
Showing posts from September, 2017

Effects of teratogens on the development of the embryo and foetus

Topic: Effects of teratogens on the development of the embryo and foetus Order Description Essay Question: Examine and discuss the effects of teratogens on the development of the embryo and foetus. Critically discuss why it is difficult to determine the effects of some of these agents, with particular reference to psychological theory and research. Content: ( /50) * Introduced topic area appropriately /10 * Appropriately answered all parts of the question /10 * Covered relevant psychological theories /10 * Demonstrated a sound knowledge and understanding of the topic /10 * Presented appropriate research evidence to support arguments /10 Structure: ( /30) * Appropriate introduction / 7.5 * Main points emerged clearly /10 * Logical progression of ideas throughout essay / 5 * Drew essay together in a sound and concise conclusion / 7.5 Referencing: ( /10) * Appropriate choice and number of references / 2 * Appropriate APA reference style used throughout (including refer...

Video Review and Summary

Topic: Video Review and Summary Order Description This is the video for this essay: Ethics in Public Service. (2014, February 13). Retrieved June 29, 2015, from As critical leaders in local government, city managers play an important role in driving and supporting ethical behavior and maintaining the public trust. The video below showcases several city managers from around the state of California discussing their ethical obligations to the people they serve. Develop a 500 word essay comparing similar trends and unique perspectives on ethical expectations vocalized by the various city managers of California. In addition, identify the video’s major theories, ideas, and concepts associated with sound ethical practices required by public leaders. The post Video Review and Summary appeared first on Homeworkacetutors . CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER………………………NO PLAGIARISM Get 100% Original papers from the writing experts     CLICK HERE TO GET A PROF...

The role of a Teaching Assistant (TA) in a Special Educational Needs (SEN) compared to the role of a TA in a mainstream school and the impact of this on the wider learning community and the child.

Topic: The role of a Teaching Assistant (TA) in a Special Educational Needs (SEN) compared to the role of a TA in a mainstream school and the impact of this on the wider learning community and the child. Order Description This is a Level 7 4000 word essay with a 10% lee way (so can be 3600-4400) for the Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) for Primary School. The learning outcomes for this essay are: • Synthesize and apply a critical understanding of theories of inclusive teaching and learning. • Identify and critically analyse the influences on the school as a learning community. This essay will identify the principal factors influencing the learning in a school setting. The essay will problematise the setting, analysing in an academically informed framework the nuances of the learning community in and outside the classroom: identifying factors which facilitate and impinge on successful learning. • Clear demonstration of Learning Outcomes 1 and 2 • Critical rationale f...

any works of art

Topic: any works of art Order Description be 5-8 written pages, double-spaced, include a cover sheet (that is not one of the 5-8 pages), bibliography with no less than 3 resources, and a slide sheet of images referencing your research. (I explain a slide sheet below) You may NOT use the course textbook as one of your resources and one of those 3 resources must be a (book) resource. Do NOT use ANY Web sites-NONE! I check your bibliography first and dock points for the use of any .com, .edu, .net, .gov sources. Articles/Journals/Authored and Published documents found on-line are acceptable as these are not web sites. These are found in databases as described below. All sources must be authored and have a publication date. You must use the Humanities System MLA/Chicago/Terabian citation styles to reference your works. Be sure to cite your research within the body of your text. Papers without citation will receive a maximum of 50% of points possible. Lack of citation within the text dro...

Aristotle and Plato’s view of the world

Topic: Topic: Aristotle and Plato’s view of the world Order Description Compare Aristotle’s and Plato’s view of the word from “Plato’s Timeaus p.1162 or p.8 depending on the source and “Aristotle on the heavens” p.71. Comparing On p. 1162 of the Timaeus Plato writes: “The world has been framed in the likeness of that which is apprehended by reason and mind and is unchangeable and must therefore of necessity, if this is admitted, be a copy of something.” and On p. 71 of On the Heavens Aristotle writes: “All the worlds must be composed of the same bodies being similar in nature. But at the same time each of these bodies must have the same potentialities … for if the bodies of another world resemble our own in name only and not in virtue of having the same form, then it would only be in name that the whole which they compose could be pronounced a world.” These three authors present different conceptions of the composition of the world. In a 750 word essay, please analyze two of th...

