There will be specific parameters within which an organisation expects staff to operate – these will be formulated in the organisation’s vision, mission, policies and procedures

Case Management
Assignment 1
Student name:
Trainer Name:
Assessor to decide if the student has demonstrated the skills to the required standard and check Yes or No accordingly.
Task to complete Completed Satisfactorily Yes Completed Satisfactorily No
Short Answer Question 1a
Short Answer Question 1b
Short Answer Question 1c
Short Answer Question 1d
Short Answer Question 1e
Short Answer Question 2a
Short Answer Question 2b
Short Answer Question 2c
Short Answer Question 2d
Short Answer Question 2e
Short Answer Question 3a
Short Answer Question 3b
Short Answer Question 4a
Short Answer Question 4b
Short Answer Question 4c
Short Answer Question 5
Short Answer Question 6
Short Answer Question 7a
Short Answer Question 7b
Short Answer Question 8
Short Answer Question 8b
Short Answer Question 8c i
Short Answer Question 8c ii
Short Answer Question 8c iii
Short Answer Question 9
Short Answer Question 10a
Short Answer Question 10b
Short Answer Question 10c
Short Answer Question 10d
Short Answer Question 11a
Short Answer Question 11b
Short Answer Question 11c
Short Answer Question 11d
Short Answer Question 11e
Short Answer Question 12a
Short Answer Question 12b
Short Answer Question 12c
Short Answer Question 12d
Short Answer Question 12e i
Short Answer Question 12e ii
Short Answer Question 12f i
Short Answer Question 12f ii
Short Answer Question 12f iii
Short Answer Question 13a
Short Answer Question 13b
Short Answer Question 14a i
Short Answer Question 14a ii
Short Answer Question 14a iii
Short Answer Question 14b i
Short Answer Question 14b ii
Short Answer Question 14b iii
Short Answer Question 14c
Student name
Assessor name
Assessor signature
To progress towards demonstrating application and competency in the units:
CHCEDU001 Provide community focused health promotion and prevention strategies CHCCSM005 Develop, facilitate and monitor all aspects of case management CHCCCS004 Assess co-existing needs
The assessment task will demonstrate your ability to:
• Understand the topics related to the units you are studying
For this assessment you are to complete a series of short answer questions. Each question should take between 100-150 words to answer.
• The following tasks have been created to assess your skills and knowledge.
• Answer each question fully
• Each answer should be no more than 150 words.

1. There will be specific parameters within which an organisation expects staff to operate – these will be formulated in the organisation’s vision, mission, policies and procedures. With reference to these factors explain the following:
a) How would you ensure that client rights are fully supported?
b) How would you involve clients in decision-making?
c) How would you ensure that both you, as a case manager, and the organisation you are working in are operating within the necessary legislative parameters?
d) What systems are in place for sharing information and how privacy law affects information sharing?
e) How do you identify statutory mandates relating to interventions that might be necessary for the care of the client?
2. With regards to duty of care, when a client presents with the following issues name two potential risks and two responsibilities we have as worker in this field:
a) Victim of Child Abuse
b) Victim of Domestic violence
c) Suicidal ideation
d) Victim of Elder Abuse
e) Person with disabilities who is being abused
3. From the list below, select one of the Acts:
• Disability Inclusion Act 2014 (NSW)
• Mental health Act 2015
• The Community Advocate Act 1991
• Disability Discrimination Act 1992
• Work Health and Safety Act 2011
• Information and Privacy Commission NSW
• The Guardianship and Management of Property Act 1991
• The Children and Young People Act 2008 And then answer the following questions
a) Outline the basic tenets of the Act and explain how it impacts on the work that you do.
b) Give examples of its application.
4. Read the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion which can be found at the link below and use it to answer the following questions.
a. What is the purpose of this document?
b. What are the fundamental conditions and resources for good health?

