Auschwitz, Treblinka, and Maidenek
Christian Interpretation
Discussion Question 1:
Discuss the Victor Frankl excerpt. How the atrocities of Auschwitz, Treblinka, and Maidenek are, etc. the fruits of Nihilism, and how is Christian Theism the counter argument to Nihilism?
- Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post, 100 words minimum reply
Discussion Question 2:
After examining Victor Frankl’s article, can you think of other horrific events in recent history that find their roots in a nihilist mindset? Explain your observations.
- Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post, 100 words minimum reply
Healthcare Organization in the U.S.
Discussion Question 3:
What factors are stimulating—or are expected to stimulate a reorientation of the U.S. health services system from curative to primary care? How pervasive do you think this reorientation may become? Why
· Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post, 100 words minimum reply
Discussion Question 4:
The hospital, once a major provider of secondary care, has experienced the loss of many such services to other providers. Who are some of these other providers? Why has the provision of some services shifted away from the inpatient hospital setting
- Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post, 100 words minimum reply
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