Technical Education Development Institute
Technical Education Development Institute (TEDI) PROVIDER NUMBER: 22300 CRICOS NUMBER: 03221G Level 1, 212 King Street, Melbourne, Victoria – 3000 Ph: 03 9043 3926, Fax: 03 8678 0671
BSBSUS501_Develop Workplace Policy and Procedures
for Sustainability
Unit Description:
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to develop and implement a workplace sustainability policy and to modify the policy to suit changed circumstances.
It applies to individuals with managerial responsibilities who undertake work developing approaches to create, monitor and improve strategies and policies within workplaces and engage with a range of relevant stakeholders and specialists.
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
Unit Sector:
Industry Capability - Sustainability
Assessment 1 Project
Assessment 2 Written Assessment
Technical Education Development Institute (TEDI) PROVIDER NUMBER: 22300 CRICOS NUMBER: 03221G Level 1, 212 King Street, Melbourne, Victoria – 3000 Ph: 03 9043 3926,
Objective of Assessment
The primary objective of assessment is to support and encourage your learning.
Assessment results give the assessor an indication of how well you learnt in class and or areas you may need extra support.
Assessment Feedback and support throughout the Assessment Progress
Your assessor will give you feedback throughout the duration of the unit you are studying and after assessment results. The feedback given to you will always be to support your achievements and to monitor your progress throughout your studies.
Supporting for you in the Assessment Process
The assessment processes selected by the assessor should offer the participant the appropriate level of support. While some participants will not require a great deal of support, there will be others with particular needs. If the assessor is aware of these needs, he or she will be better able to assist participants to identify their skills. Participants will then feel more confident as they prepare for assessment – enabling them to focus on providing evidence against the specified criteria in a way that is known to be acceptable to the assessor
Assessment eligibility
To be eligible to sit in assessment you must have satisfactory course progress.
If you do not have satisfactory course progress you need to get an approval from academic department which allow you to sit in your assessment
Achieving a satisfactory result
· You will have 3 attempts to achieve a satisfactory outcome in your assessment.
· Should you not be successful in your attempt your assessor will provide directive feedback to guide to success in your second attempt.
· Should further assistance be required your assessor will provide you with one on one tutoring and or extra classes may be organised for you to attend.
· Assessment reasonable adjustment may be exercised by your assessor at their discretion
· If you are not successful in your first 3 assessment attempts you will be required to pay for any consecutive attempts.
Cheating and plagiarism
Technical Education Development Institute (TEDI) will not tolerate Cheating and plagiarism from any student. Listed below are actions that can and will be taken against you in the event you are caught cheating or plagiarising work.
· If you are caught cheating twice or more, you will be required to pay for your re-assessment
· You will be asked to leave the classroom
· Your cheating/plagiarism will be recorded in your student academic file
Assessor Intervention and reasonable adjustment
In the situation where you or your assessor feel that extra support needs to be given, your assessor will organise a time to meet with you and discuss the options available to you. Your assessors aim is to ensure the successful completion of your course with the least amount of difficulty.
Assessment complaints and appeals
Please refer to the Technical Education Development Institute (TEDI) Policies and procedure
True Education Pty Ltd Trading as Technical Education Development Institute Page 2 of 8
Technical Education Development Institute (TEDI) PROVIDER NUMBER: 22300 CRICOS NUMBER: 03221G Level 1, 212 King Street, Melbourne, Victoria – 3000 Ph: 03 9043 3926,
This form is to be completed by the assessor and used a final record of student competency.
All student submissions including any associated checklists (outlined below) are to be attached to this cover sheet before placing on the students file.
Student results are not to be entered onto the Student Database unless all relevant paperwork is completed and attached to this form.
