. The submission of pages 3 and 4 of this assignment and the physical topology plan and will be paper based and submitted by the end of Week 14. The answers to Task 5 questions 1 to 10 will be paper based and submitted by the end of the last class in Week 17. The Packet Tracer simulation (Logical Topology) will be submitted online by the end of the last class in Week 17.
The Scenario
Building A has fifteen employees, each of whom has their own workstation.
Building B has 20 employees. Building C has 19 employees. Building Dhas 24 employees.
The network address is (assigned by your teacher).
Your business premises needs to be networked so that employees can communicate effectively without physically having to walk to other remote buildings on your commercial site.
Your business has a network address which your teacher will assign to you..
Buildings A, B, C, D and the Server Farm, need to be connected via Ethernet.
Each Buildings A, B and C andthe Server Farm, the connection between the Branch Office and the Branch will have its own subnet.
Server Farm
The server Farm in Building A will have its own subnet. The server Farm will have a DNS server, an email server a file server and a web server. All servers will have static IP addresses.You may use one server for more than one service if you prefer.
Building A
Building A will have a router that connects the subnets in all buildings (Server farm, A, B, C, D and the Branch Office router). Building A has fifteen employees ten of whom will receive IP addressing from the localDHCP server with the second host address in the subnet.The other five will have statically addressed PC’s. Building A also has a network printer.
Building B
Building B has network printer and a DHCP server which are both statically addressed.The address of the DHCP Server will be the second host address of the subnet.
Also, there will be twenty-five other hosts, twenty of whom will be dynamically addressed and the remainder will have static addresses. Building B clients will have access to the all the servers in the Server Farm.
Building C
Building C has a setup similar to that of Building B, but a different subnet.
The address of the DHCP Server will be the second host address of the subnet.
Building D
As Building D has many visitors who need access to the local network, the occupants of Building D will be wirelessly connected via an ISR and will receive IP addresses from the network and other information via DHCP from the ISR.
The Internet connection of this ISR will be connected via Ethernet to the router situated in Building A.
Building D will have IP addresses assigned dynamically via the ISR except for the printer. The printer, which will have a static IP address, will be connected to the ISR with an Ethernet cable.
The number of wireless clients will be limited to 24.
Building D will also have access to the Server Farm in Building A where possible.
Branch Office
The router situated in Building A is also connected via a serial cable to a router in the branch office. The branch office will have a PC and a network printer.
Here is a plan of the site.
My name is SHUYUAN ZHANG My student Number is 3632704
Task 1: Fill in the information required on these pages (3 and 4) and hand in a paper copy of your answers to your teacher by the last class of Week 14 at the latest.
My business function is ………………………………………………………………………
Building A is the Administration Area.
Building B is the ………………………………………………………………………………
Building C is the ………………………………………………………………………………
Building D is the ………………………………………………………………………………
Create subnets of equal size to cater for the Buildings A, B, C, the Server Farm, the connection between Building A and the Branch Office and the Branch subnet. Then fill out the Logical Topology Table on the next pages.
Logical Topology Table
SubnetName | SubnetAddress | SubnetMask | Hosts | Device | IP Address |
Server Farm
“ | Web
“ | DNS
“ | FTP Server
“ | EMAIL server
Building A to Branch
Connection |
Router Interface |
Building A
Router Interface |
Branch Network
Router Gateway
Branch PC
SubnetName | SubnetAddress | SubnetMask | Hosts | Device | IP Address |
Building A
“ | Router
“ | DHCP Server
“ | Printer
“ | Hosts,
Dynamic Addresses |
Building B
Subnet |
DHCP Server
Host Address
Building C
Subnet |
DHCP Server
Host address
Building D
ISR Internet Interface
Building A Router Interface | |||||
Router LAN
Host address
Task 2:Draw a plan on paper, showing the physical layout of devices and cabling for the business.
Task 3: Submit your IP Addressing Plan and your physical topology by the end of Week 14.When asked to, discuss your plans to your teacher for checking in Week 15.
Task 4: Construct a working Packet Tracer simulation of your concept. Your topology should simulate communication with the EMAIL, DNS and Fileservers in the Server Farm by the Buildings A, B, C and D where possible.
Use a total of two desktop or laptop PC’s in each subnet to represent the hosts with static addresses and another two that have dynamically configured IP addresses.
Task 5:After you have completed Tasks 1 to 4, answer these questions about your assignment.
Qu. 1 How many subnets did your business use?
Qu. 2 How many spare subnets are there?
Qu. 3 List the steps you would take to create a text file on a PC in Building B and to store it on the file server.
Qu. 4 List the steps you would take for a wirelessly connected host in Building D to retrieve this file.
Qu. 5 What do the commandsgetand putdo?
Qu. 6 List the steps you would take to ensure that the command ftp file-server works.
Qu. 7 A host in Building B wishes to retrieve the web page helloworld.html from the web server. Describe how you would configure the topology to do this.
Qu. 8 Set up the email server and hosts so that in Building B can send an email to at the Branch Office and reply to Jack.
Qu. 9 What version of RIP is used to advertise subnets?
Qu. 10 List the RIP commands that you needed to type in so that the Building A router and the Branch Office router can advertise their connected networks.
Task 6:Submit the following pieces of work for assessment
1 Physical Topology Plan, paper copy.
2 IP Planning Table, paper copy.
3 Task 5 Answers to Questions 1 to 10, paper copy.
4 Packet tracer simulation of your networks design, online.
All material must be submitted by the end of the last class in Week 17.
Marking guide for The Networking Assignment
Correctly filled out Planning Table, -0.5 for each error. (5)
Correctly designed Physical Topology Plan, -0.5 for each error. (5)
Demonstrate to teacher, thoroughly testing of the networks. (5)
Correctly answer the ten questions listed in “Task 5”. (5)
Server farm is correctly configured (2)
The Branch is correctly configured (2)
The serial cable is correctly configured. (2)
Building A is correctly configured (2)
Building B is correctly configured (2)
Building C is correctly configured (2)
Building D is correctly configured (2)
Correct Ethernet cabling has been used. (2)
Selected hosts can access the servers in the Server farm. (2)
Dynamically addressed hosts receive correct configurations (2)
Routers are correctly configured with RIP version 2 (2)
Selected hosts can retrieve a web page (2)
Selected hosts can store a file. (2)
Selected hosts can retrieve a file (2)
Selected hosts can resolve a domain name to an IP address (2)
Selected hosts in Building D receive correct dynamic IP configuration (2)
The ISRSSID is not advertised. (2)
The number of wireless users is limited to twenty-four. (2)
An appropriate security protocol such as WPA2 is used. (2)
A hacker cannot access the wireless network (2)
Total (60)
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