Flexible work hours
Flexible work hours
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the purpose of the paper to present a proposal for academic writing in business to find the flexible work hours.
My Idea: Flexible work hours
Flexible hours or flexi-time schemes. For example, an employee works from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. rather than from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. When employees arrive at different times
in the morning, this is called staggered hours. the name of a company is MEFIC Capital.
I want to answer these questions:
1- Effects: What will happen if this problem is not solved?
2- Effects: Who is affected by the problem? How many people?
3- What makes this a difficult problem to solve?
4- What are similar problems?
5- Causes: Why did it become a problem?
6- Who considers this to be a problem?
7- How long has it been a problem?
8- What have been some past attempts to solve the problem? How effective were they?
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