Student Name: Student ID:
Unit Code and Unit Title: BSBSUS501 Develop Workplace policy and Procedures for Sustainability
Please attach the following
documentation to this form Result achieved
Assessment 1 U Project 11 Satisfactory 11 Not Satisfactory 11 Not
Assessment 2 U Written Assessment 11 Satisfactory 11 Not Satisfactory 11 Not
Final Assessment Result for this
unit Competent Not Yet Competent
Assessor Declaration:
I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback. Signature:
Date: /_____/_____
Technical Education Development Institute (TEDI) PROVIDER NUMBER: 22300 CRICOS NUMBER: 03221G Level 1, 212 King Street, Melbourne, Victoria – 3000 Ph: 03 9043 3926,
ASSESSMENT 1: Project Student Instructions
As part of this assessment Student role will be that of Human Resources Manager for the Organisation Melbourne Call Centre (MCC)
Recently within the organisation there have been discussions around the need to make the organisation ‘greener’ and more environmentally friendly. The CEO and the Board of Directors of Melbourne Call Centre (MCC) have only just become proactive in the need to review its policies and processes and introduce a Workplace Sustainability Policy. An Environmental and Sustainability Consultant has been engaged to conduct a review of the current workplace practices and they have identified the following areas where current practices can be reviewed:
· Paper is not recycled
· Lights are left on in office areas not being used
· Lights are not energy saving (most are down –lights)
· Doors and windows are left open when heating/ air conditioning is being used
· Electricity is purchased from a supplier with poor environmental performance levels
· Printer toners are thrown into the general rubbish
· Printed documents are not doubled sided
· Hard copy reports are printed for clients (rather than utilising soft copy versions)
· Computers are on all day- even if staff are not assigned to that work station
· Screen/ power saving computer screens are not being utilised when idle
· Plastic cups and bottles are not recycled
· Staff do not car pool or take public transport to work
The CEO has requested that you use the information provided by the Environmental and Sustainability Consultant to plan, develop and implement Workplace Sustainability Policy.
Part A
The CEO and Board of Directors would like to gauge the scope of the work involved in developing a Workplace Sustainability Policy. You have been requested to review the summary of information provided from the Environmental and Sustainability Consultant and provide a brief report addressing the following points to be considered:
1. The Scope of the Workplace Sustainability Policy for Melbourne Call Centre (MCC)
2. The type of information that is required to be collected to develop the policy and where the information can be gained. This should include relevant laws and any supporting documentation on best practices to support compliance in environmental performance and sustainability.
3. The nature and extent of stakeholder consultation that is required to be undertaken to introduce and implement sustainable work practices in line with the documented policy and procedure. Include methods to be used and to discuss possible approaches to policy development and implementation.
Technical Education Development Institute (TEDI) PROVIDER NUMBER: 22300 CRICOS NUMBER: 03221G Level 1, 212 King Street, Melbourne, Victoria – 3000 Ph: 03 9043 3926,
Part B
The CEO and Board of Directors have considered the information you have provided and prior to commitment to the development of a Workplace Sustainability Policy would like further information. The CEO has now requested that you now formalise a plan for the development and implementation of the Workplace Sustainability Policy and provide a detailed written report of your proposal.
In your report you should address each of the following key areas:
1. Identify appropriate strategies and support these with evidence.
2. Establish goals and objectives which indicate benchmarks. Indicate how the Strategic Plan could be updated to include these new goals and objectives. Do they fit in with the organisation’s overall objectives?
3. Outline recommendations for policy options based on likely effectiveness, timeframes and cost.
4. Draft a paragraph that reflects the Melbourne Call Centre (MCC) ethos and commitment to sustainability as an integral part of business planning and as a business opportunity. (This will be inserted into the whole policy and individual Position Descriptions at a later date.)
5. Outline the changes that will be required in the Organisational Chart and the Position Descriptions of individuals. Outline the updates to be made to other documents, including organisational policies/ documents. What new documents will be required to support new roles and responsibilities in the organisation?
6. Outline how you will develop and monitor policies for analysing data on enterprise resource consumption.
7. How will you manage the information technology requirements of the Sustainability Management System? Outline the software you will use to record and file information to measure organisational usage of resources and items relating to the policy. What software will you use to assist you in the analysis of charts, flowcharts, graphs and other visual data and information?
