Milton Friedman's

Essay topic: Select and research one (1) of the company situations listed below and discuss the legal and ethical issues surrounding it.  A citation for each company is provided to get you started and you may use this citation as one of your sources. 
Your essay should include the following, organized in your paper using headings with logical and smooth transitions.
1)  A well-formulated introduction that 
· identifies the company, 
· briefly explains the company's legal and ethical problem, and 
· provides a thesis statement for the paper that provides the reader a well-conceived approach or practical perspective on the problem presented by the company's situation. This will demonstrate more than one academic topic is covered.
2)  Discuss how the philosophy of economist Milton Friedman's shareholder or free market ethics may have influenced the leadership of the company.
3)  Identify and define another ethical framework that the company leadership could have utilized in this situation and explain how this ethical framework would have led to a different result.  Explain specifically how the company effectively would have employed this framework.
4) Identify and apply 3 general legal topics out of the following 6: 
Intellectual Property and Antitrust 
Corporate Contracts
Business law and Ethics
Corporate Culture
Corporate Ethics
Fully define these principles and analyze their application to your chosen company's issues and circumstances. Include in-text citations.
· Ford Motor Company - Pinto car defect - Beginning informational source: The Pinto memo: "It's cheaper to let them burn!" (2008, October 17). The Spokesman-Review. Retrieved from   Additional source:  Case study: Ford's Pinto: Collective welfare versus rights and freedom. (2014, January 22). ethicsworkshop. YouTube.  [Video File]. Retrieved from (6:23 minutes)
· Boeing - 737 MAX defect, plane crashes - Beginning informational source: Italiano, L. (2019, May 19). Boeing acknowledges flaw in in 737 MAX flight simulators. New York Post. Retrieved from
· Purdue Pharmaceutical - Opiod lawsuits (and at least one huge settlement):   Beginning informational source: Chatterjee, P. (2018, January 25). New York City sues Purdue Pharmaceutical and others over opiod deaths. Corpwatch. Retrieved from
Length of paper: 1900-2300 words. 
Sources: At least 7 credible sources should support your essay.
A sample outline is attached to help you organize the paper.
An abstract is not needed and will not count in your word count. 
Attached is an outline format for the paper. Please follow this format. Also attached are a few articles that can be used for references. Please try to use at least 3 of these for the essay and the remainder being outside sources.


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