Write a paper addressing pay for performance

Topic: Write a paper addressing pay for performance Order Description These are the links to go to to get information affairs .org/health policy briefs/brief.pho?brief Http:// compare/ linking- quality-to-payment.html The post Write a paper addressing pay for performance appeared first on Homeworkacetutors . CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER………………………NO PLAGIARISM Get 100% Original papers from the writing experts     CLICK HERE TO GET A PROFESSIONAL WRITER TO WORK ON THIS PAPER AND OTHER SIMILAR PAPERS, GET A NON PLAGIARIZED PAPER FROM OUR EXPERTS……

a proposal to solve a Problem

Topic: a proposal to solve a Problem Order Description describing the problem and your solution/claim. include your research question. List your ideas that will support your claim and bring in a typed list of 5 specific sources. 1. description of the problem so that the audience understands that it is urgent. 2. your solution(claim) developed in detail and supported with source material. 3. overcome the objection to your solution,citing sources to back up your argument. a few ideas: 1. a local problem on your own campus- you can research it by interviewing students, faculty or administrators and finding out how other schools may have solved such problems. 2. lack of adequate child care in the community. 3. the perceived failure of public high schools to provide their students a rigorous education- you could focus on a specific problem such as a possible lack of counseling,curriculum, facilities, climate of learning. The post a proposal to solve a Problem appeared first on Ho...

poverty and social exclusion /social work in society

Topic: poverty and social exclusion /social work in society Order Description Writing the Patch: You should write (and plan) the Patch using Doel and Sawdon’s (1999) continuums to show you would plan a group work intervention. You do not have space to discuss all twelve continuums so you should select the ones which are most relevant to the group work you are planning. (Preferred continuum provided below at the bottom of instructions) This will vary according to (e.g.): Which service users the group is aimed at (prefer to use single mothers service user group); What the aims of the groupwork are; i.e. what it is intended to achieve. To be able to explore them fully you discuss a maximum of five continuums. This must include continuums 3, ‘Mix’ and 4 ‘Leadership’. This is because they relate to two essential parts of the assignment: e two continuums, in particular, should be used to discuss: ? Continuum 3 ‘Mix’ – Empowerment and anti-oppressive practice; ? Continuum 4 ‘Leadership’ – m...

The Creative Industries in an International Perspective

Topic: The Creative Industries in an International Perspective Order Description Answer one question only(choose one topic you are good at). And please use the reading list as followings as much as possible, you also can find some others sources, at least 16 sources. 1, What is cultural imperialism? Is it still an appropriate way of conceptualising the global flow of cultural products? Cultural Imperialism • Flew, T. (2013) Global Creative Industries. Cambridge: Polity. Chp 3 • Mirrlees, T. (2013) Global Entertainment Media. London:Routledge. Chp1 • Sparks, C. (2007) Globalization, Development and the Mass Media. London: Sage. Chps 5 & 6. Cultural globalization • Kawashima, N. (2011) Are the global media and entertainment conglomerates having an impact on cultural diversity? A critical assessment of the argument in the case of the film industry, International Journal of Cultural Policy, 17:5, 475-489 • Tomlinson, J. (1997) ‘Cultural Globalization and Cultural Imperialism’...

environmental biotechnology

Topic: environmental biotechnology Order Description Aim: Using publicly available sequence data provide an analysis comparing two or more metagenomes. Background: MG-RAST is a project run by Argonne National Laboratory (US). It is a helpful and relatively simple tool which can be used to analyse metagenomic data. The pipeline provided can be used for quality control, protein prediction and the necessary bioinformatic tools in order to annotate protein function and taxonomic classification of sequences The data used in this practical has been made publicly available by the teams who have published research using these sequences. This means that they have collected and extracted the DNA for sequencing. Once the sequencing files have been obtained all subsequent files have been uploaded onto MG-RAST, where they then undergo quality control protocols. To find out exactly what has been done to the sequences you select for your assignment, you will need to read the dataset report withi...