8. Recommend appropriate methods of implementation with evidence.
Part C
You are required to develop the Workplace Sustainability Policy and prepare the process for implementation. You are required to:
1. Prepare the finalised copy of the Workplace Sustainability Policy to be implemented
2. Prepare a promotional flyer that will inform staff of the new Melbourne Call Centre (MCC) Workplace Sustainability Policy. Include the positive outcomes of implementation to be expected by key stakeholders.
Technical Education Development Institute (TEDI) PROVIDER NUMBER: 22300 CRICOS NUMBER: 03221G Level 1, 212 King Street, Melbourne, Victoria – 3000 Ph: 03 9043 3926,
3. Write a memo to the CEO outlining the communication strategies you plan to use to communicate the new workplace sustainability policy. Include in the memo the methods you will use to communicate the message and how you will proceed, assign new responsibilities, and deal with potential conflicts.
Part D
A procedure to support the implementation of Workplace Sustainability Policy is now required to support the initial implementation of the new policy.
Create a procedural document to provide details in support of the implementation. It should cover:
· Summary outline of new Melbourne Call Centre (MCC) Workplace Sustainability Policy
· Changes to be implemented – new methods – changes to existing systems and practices
· Timeline of roll out
· Responsibilities assigned to staff – new roles
· How recording systems will be used to monitor the success of the roll out – what will be measured - benchmarks
· How continuous improvement will continue to be a strong focus within Melbourne Call Centre (MCC) and outline any strategies for supporting and encouraging the involvement of everyone in this process
Part E
The review on the Workplace Sustainability Policy has been conducted and the results of the review have identified the following:
· Electricity consumption has decreased by 20%
· Paper usage has not decreased
· Recyclable objects are still being found in the ‘normal’ rubbish bins
· Some staff have embraced the environmentally friendly practices and are sharing some ideas that can be implemented at home on the workplace intranet. The staff have decided to ban plastic throwaway cups used for coffee in the office and most staff have now brought in their own personal ceramic mugs to use instead.
With this new information you are required to review the Workplace Sustainability Policy and write a report to your CEO outlining the following considerations regarding the implementation:
· Impact of changes made
· Are the objectives being met?
· Has the use of resources increased or decreased? How will the answer to this be addressed?
· Recommendations for changes to the policy
· What are the perceptions of employees regarding the new policy/policies relating to diversity?
Student Declaration:
I declare that the work submitted is my own, and has not been copied or plagiarised from any person or source. Signature
Technical Education Development Institute (TEDI) PROVIDER NUMBER: 22300 CRICOS NUMBER: 03221G Level 1, 212 King Street, Melbourne, Victoria – 3000 Ph: 03 9043 3926,
All assessors must use this checklist when observing student(s) undertaking their
One checklist is to be completed per student(s).
