Dance of Anger
- Review information about the Dance of Anger, which can be found in Chapter 5 of the textbook.
- Describe the different styles of anger management as proposed by Lerner.
- Focus on someone with whom you have an important relationship. Reflect and then address the following questions:
- Does one of you tend to be a pursuer or a distancer? An overfunctioner or an underfunctioner? A blamer or a blame taker?
- Rate each of you on a scale from 1 (low) to 10 (high) on each of the dimensions.
- Are you performing any dance based on these style differences?
- If so, describe how you might create a healthier dance?
- Paper length is approximately 750 words
- Use APA style, including a cover page and reference page.
- Introductory Paragraph, setting forth a clear statement of your assignment.
- Conclusion, a concise statement that reaffirms your assignment.
- Cite a minimum of 2 sources (APA). This can include the textbook, or other outside materials.
- Refer to the week 2 rubric for grading criteria.
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