Individual Assignment, Posters are a good way to get across information quickly and concisely
Points: 50 Submitting: PPT or PDF file upload This is an Individual Assignment
Posters are a good way to get across information quickly and concisely. Posters are
widely used at conferences to give very straightforward information about research,
innovation and design. Posters summarize information concisely and attractively to
help publicize it and generate discussion.
The poster is usually a mixture of a brief text mixed with tables, graphs, pictures, and
other presentation formats. At a conference, the researcher stands by the poster display
while other participants can come and view the presentation and interact with the
You can get some good information about developing a poster at
You are a Kentucky Professional Engineer designing a temporary runoff catch basin
(pond) for the construction of a parking lot at a local Sports Complex. The purpose of
this catch basin is to provide an area where runoff that has picked up dirt and other
contaminants from the construction site will be collected and allowed to pond so that
sediment will settle out (University of Kentucky Transportation Center, 2009). This aids
in reducing the pollutant load that enters the receiving streams, allowing the water to
remain clean and available for downstream users.
Catch basins are typically dug out structures with enough storage to contain the runoff
from a small storm with enough detention time to allow the sediment and other
pollutants to settle to the bottom before the water is released.
The design criteria for a catch basin are as follows:
• Catch basins should be located where they will provide the best treatment (at the
outlet end of the longest flow path), preferably in a natural drain way.
• The minimum design storage capacity is 3600 cubic feet per acre of upland area
drained. The maximum design storage capacity is 10 acre-feet regardless of
upland area.
• The catch basin should provide a detention time of 24 hours for a 10-year, 24-
hour storm.
• Basin length from inlet to outlet should be at least 2 times the flow width.
• The side slope of the basin must have a maximum slope of 2H:1V.
You have been given a site map:
It is your job as the Professional Engineer to design the catch basin. You will do this by
following the steps below:
Step 1:
Identify the best location for placing the catch basin. Assume that the road follows the
land grade with the high elevation being on the left and the low elevation being on the
right. Make sure that you can justify the selection of your basin location.
Step 2:
Find the minimum volume of the basin based on the information provided above, to
contain the sediment runoff from the construction zone. Make sure to have your
calculations handy, showing all work.
Step 3:
Using the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Precipitation
Frequency Server located at,
find the expected rainfall for the 10-year, 24-hour storm in Lexington, KY. This should
be found in inches.
Step 4:
Using this information calculate the maximum volume that the catch basin must hold to
completely contain this storm event. Remember that Volume = Area * Depth, where
depth of runoff would be the expected rainfall found from the NOAA.
Step 5:
Design a rectangular basin to contain the runoff. This basin will be “dugout” meaning
that it will be dug below the existing ground surface. You will have an emergency
spillway that is 5’ up from the bottom of the basin to allow water to leave the basin. This
spillway has an 8’ bottom width and 1:1 side slopes (see drawing below). You will need
to provide a design drawing of the basin and spillway detail that will look something like
Step 6:
Create a stage-storage curve for the catch basin in Excel. This curve should identify the
stage on the vertical axis, the storage on the horizontal axis.
Stage-storage curves allow the people maintaining and inspecting the structures to
quickly and easily identify problems with the basin. It allows them to know if the basin is
ready for sediment removal.
You can do all of the calculation in an excel spreadsheet and then graph and fit a line to
the graph the Cumulative Volume vs. the Stage. For example:
Note that the volume at each stage is found using the formula:
� = �$ + �$&’
2 ∗ (�$ − �$&’)
Where Ai is the Plan View Area at stage i, and Si is the Vertical Stage Height at stage i.
In the end you should get something that looks like:
The Assignment:
Using PowerPoint, Create a poster which meets the design specifications of one of the
following professional societies:
• AIChE:
The poster should contain the following information:
• A design drawing showing the plan, lengthwise cross section, and widthwise
cross section of your catch basin.
• A Stage-Storage Curve which identifies the sediment storage depth, the
emergency spillway height, and the top of the catch basin.
• A map showing the location of the designed catch basin, along with a brief
justification for the choice of location.
• A discussion of why you designed your catch basin the way you did (list
assumptions, show calculations, identify collected data, etc.)
Your submission will come in 3 parts:
1. The poster in either PPT or PDF
2. The Excel Spreadsheet containing your calculated data and rating curve.
3. A PDF document containing all calculations completed following the standard
homework format.
University of Kentucky Transportation Center (2009). Best Management Practices
(BMPs) for Controlling Erosion, Sediment and Pollutant Runoff from Construction Sites.
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