comprehensive business plan to convince potential investor

1200 words (+/- 10%)/ 10-minute in-class presentation

Your task
Collectively, you and your group members are required to explore different ideas presented by each group member for assessment 2. You are required to pick one venture idea and develop a comprehensive 1200 words business plan and to deliver a 10-minute presentation of its content to your workshop facilitator and classmates.
Assessment Description
The purpose of this group assessment is to foster students the ability to construct a comprehensive business plan to convince potential investors. In groups, students will analyse which business metrics matter and how you expect to perform according to them. A successful venture will depend on a group of people working together to convert an idea into reality. This assessment will also allow students to work in a group environment to develop a viable business plan.
Assessment Instructions
This part of the entrepreneurial process will involve introducing your idea to people outside of your immediate circle. Your close friends and family may understand your idea but will anyone else? How you communicate your idea will determine whether consumers and investors will jump on board.
During week 9, you will be given in-class time to form groups of three to four members (no more). Once you have created a group, you then need to get acquainted with the rest of the members and select the team leader who will be responsible for submitting the required business plan into MyKBS. Your group will also have some time to discuss the preliminary ideas regarding your planned research of information that each group member will conduct individually at home. During week 10 and 11, your group will be given in-class time to discuss your findings and to prepare the business plan and presentation.
Your group’s first task is to develop a business plan based on a template shared in week seven. A completed business model canvas must be included in the appendix. You are required to use at least eight sources of information and use Kaplan Harvard Referencing Style. These may include websites, government publications, industry reports, census data, journal articles, and newspaper articles. These references should be included as a reference list at the end of your group’s business plan.
Then as a group create a set of slides that you will present to the class in week 12 with a concise overview of the following points:
• the idea (summary of the idea’s intended purpose and use, and identification of potential consumers)
• the proposed business model (it’s goals and objectives)
• the marketing strategy (competitive analysis: are there similar products already on the market?)
• the operations strategy (what resources are required (people, technology, raw materials) • the financials (how are you planning to raise capital/funding for this idea?)
• business metrics used to determine if this idea is sustainable.
Each group member should take part in the class presentation.
Additional Resources
The following may be useful sources of additional information for your projects.
Australian Government – Business website
Officeworks – Your Guide to Writing a Business Plan
Entrepreneur Asia-Pacific – Business Plans: A Step-by-Step Guide
Shopify Blogs - How to Make Your Own Online Videos (in 30 Minutes or Less)
Assessment Submission
The group business plan must be submitted by the team leader as a ‘Word’ document to avoid any technical issues that may occur from incorrect file format upload. Uploaded files with a virus will not be considered as a legitimate submission. Turnitin will notify you if there is an issue with the submitted file. In this case, you must contact your workshop facilitator via email and provide a brief description of the issue and a screenshot of the Turnitin error message. You are also encouraged to submit your work well in advance of the deadline to avoid any possible delay with the Turnitin similarity report or any other technical difficulties.
Late assignment submission penalties
Penalties will be imposed on late assignment submissions in accordance with Kaplan Business School “late assignment submission penalties” policy.
Number of days Penalty
1* - 9 days 5% per day for each calendar day late deducted from the total marks available
10 - 14 days 50% deducted from the total marks available.
After 14 days Assignments that are submitted more than 14 calendar days after the due date will not be accepted, and the student will receive a mark of zero for the assignment(s).
Note Notwithstanding the above penalty rules, assignments will also be given a mark of zero if they are submitted after assignments have been returned to students
*Assignments submitted at any stage within the first 24 hours after the deadline will be considered to be one day late and therefore subject to the associated penalty
For more information, please read the full policy via
Important Study Information
Academic Integrity Policy
KBS values academic integrity. All students must understand the meaning and consequences of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the Academic Integrity and Conduct Policy.
What is academic integrity and misconduct?
What are the penalties for academic misconduct?
What are the late penalties?
How can I appeal my grade?
Click here for answers to these questions:
Word/Time Limits for Written/Presentation Assessments
Submissions that exceed the word limit by more than 10% will cease to be marked from the point at which that limit is exceeded.
Study Assistance
Students may seek study assistance from their local Academic Learning Advisor or refer to the resources on the MyKBS Academic Success Centre page. Click here for this information.
MAN303 Assessment 3 Marking Rubric – Business Plan and In-Class Presentation 30%
Criteria (__/100) F (Fail)
0-49% P (Pass) 50-64% C (Credit) 65-74% D (Distinction) 75-84% HD (High Distinction) 85-100%
Presentation Delivery
__/30 marks Your presentation does not adequately communicate all or most of the required information. Your presentation adequately communicated most of the required information. Your presentation appropriately communicated most of the required information. Your presentation delivery appropriately communicated the required information. Your presentation delivery effectively communicated the required information.
An overview of the idea.
__/10 marks You have provided an overview of the idea, its
intended purpose and use,
and potential consumers that are vague and/or incoherent. You have provided a basic overview of the idea, its
intended purpose and use, and potential consumers.
You have provided an enhanced overview of the idea, its
intended purpose and use, and potential consumers.
You have provided a detailed overview of the idea, its intended purpose and use, and potential consumers.
You have provided a concise and clear overview of the idea, its
intended purpose and use, and potential consumers.
An overview of the marketing and operational strategies.
__/10 marks You have provided an overview of the marketing
and operational strategies that are vague and/or incoherent. You have provided a basic overview of the marketing and operational strategies. You have provided an enhanced overview of the marketing and operational strategies. You have provided a detailed
overview of the marketing and operational strategies. You have provided a concise and well-detailed overview of the marketing and operational strategies.
An overview of the financials and
business metrics
__/10 marks You have provided an overview of the financials
and business metrics that is vague and/or incoherent. You have provided a basic overview of the financials and business metrics. You have provided an enhanced overview of the financials and business metrics. You have provided a detailed overview of the financials and business metrics. You have provided a concise and well-detailed overview of the financials and business metrics.
Theory Application
__/20 marks You have demonstrated little or no theoretical application
relevant to entrepreneurship, business models, and strategies or funding. You have demonstrated basic theoretical application relevant
to entrepreneurship, business models, and strategies or funding. You have demonstrated
sufficient theoretical application relevant to entrepreneurship,
business models, and strategies or funding. You have thoroughly applied relevant theories to
entrepreneurship, business models, strategies or funding. You have expertly applied relevant theories to
entrepreneurship, business models, strategies or funding.
Use of sources &
supportive evidence
__/10 marks Your research lacks focus and/or you have chosen
unsuitable or bogus sources, which do not link to the required assessment task. You have demonstrated a basic level of research, which is
supported by a reasonable selection of primary and/or secondary sources. You have demonstrated substantial research, which is
supported by a reasonable selection of primary and secondary sources. You have demonstrated substantial research, which is supported by an appropriate
selection and range of primary and secondary sources. You have demonstrated extensive research, which is supported by an appropriate selection and
range of primary and secondary sources.
In-text Citations and
__/10 marks Neither in-text referencing and/or reference list adheres to Kaplan Harvard
Referencing Style. In-text referencing or the resultant reference list adheres to Kaplan Harvard Referencing Style, with some errors. Both, in-text referencing and the resultant reference list adhere to Kaplan Harvard Referencing Style, with some errors. Both, in-text referencing and the resultant reference list adhere to Kaplan Harvard Referencing
Style, with only occasional minor errors. Both, in-text referencing and the resultant reference list adhere strictly to Kaplan Harvard
Referencing Style, with no errors.
Feedback and Grades will be released via MyKBS.
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