Student Name: Student ID:
Student checklist
Serial no. In undertaking this task, did the student
1 Defined the scope of the sustainability policy. 0 Yes 0 No
2 Identified and gathered the information from different sources to develop the policy 0 Yes 0 No
3 Identified and consulted relevant stakeholders to introduce and implement sustainable work practices in line with the documented policy and procedure 0 Yes 0 No
4 Included methods to be used and to discuss possible approaches to policy development and implementation. 0 Yes 0 No
5 Identified appropriate strategies and support these with evidence. 0 Yes 0 No
6 Established goals and objectives which indicated benchmarks. 0 Yes 0 No
7 Indicated how the Strategic Plan could be updated to include these new goals and objectives. Do they fit in with the organisation’s overall objectives? 0 Yes 0 No
8 Outlined recommendations for policy options based on likely effectiveness, timeframes and cost. 0 Yes 0 No
9 Drafted a paragraph that reflects the Melbourne Call Centre (MCC) ethos and commitment to sustainability as an integral part of business planning and as a business opportunity. 0 Yes 0 No
10 Outlined the changes that will be required in the
Organisational Chart and the Position Descriptions of
individuals. 0 Yes 0 No
11 Outlined the updates to be made to other documents,
including organisational policies/ documents. What new
documents will be required to support new roles and
responsibilities in the organisation? 0 Yes 0 No
12 Outlined how to develop and monitor policies for analysing
data on enterprise resource consumption 0 Yes 0 No
13 Explained how information technology requirements of the Sustainability Management System will be managed? 0 Yes 0 No
True Education Pty Ltd Trading as Technical Education Development Institute Page 7 of 8
Technical Education Development Institute (TEDI) PROVIDER NUMBER: 22300 CRICOS NUMBER: 03221G Level 1, 212 King Street, Melbourne, Victoria – 3000 Ph: 03 9043 3926,
14 Outlined the software you will be used to record and file information to measure organisational usage of resources and items relating to the policy. 0 Yes 0 No
15 What software will be used to assist you in the analysis of charts, flowcharts, graphs and other visual data and information? 0 Yes 0 No
16 Recommended appropriate methods of implementation with evidence 0 Yes 0 No
17 Developed the Workplace Sustainability Policy to be
implemented 0 Yes 0 No
18 Prepared a promotional flyer that will inform staff of the new Melbourne Call Centre (MCC) Workplace Sustainability Policy. 0 Yes 0 No
19 Included the positive outcomes of implementation to be expected by key stakeholder 0 Yes 0 No
20 Identified strategies and methods that will be used to
communicate the message and how they will be proceed, 0 Yes 0 No
21 Assigned new responsibilities, and dealt with potential
conflicts 0 Yes 0 No
22 Created a procedural document to provide details in support of the implementation 0 Yes 0 No
23 Reviewed, prepared and submitted the Workplace Sustainability Policy implementation 0 Yes 0 No
24 Identified trends required for remedial actions 0 Yes 0 No
25 Modified policy and procedures for continuous improvement. 0 Yes 0 No
Assessor Feedback:
Assessor Declaration:
I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and
flexible assessment with this Student, and I have
provided appropriate feedback. Signature:
BSBSUS501_Develop Workplace Policy and Procedures
for Sustainability
Unit Description:
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to develop and implement a workplace sustainability policy and to modify the policy to suit changed circumstances.
It applies to individuals with managerial responsibilities who undertake work developing approaches to create, monitor and improve strategies and policies within workplaces and engage with a range of relevant stakeholders and specialists.
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
Unit Sector:
Industry Capability - Sustainability
Assessment 1 Project
Assessment 2 Written Assessment
Technical Education Development Institute (TEDI) PROVIDER NUMBER: 22300 CRICOS NUMBER: 03221G Level 1, 212 King Street, Melbourne, Victoria – 3000 Ph: 03 9043 3926,
Objective of Assessment
The primary objective of assessment is to support and encourage your learning.
Assessment results give the assessor an indication of how well you learnt in class and or areas you may need extra support.
Assessment Feedback and support throughout the Assessment Progress
Your assessor will give you feedback throughout the duration of the unit you are studying and after assessment results. The feedback given to you will always be to support your achievements and to monitor your progress throughout your studies.
Supporting for you in the Assessment Process
The assessment processes selected by the assessor should offer the participant the appropriate level of support. While some participants will not require a great deal of support, there will be others with particular needs. If the assessor is aware of these needs, he or she will be better able to assist participants to identify their skills. Participants will then feel more confident as they prepare for assessment – enabling them to focus on providing evidence against the specified criteria in a way that is known to be acceptable to the assessor
Assessment eligibility
To be eligible to sit in assessment you must have satisfactory course progress.
If you do not have satisfactory course progress you need to get an approval from academic department which allow you to sit in your assessment
Achieving a satisfactory result
· You will have 3 attempts to achieve a satisfactory outcome in your assessment.
· Should you not be successful in your attempt your assessor will provide directive feedback to guide to success in your second attempt.