Role of the speaker in an informative speech

Role of the speaker in an informative speech The success or effectiveness of an informative speech is greatly determined by the speaker. The major goal of the speaker in an informative speech is to inform the target audience(“Defining an Informative Speech”, 2015). The speaker bears the responsibility to equip the target audience with knowledge concerning a particular topic of interest(“Informative Speeches”, 2015). In order to deliver information effectively, the speaker needs to be well familiar with the subject and have the ability to transform the complex nature of the topic to an understandable format. The speaker needs to be well acquitted with the necessary knowledge concerning the topic of interest either through research or personal experience to facilitate effectiveness. The speaker also needs communication skills to ensure that they harness interest from the target audience. An effective connection between the target audience and the speaker is mandatory in ensuring that th...


Homeschoolers refers to a tutor or parental-led alternative education of children at home, as opposed to a usual setting of a public or private school. In the past years homeschoolers, through the Home School Defencehas had to battle it out in the courts, and board hearings as to the rights of Homeschooled students, and the priorities they can both share with the other students from public and private schools. The battle was to cut the control of public schools towards homeschoolers. It is now legal in 50 states to homeschool, with very minimal requirements. This however has not completely settled the conflict between homeschooling and public schools. Participation in co-curriculum activities and joining certain public school programs while homeschooling becoming a major topic of discussion in board meetings and legislatures. These programs include public sports teams, clubs and bands. The results of this heated debates bringing whole new perspectives to the issue, and leaving the que...

Development of teaching resources

Development of teaching resources ULO2 – Create processes, experiences and teaching strategies that develop mathematical thinking in children. During their early stages of development, children explore and create different dimensions of learning mathematics. Such children compare different quantities, navigate their playgrounds, find patterns, and compare tall buildings among others. Understanding the concept of mathematics at the early age forms the foundation of the academic success of the children. The children not only need mathematical skills and understanding to excel in mathematics but in other subjects such as social studies, and sciences. When these children grow into adults, their use the mathematical knowledge acquired early to make informed decisions about their communities, jobs, civic lives, and households. However, Teachers are faced with numerous challenges when formulating the best practices to teach mathematics to young children. This study focuses on creating the ...

Key fundamental principles under threat

Required: Recommend an appropriate course of action. Use the following format for your answer. a) Key fundamental principles under threat The following fundamental principles are under threat based on the facts contained in the ethics and governance case. i) Integrity: As the deputy director of finance and information and as a professional accountant, I have the responsibility to act with integrity. I must ensure that final performance report represented to the trustees and regulator presents an honest and straightforward picture of the hospital’s performance during the financial year in question. By succumbing to the pressure from the director, the integrity principle will be under threat. ii) Objectivity: The objectivity principle which guides the performance of duties for an accountant or a finance officer is under threat. However, there are some ethical issues that threaten the objectivity of the duties. For instance, how can professional objectivity be maintained amid the pres...

In the article, language and literacy knowledge and understandings, by Hudson illustrates various aspects of language and literacy learned by children at their early age

In the article, language and literacy knowledge and understandings, by Hudson illustrates various aspects of language and literacy learned by children at their early age. The findings state that literacy not only entails writing and reading. People also learn through oral language, observation, drawing, visual, and critical literacy through the use questionnaires and analysis. According to study, Literacy forms a critical part of a child’s development process which enables them to understand, analyze and communicate with the environment effectively. During his study, Hudson is tested using all the aspects of language and literacy, listed above, to quantify their impact on child development. It can be observed that each aspect have a different influence. For instance, children use observation to name and label different things based on what their see. Likewise, visual imagery literacy allows children to communicate their feeling and views using different colours to draw different image...

Advertisement on the social media

Advertisement on the social media My target markets would be men and women of between 18 years and 35 years. I intend to design an electronic graphic advertisement. The graphic advertisement would be coloured and appealing to the eyes so that it can easily be seen by the people who would visit the social media1. I intend to use $82 for the design and production of the graphic advertisement. Thereafter, I would post it to several social media platforms which include twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. In an effort to increase the number of people who would have access to the advertisement, I intend to pay the social media companies a total sum of $200. By so doing, the companies would stream the advertisement on the timelines of all their customers (O. C. Ferrell, Michael Hartline, 2010, pp. 17-19). All the people who are within the country and have accounts with the social media giants would be able to view the advertisement. The advertisement would be the first thing that would...

