Mary has limited mobility in her hands. Tommy has a learning disability, and Kyle also has a learning disability with comprehension.

Characteristics/needs of the students with disabilities in the group: Mary has limited mobility in her hands. Tommy has a learning disability, and Kyle also has a learning disability with comprehension.
Disability Types: Physical Impairment, and Learning Disabilities
Accommodations that need to be made: Preferential Seating for Tommy and Kyle, Extra time on Assignments and One-on-One assistance for Mary.
Title of Mini-Lesson: Expectations during independent writing
Common Core State Standard: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.5.1
Specific Learning Objectives: The student will watch and discuss a video on bulling, then students will write opinion pieces on topics or texts and support point of view with reasons and evidence.
Procedures (15 minute activity): (Provide the steps of instruction or task analysis, based on an evidence-based strategy in the text or a peer-reviewed article of your choice) • The teacher will discuss the important on treating other with respect, and why students should not bully others. • Students will watch • After watching the video students will have an open discussion on what type of experience they’ve had with bullying. • The teacher will then instruct students to write a personal experience they’ve had with bulling, using a pen and paper (Tommy and Kyle) and technology tools will be used such as an iPad to assist Mary, also she will receive one-on-one assistance with the assignment. • Students will be able to read or act out the bulling situation out after the assignment is done.
Reflection: 1. How did you ensure that your mini-lesson addresses the needs of the individual learners in the group? My mini lesson will address the need of individual learners, because, I will set goals for each student and stick with it until they were accomplished. I will also provide individual assistance to students that need it.
2. Why did you choose the strategy you used in this mini-lesson? I choose these strategies because, they apply to all of the students that have disabilities. I also choose these strategies because they fit individual students.


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