· Should further assistance be required your assessor will provide you with one on one tutoring and or extra classes may be organised for you to attend.
· Assessment reasonable adjustment may be exercised by your assessor at their discretion
· If you are not successful in your first 3 assessment attempts you will be required to pay for any consecutive attempts.
Cheating and plagiarism
Technical Education Development Institute (TEDI) will not tolerate Cheating and plagiarism from any student. Listed below are actions that can and will be taken against you in the event you are caught cheating or plagiarising work.
· If you are caught cheating twice or more, you will be required to pay for your re-assessment
· You will be asked to leave the classroom
· Your cheating/plagiarism will be recorded in your student academic file
Assessor Intervention and reasonable adjustment
In the situation where you or your assessor feel that extra support needs to be given, your assessor will organise a time to meet with you and discuss the options available to you. Your assessors aim is to ensure the successful completion of your course with the least amount of difficulty.
Assessment complaints and appeals
Please refer to the Technical Education Development Institute (TEDI) Policies and procedure
True Education Pty Ltd Trading as Technical Education Development Institute Page 2 of 8
Technical Education Development Institute (TEDI) PROVIDER NUMBER: 22300 CRICOS NUMBER: 03221G Level 1, 212 King Street, Melbourne, Victoria – 3000 Ph: 03 9043 3926,
This form is to be completed by the assessor and used a final record of student competency.
All student submissions including any associated checklists (outlined below) are to be attached to this cover sheet before placing on the students file.
Student results are not to be entered onto the Student Database unless all relevant paperwork is completed and attached to this form.
Student Name: Student ID:
Unit Code and Unit Title: BSBSUS501 Develop Workplace policy and Procedures for Sustainability
Please attach the following
documentation to this form Result achieved
Assessment 1 U Project 11 Satisfactory 11 Not Satisfactory 11 Not
Assessment 2 U Written Assessment 11 Satisfactory 11 Not Satisfactory 11 Not
Final Assessment Result for this
unit Competent Not Yet Competent
Assessor Declaration:
I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback. Signature:
Date: /_____/_____
Technical Education Development Institute (TEDI) PROVIDER NUMBER: 22300 CRICOS NUMBER: 03221G Level 1, 212 King Street, Melbourne, Victoria – 3000 Ph: 03 9043 3926,
ASSESSMENT 1: Project Student Instructions
As part of this assessment Student role will be that of Human Resources Manager for the Organisation Melbourne Call Centre (MCC)
Recently within the organisation there have been discussions around the need to make the organisation ‘greener’ and more environmentally friendly. The CEO and the Board of Directors of Melbourne Call Centre (MCC) have only just become proactive in the need to review its policies and processes and introduce a Workplace Sustainability Policy. An Environmental and Sustainability Consultant has been engaged to conduct a review of the current workplace practices and they have identified the following areas where current practices can be reviewed:
· Paper is not recycled
· Lights are left on in office areas not being used
· Lights are not energy saving (most are down –lights)
· Doors and windows are left open when heating/ air conditioning is being used
· Electricity is purchased from a supplier with poor environmental performance levels
· Printer toners are thrown into the general rubbish
· Printed documents are not doubled sided
· Hard copy reports are printed for clients (rather than utilising soft copy versions)
· Computers are on all day- even if staff are not assigned to that work station
· Screen/ power saving computer screens are not being utilised when idle
· Plastic cups and bottles are not recycled
· Staff do not car pool or take public transport to work
The CEO has requested that you use the information provided by the Environmental and Sustainability Consultant to plan, develop and implement Workplace Sustainability Policy.
Part A
The CEO and Board of Directors would like to gauge the scope of the work involved in developing a Workplace Sustainability Policy. You have been requested to review the summary of information provided from the Environmental and Sustainability Consultant and provide a brief report addressing the following points to be considered:
1. The Scope of the Workplace Sustainability Policy for Melbourne Call Centre (MCC)
2. The type of information that is required to be collected to develop the policy and where the information can be gained. This should include relevant laws and any supporting documentation on best practices to support compliance in environmental performance and sustainability.