c. What is health promotion? Describe some actions it expects that countries will do?
5. Working with clients to set goals is an important part of the case management process.
• Describe how you might include clients in this process.
6. Cultural considerations are a necessary part of case management planning in offering an inclusive service to all clients.
• Outline the strategies for including diverse cultures in the planning process.
7. Dealing with high risk or complex situations requires an understanding of the risk process and the necessary strategies to use.
a) Outline the processes that can be used to assist clients in these situations.
b) What strategies could you implement when dealing with high risk or complex situations?
8. Max is a 23-year old male who has approached your service seeking assistance for alcohol misuse. Max discloses that he was referred to your service by the social worker at the local hospital as he was hospitalised over the weekend because he was found unconscious outside of a nightclub. He reports that he has no recollection of the event and that the police have requested to speak to him regarding an undisclosed matter that occurred the same evening.
Aida is a 25-year old female who has recently left her husband due to domestic violence. She presents to your service reporting that she has no accommodation, income or family support. Aida discloses that as a result of leaving her husband, her family will disown her for bringing shame to her family. Aida has not completed high school and has never been employed, as her husband was the primary income earner for the household.
a) Identify the multi-facet needs and issues affecting Max and Aida and any potential interrelationships between them.
b) Describe the process you would undertake to gather existing information with regards to Max and Aida.
c) To assist Aida to get the services she requires you need to:
i. Identify one service she requires
ii. Research this service and describe the characteristic of the services eligibility?
iii. Does Aida meet the eligibility of this service?

9. Briefly describe the characteristics of a client who would not require a needs assessment.
10. Conduct research using suitable methods (internet, library, resource materials …) to:
a) Identify an appropriate assessment tool for clients with substance misuse issues
b) Include information regarding the purpose and scope of the assessment tool
c) Describe using research how valid and reliable the tool is
d) Identify the client cohort that the assessment tool would be suitable for and identify the type of assessment process you would use this tool as part of including how you would obtain consent from the client.
11. Tom is an elderly male with a severe vision impairment, who lives alone in a small unit on the second floor of the building. His apartment is only accessible by stairs as there is no lift in the building. Tom has been falling down recently and his daughter is concerned that he will seriously injure himself. She has asked for him to be assessed for home services. Tom does not like to go out alone and struggles to navigate the streets, traffic, people and stairs to and from his apartment. His daughter usually accompanies him on outings on her days off, Wednesdays and Saturdays.
a) Identify the multi-faceted needs and issues affecting Tom and any potential interrelationships between them.
b) Describe the type of assessment you would conduct and how you will conduct the assessment at an appropriate time and place for Tom.
c) What considerations do you need to factor into the assessment process for Tom?
d) Name any specialists need to be considered within this assessment process and describe why you would be seeking their services?
e) Describe the process of how you would maintain and store Tom’s information according to confidentiality requirements.
12. Eric is a 40-year-old male who has recently arrived from the Central African Republic. Eric has limited English and has recently been diagnosed with Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) by the clinical team supporting new migrants, and the local migrant resource centre. During the war, Eric suffered a significant injury resulting in limb deformations in both his legs and right arm. He has approached your service seeking assistance for supported housing.
a) Identify the multi-faceted needs and issues affecting Eric and any potential interrelationships between them.

b) Describe the type of assessment you would conduct with Eric?
c) What considerations do you need to factor into the assessment process for Eric?
d) Describe how you will ensure that Eric is informed and understand the privacy and principles and organisational policies and procedures regarding consent and confidentiality requirements.
e) Answer the following questions for using a translator:
i. When engaging the suitability of a translator or interpreter, what areas do you need to consider?
ii. As the person conducting the assessment, what processes must you advise the interpreter/translator regarding the assessment process
f) To assist Eric to get the services he requires you need to:
i. Identify one service he requires
ii. Research this service and describe the characteristic of the services eligibility?
iii. Does Eric meet the eligibility of this service?
13. Phuong is a 22-year-old male who has recently arrived from Vietnam. Phuong has limited English skills, he appears to have difficulty speaking and comprehending, although he frequently smiles and nods when being spoken to. Phuong is currently unemployed and living with his cousins in a crowded home in the suburbs. Phuong has limited family support, his primary purpose of coming to Australia was to get a job, so he could support his family. Phuong has also shown signs that indicate may be suffering from depression and anxiety.
a) Identify three of Phuong’s needs and prioritise them, explaining why you have placed them in that order and if they are urgent, high, moderate or lowpriority.
b) List three (3) specialists you might consult when conducting an assessment on Phuong’s current status? Briefly explain your reasoning ensuring you describe the role the specialist’ play in the assessment process.
14. Within the field of working with people, different contexts have different assessments and processes.
a) Briefly describe the roles and responsibilities of the different people who conduct assessments:
i. Psychiatrist
ii. Psychologist
iii. Case Manager/Mental Health Worker/Counsellor
b) Following is a list of assessment tools you need to briefly describe:
i. When you would use the assessment tool
ii. Validity and reliability of the tool

iii. Reporting requirements and formats (if any)
c) Briefly describe when you would use the following assessment tools:
• DSM5
• K10
• CANSAS short
• RAS-DS (Recovery Assessment Scale)
• Keep them Safe


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