Smoothing is meant for better analysis of the trend or pattern in the time series

Smoothing is meant for better analysis of the trend or pattern in the time series. Smoothing techniques are used to smooth the irregular trends within the time series pattern. For the purpose of the forecasting on the future trend in purchasing new motor vehicles, moving averages technique will be used for data smoothing. The moving average method refers to calculating the average of the most recent data (n-values). The average obtained is then used to forecast the future performance of the market. However, the assumption made is that the items under stay would remain constant over time. For example, It should be assumed that the real income for the Australian would increase or remain constant, the motor vehicle loans would be easily accessible, and the cost of maintaining these vehicles would remain constant The post Smoothing is meant for better analysis of the trend or pattern in the time series appeared first on Homeworkacetutors . CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER………………………NO PL...

The factors associated with the changes in the demand for new motor vehicles in Australia are economically instigated

The factors associated with the changes in the demand for new motor vehicles in Australia are economically instigated. There is a probability that the factors discussed below influenced the time series between 2007 and 2016. Likewise, the factors are more likely to influence the motor vehicle industry in the future as well. a. Change in Real income versus the motor vehicle prices Motor vehicles are characteristic with high elasticity of demand. When the real income is increased at a higher rate compared to the inflation, the demand for new cars increases because many people can afford their prices. In 2009 many people could not afford new motor vehicles following the global economic recession experienced in 2008. The inflation rate and taxes imposed on the normal goods were high. However, as the many countries started to recover from the financial crisis, inflation and tax rates dropped hence motor vehicles became more affordable. In 2012, real income for employees was increased lead...

Between 2007 and 2016 Justification:

Between 2007 and 2016 Justification: Using a 10-year period to analyze the number of new motor vehicles purchased and registered in Australia is significant for the study because it covers a large scope of time. The company will exclusively analyze the trends in the motor vehicle market because it directly affects the performance of insurance industry. Illustration: The number of new motor vehicles purchased and registered in Australia keeps increasing each year apart from in 2009. Apart from 2009 which registered only 920,109 new motor vehicles, all the other years registered over One million sale of new motor vehicles. It can be anticipated that the purchase of new motor vehicles would increase in future. The number is projected to head over 2 million new motor vehicles between the years 2023 and 2025. • Between 2015 and 2016 on a Monthly basis Justification The insurance policies offered by the company are not renewable after the expiry of the 12-month period. The firm focus ...

Many service providers characterize the global Insurance industry

Many service providers characterize the global Insurance industry. Competitors find it difficult to maintain customer loyalty for a long period because of the services provided by them is similar. In such an industry, there is the need to conduct a market feasibility study before investing more money. One method of examining the market is through examining its performance over the past periods. Focusing on the past changes in the market will help in projecting its future performance. One way of anticipating the future performance in the market by evaluating the past performance is by using the time series technique. This paper examines the performance of the Australian Insurance industry. The focus is to advise the Company that sells insurance to new car owners the anticipated changes in the market each month for two years between July 2017 and June 2019. The post Many service providers characterize the global Insurance industry appeared first on Homeworkacetutors . CLICK HERE TO ...

Key elements of the demographic data

Key elements of the demographic data The demographic data provides the name of the patient as Mr. Kasim Al-Mutar. Provision of the patient’s name is necessary for identification purposes. There may be other patients with similar medical conditions to the patient in question. The name would, therefore, be used to identify the intended patient. Besides, it is for every nurse to know the patient he or she is attending to by name. The patient’s age which is 49 years is also indicated. Diseases have different effects on people depending on the age of the persons. Besides, administration of medicine dose is pegged on a patient’s age. The data also indicates the condition from which the patient is suffering from. Symptoms which the patient has shown for the condition have also been indicated. The diagnosis information regarding the patient’s condition and symptoms would enable the next nurse to also relate the two and provides confirmation that the symptoms are not meant for any other medica...