3. The nature and extent of stakeholder consultation that is required to be undertaken to introduce and implement sustainable work practices in line with the documented policy and procedure. Include methods to be used and to discuss possible approaches to policy development and implementation.
Technical Education Development Institute (TEDI) PROVIDER NUMBER: 22300 CRICOS NUMBER: 03221G Level 1, 212 King Street, Melbourne, Victoria – 3000 Ph: 03 9043 3926,
Part B
The CEO and Board of Directors have considered the information you have provided and prior to commitment to the development of a Workplace Sustainability Policy would like further information. The CEO has now requested that you now formalise a plan for the development and implementation of the Workplace Sustainability Policy and provide a detailed written report of your proposal.
In your report you should address each of the following key areas:
1. Identify appropriate strategies and support these with evidence.
2. Establish goals and objectives which indicate benchmarks. Indicate how the Strategic Plan could be updated to include these new goals and objectives. Do they fit in with the organisation’s overall objectives?
3. Outline recommendations for policy options based on likely effectiveness, timeframes and cost.
4. Draft a paragraph that reflects the Melbourne Call Centre (MCC) ethos and commitment to sustainability as an integral part of business planning and as a business opportunity. (This will be inserted into the whole policy and individual Position Descriptions at a later date.)
5. Outline the changes that will be required in the Organisational Chart and the Position Descriptions of individuals. Outline the updates to be made to other documents, including organisational policies/ documents. What new documents will be required to support new roles and responsibilities in the organisation?
6. Outline how you will develop and monitor policies for analysing data on enterprise resource consumption.
7. How will you manage the information technology requirements of the Sustainability Management System? Outline the software you will use to record and file information to measure organisational usage of resources and items relating to the policy. What software will you use to assist you in the analysis of charts, flowcharts, graphs and other visual data and information?
8. Recommend appropriate methods of implementation with evidence.
Part C
You are required to develop the Workplace Sustainability Policy and prepare the process for implementation. You are required to:
1. Prepare the finalised copy of the Workplace Sustainability Policy to be implemented
2. Prepare a promotional flyer that will inform staff of the new Melbourne Call Centre (MCC) Workplace Sustainability Policy. Include the positive outcomes of implementation to be expected by key stakeholders.
Technical Education Development Institute (TEDI) PROVIDER NUMBER: 22300 CRICOS NUMBER: 03221G Level 1, 212 King Street, Melbourne, Victoria – 3000 Ph: 03 9043 3926,
3. Write a memo to the CEO outlining the communication strategies you plan to use to communicate the new workplace sustainability policy. Include in the memo the methods you will use to communicate the message and how you will proceed, assign new responsibilities, and deal with potential conflicts.
Part D
A procedure to support the implementation of Workplace Sustainability Policy is now required to support the initial implementation of the new policy.
Create a procedural document to provide details in support of the implementation. It should cover:
· Summary outline of new Melbourne Call Centre (MCC) Workplace Sustainability Policy
· Changes to be implemented – new methods – changes to existing systems and practices
· Timeline of roll out
· Responsibilities assigned to staff – new roles
· How recording systems will be used to monitor the success of the roll out – what will be measured - benchmarks
· How continuous improvement will continue to be a strong focus within Melbourne Call Centre (MCC) and outline any strategies for supporting and encouraging the involvement of everyone in this process
Part E
The review on the Workplace Sustainability Policy has been conducted and the results of the review have identified the following:
· Electricity consumption has decreased by 20%
· Paper usage has not decreased
· Recyclable objects are still being found in the ‘normal’ rubbish bins
· Some staff have embraced the environmentally friendly practices and are sharing some ideas that can be implemented at home on the workplace intranet. The staff have decided to ban plastic throwaway cups used for coffee in the office and most staff have now brought in their own personal ceramic mugs to use instead.
