Interpret legislative requirements pertaining to special dietary requirements in Australia

Subject Code and Title IPC201 Intermediate Professional Cookery - Theory
Assessment Assessment 5: Final Report
Individual/Group Individual
Length 1500 words
Learning Outcomes b) Interpret legislative requirements pertaining to special dietary requirements in Australia
c) Compare the various special dietary requirements encountered within the Australian Food industry
d) Compare a variety of culinary preparation techniques for meat, seafood, and shellfish dishes
e) Predict and argue the impact changing dietary requirements could have on the Australian Food industry.
Submission By the end of Module 6 (week 12)
Weighting 35%
Total Marks 100 marks
Culinary professionals need to have a wide and varied knowledge of culinary preparation techniques and methods used for classical and modern meat and seafood dishes, and preparing dishes for people with special dietary needs. To achieve this, it is essential that they undertake detailed research to familiarise themselves the principles required to prepare dishes for people who have special dietary needs for health, lifestyle and cultural reasons.
Furthermore, it is essential for culinary professionals to have an understanding of the legislative requirements when preparing dishes for people with special dietary needs; including: food production cycle, being able to interpret standards, enforceable acts, food allergens, and preventative measures used to reduce risk.
This assessment is broken down into three parts. It requires students to consider current dietary requirements in the Australian food Industry.
The second part of this assessment requires students to conduct research on food safety legislation, and outline its impact on special dietary requirements in the Australian food Industry.
The third part of this assessment requires students to conduct research, which analyses and compares current and future dietary requirements of Australian’s.
This assessment is broken down in three (3) parts. Part A (400 words):
- List and describe five (5) current, dietary requirements in the Australian food Industry, specific to medical and lifestyle
- Choose a contemporary menu item, and list the modifications necessary to meet the special medical, cultural or lifestyle dietary need
- Research three different cultures prominent in Australia; and discuss their special dietary needs.
Part B (500 words):
- Choose one (1) standard from the FSANZ Food Standards Code, Chapter 1, Part 1.2.
- Research and outline what the standard is and give an overview how the standard legislates food safety in relation to special dietary requirements.
- Consider and discuss how this standard is practised currently in the Hospitality
industry; including, specific preparation techniques and how it is regulated
Part C (600 words):
- Research, consider and discuss how the changing dietary requirements of Australians in the future will impact the Hospitality Industry in regard to meat and seafood. Include supply, cost, additives, genetic modifications and cultural influence.
- Outline the three (3) main changes you predict will occur and what legislative changes or preventative measurements need to be implemented to ensure compliance to these new requirements.
It is important to note.
1. A minimum of two (2) academic (books & peer-reviewed journal articles) & two (2) other sources (newspaper article, trade publications, websites, etc.) must be used per post. These should be referenced in the APA style, both in-text and in a reference list. References to ‘Wikipedia’ or similar unsubstantiated sources will not be accepted.
2. Any detection of plagiarism will lead to an immediate fail grade in the task, and possible exclusion from the subject.
3. Extensions cannot be granted by the lecturer after the submission date. In the event of serious illness or unusual circumstances, a student may apply for Special Consideration in accordance with the rules and regulations governing this application, but it is important that such requests be made as soon as the circumstance is known.
Submission Instructions:
? Submit your report via the Assessment link in the main navigation menu in IPC202 Intermediate Professional Cookery - Theory. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
Learning Rubric: IPC202 -Assessment 5 Brief – Final Report
Attributes Fail
(0-49%) Pass
(50-64%) Credit
(64-74%) Distinction
(75-84%) High Distinction
Content & purpose
30% Lacks a clear focus with large sections of unnecessary or irrelevant information included. Content is disjointed and does not align to a main topic. Ill-defined focus with some unnecessary or irrelevant information included. Majority of content is disjointed and does not all align to a main topic. Broad focus with
occasional unnecessary or irrelevant information included. Most content is clearly aligned to a main topic. Clear focus with minimal unnecessary or irrelevant information included. All content is clearly align to a main topic. Well-defined focus, supported by high quality content and discussion that expertly aligns to a main topic.
Knowledge & understanding
40% Does not display a clear understanding of the requirements of the chosen topic. Discussionchosen is not supported by clear & relevant examples. Displays limited understanding of the requirements of the topic. Discussionchosen is supported by a limited number of relevant examples. Displays good understanding of the requirements of the topic. Discussion supported by several relevant examples. Displays a highly
developed understanding of the requirements of the chosen topic. Discussion is supported by a number of detailed & relevant examples. Displays a superior understanding of the requirements of the chosen topic. Discussion is supported by a number of high quality examples.
10% Discussion points do not flow smoothly or logically, no connection between ideas. Paragraphs not used or lack structure. Minimal structure evident however discussion points loosely connected. Limited use of paragraphs. Good structure evident with some discussion points presented in a logical order. Paragraph structure used throughout. Good structure evident with most discussion points presented in a clear and logical order. All paragraph are well organised. Excellent structure evident with all discussion points presented in a clear & logical order. Paragraphs well defined and organised to a high quality.
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Attributes Fail
(0-49%) Pass
(50-64%) Credit
(64-74%) Distinction
(75-84%) High Distinction
Research & referencing
10% No evidence of research. No academic sources used. Sources of information not referenced using the APA style. Limited evidence of research. Minimal academic sources used. Many errors in APA referencing style formatting. Some evidence of research. Limited academic sources used. Few errors in APA referencing style formatting. Clear evidence of research. Several quality academic sources used. One or two errors in APA referencing style formatting. Evidence of in-depth research. Many high quality academic sources used. No errors in APA referencing style formatting.
Format & Presentation
10% Many spelling mistakes and/or grammatical errors. A number of spelling mistakes and/or grammatical errors. A couple of spelling mistakes and/or grammatical errors. Minimal spelling mistakes and/or grammatical errors. No spelling mistakes or and/or grammatical errors.
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