Marketing Principles. London: BPP Learning Media.

Maldives Business School Cover Page

Bachelor’s Degree Year 1
The student must fill the relevant parts of the following table.
Student First Name Student Last Name Student ID Task No. Date submitted Date issued
6th October 2019
Statement of authenticity
I, the above named student, hereby confirm that this assignment is my own work and not copied or plagiarized. It has not previously been submitted as part of any assessment. All the sources, from which information has been obtained for this assignment, have been referenced in the Harvard format. I further confirm that I have read and understood the Maldives Business School rules and regulations about plagiarism and copying and agree to be bound by them.
Assignment summary information
Unit Unit 4: Marketing Principles Modality V
Specialization Core
Assignment type This is an individual assignment.
Tasks Submit on Do on
Task 1: Examination: LO1, LO2. NA 23rd November 2019
Task 2: Report: LO3, LO4. 3rd December 2019 NA
Extensions An extension must be applied for in writing by individual students and will only be granted for valid reasons.
Late submissions Late submissions will be marked for all grades but will incur a fine of MVR 250 per task.
Resubmissions: Each resubmission will be charged MVR 100.
Assessor(s): Prof. Sandeep Singh Sikerwar Internal verifier: Nabeela Haleem
Assessor(s) please fill the table below AFTER the evaluation.
Assessment criteria Task Maximum Marks Marks Obtained IV Comments
1.1 1 12
1.2 1 12
2.1 1 16
2.2 1 10
3.1 2 12.5
3.2 2 12.5
4.1 2 12.5
4.2 2 12.5
Total Marks 100
Assessor’s Name Signature Date
This is the cover page for your assignment. Each task must have this cover page. A missing cover page will require you to resubmit the task and a fee of MVR 50 will be charged. Read the document titled “Additional Guidance on Assignments” for help on the general report format, general presentation format and referencing. Evidences required to achieve each criterion are given just below each criterion. End of cover page.
Statement of Grades:
Marks Representative Grade Grade Interpretation
85 & Above A * Higher Distinction
75 to 84 A Distinction
65 to 74 B Merit
50 to 64 C Pass
Below 50 F Fail

Unit outcomes are given below. Assessment criteria and evidence requirements are given below each task.
Learning Outcome 1 Understand the concept and process of marketing
Learning Outcome 2 Be able to use the concepts of segmentation, targeting and positioning.
Learning Outcome 3 Understand the individual elements of the extended marketing mix
Learning Outcome 4 Be able to use the marketing mix in different contexts.
Criterion Distribution Table 1.1 1.2 2.1 2.2 3.1 3.2 4.1 4.2
T1 T1 T1 T1 T2 T2 T2 T2
At least two of these sources must be cited in relevant tasks in your assignment.
1. BPP Learning Media. 2010. Business essentials: Marketing Principles. London: BPP Learning Media.
2. Beckman, N. S. and Davidson, R. W. 1967. Marketing. New York, US: Ronald Publishing. Available through: marketing [Accessed: 28th September 2019.]
3. Kotler, P. and Armstrong, G. 2012. Principles of Marketing (14th ed.). [online] New Jersey, US: Pearson Prentice Hall.
4. Lamb, C.W., Hair, H.F. (Jr.) and McDaniel, C. 2011. Marketing (11th ed.). [Online] Ohio, US: South-Western Cengage Learning.
In this task you will take a classroom assessment. It will assess you on the following criteria.
1. Explain the various elements of the marketing process. (1.1) (12 Marks)
You should:
A. Identify the various elements of the marketing process.
1. Marketing Definition
2. SWOT analysis
3. Integrated Marketing Communication
4. Relationship marketing.
B. Explain the identified elements of the marketing process.
2. Evaluate the benefits and costs of a marketing orientation for a selected organization. (1.2) (12 Marks)
You should:
A. Identify the different marketing orientation practiced by business organization.
B. Briefly describe the costs and benefits of the marketing orientation.
3. Show macro and micro environmental factors which influence marketing decisions.(2.1)
(16 Marks)
You should:
A. Identify and discuss various macro-environmental factors.
B. Identify and discuss the tools used for micro-environmental factors analysis.
4. Propose segmentation criteria to be used for products in different markets. (2.2)
(10 Marks)
You should:
A. Identify and analyze the various segmentation strategy used by business organizations.
B. Identify and analyze the various targeting strategies use by business organizations.
(This provides evidence for LO1, LO2)
Marketing as a function has gained wide importance and popularity around the business world. Every business organization wants to reap the benefits of successful marketing in terms of increased sales, achieve high market share in the industry and heightened brand awareness. Marketing involves a wide range of activities and plays the major role in establishing and maintaining contacts between a business organization and its markets.

You have recently been appointed and joined as an Assistant Sales & Marketing Manager at Blue Bird Supermart (fictional), one of the leading supermarket chain in the Maldives exclusively dealing in Philips Televisions in the Maldives. Currently the business is facing stiff competition from other major players in supermarket and global brands in the Maldives resulting in decline in sales, revenue and profit of the business. In order to revive the future business prospects and to bring the business back on track, company CEO has asked you to prepare a short marketing report of the business.
Prepare a report on the marketing process of a selected organization titled “Developing the Marketing Process for Philips Televisions”. Your report should be unified and coherent. It must not exceed 2500 words.
1. Explain how products are developed to sustain competitive advantage.(3.1) (12.5 Marks)
You should:
A. Define the term ‘marketing mix’.
B. Explain the elements of the marketing mix with reference to a product.
2. Explain how distribution is arranged to provide customer convenience. (3.2)
(12.5 Marks)
You should:
A. Briefly explain the term ‘distribution’ and ‘distribution channel’.
B. Explain the types and functions of the distribution channels available to a selected product/service.
3. Plan marketing mixes for two different segments in consumer markets. (4.1)
(12.5 Marks)
You should:
A. Identify another profitable market segment for the selected product/service.
B. Plan and explain a marketing mix for a selected segment for a product/service.
4. Illustrate differences in marketing products and services to businesses rather than consumers. (4.2) (12.5 Marks)
You should:
A. Explain the concept of B2B marketing.
B. Explain the differences in the characteristics of marketing a chosen product/service to business as well as consumers.
(This provides evidence for LO3, LO4)
1. Submit Task 2 Report as a PDF file. Name the file as: BY1_V_Unit4_MKTPR_Oct2019_Task2_Report_FirstnameLastname_StudentID. Replace FirstnameLastname with your first name and last name and StudentID with your student ID. Attach any highly relevant documents as appendices.
2. Do not submit the first draft of your report. The report you submit must be at least the second edited version. Do the final editing: proof read for logical errors, spelling and grammar.
3. Remember to upload all the files before you click the “Submit” button.

End of assessment brief. Good luck. ?


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