With this new information you are required to review the Workplace Sustainability Policy and write a report to your CEO outlining the following considerations regarding the implementation:
· Impact of changes made
· Are the objectives being met?
· Has the use of resources increased or decreased? How will the answer to this be addressed?
· Recommendations for changes to the policy
· What are the perceptions of employees regarding the new policy/policies relating to diversity?
Student Declaration:
I declare that the work submitted is my own, and has not been copied or plagiarised from any person or source. Signature
Technical Education Development Institute (TEDI) PROVIDER NUMBER: 22300 CRICOS NUMBER: 03221G Level 1, 212 King Street, Melbourne, Victoria – 3000 Ph: 03 9043 3926,
All assessors must use this checklist when observing student(s) undertaking their
One checklist is to be completed per student(s).
Student Name: Student ID:
Student checklist
Serial no. In undertaking this task, did the student
1 Defined the scope of the sustainability policy. 0 Yes 0 No
2 Identified and gathered the information from different sources to develop the policy 0 Yes 0 No
3 Identified and consulted relevant stakeholders to introduce and implement sustainable work practices in line with the documented policy and procedure 0 Yes 0 No
4 Included methods to be used and to discuss possible approaches to policy development and implementation. 0 Yes 0 No
5 Identified appropriate strategies and support these with evidence. 0 Yes 0 No
6 Established goals and objectives which indicated benchmarks. 0 Yes 0 No
7 Indicated how the Strategic Plan could be updated to include these new goals and objectives. Do they fit in with the organisation’s overall objectives? 0 Yes 0 No
8 Outlined recommendations for policy options based on likely effectiveness, timeframes and cost. 0 Yes 0 No
9 Drafted a paragraph that reflects the Melbourne Call Centre (MCC) ethos and commitment to sustainability as an integral part of business planning and as a business opportunity. 0 Yes 0 No
10 Outlined the changes that will be required in the
Organisational Chart and the Position Descriptions of
individuals. 0 Yes 0 No
11 Outlined the updates to be made to other documents,
including organisational policies/ documents. What new
documents will be required to support new roles and
responsibilities in the organisation? 0 Yes 0 No
12 Outlined how to develop and monitor policies for analysing
data on enterprise resource consumption 0 Yes 0 No
13 Explained how information technology requirements of the Sustainability Management System will be managed? 0 Yes 0 No
True Education Pty Ltd Trading as Technical Education Development Institute Page 7 of 8
Technical Education Development Institute (TEDI) PROVIDER NUMBER: 22300 CRICOS NUMBER: 03221G Level 1, 212 King Street, Melbourne, Victoria – 3000 Ph: 03 9043 3926,
14 Outlined the software you will be used to record and file information to measure organisational usage of resources and items relating to the policy. 0 Yes 0 No
15 What software will be used to assist you in the analysis of charts, flowcharts, graphs and other visual data and information? 0 Yes 0 No
16 Recommended appropriate methods of implementation with evidence 0 Yes 0 No
17 Developed the Workplace Sustainability Policy to be
implemented 0 Yes 0 No
18 Prepared a promotional flyer that will inform staff of the new Melbourne Call Centre (MCC) Workplace Sustainability Policy. 0 Yes 0 No
19 Included the positive outcomes of implementation to be expected by key stakeholder 0 Yes 0 No
20 Identified strategies and methods that will be used to
communicate the message and how they will be proceed, 0 Yes 0 No
21 Assigned new responsibilities, and dealt with potential
conflicts 0 Yes 0 No
22 Created a procedural document to provide details in support of the implementation 0 Yes 0 No
23 Reviewed, prepared and submitted the Workplace Sustainability Policy implementation 0 Yes 0 No
24 Identified trends required for remedial actions 0 Yes 0 No
25 Modified policy and procedures for continuous improvement. 0 Yes 0 No
Assessor Feedback:
Assessor Declaration:
I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and
flexible assessment with this Student, and I have
provided appropriate feedback. Signature:
- Assignment status: Solved by our Writing Team at
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