Non-Alcoholic Beverage company name and explain its significance.

Throughout this course, you will develop a series of written papers / projects that you will later combine into a complete business plan for a Non-Alcoholic Beverage (NAB) company.
For this discussion, you must first review the NAB COMPANY PORTFOLIO.
This document you downloaded from the planning shop using the Access code you purchased from the Strayer Bookstore.
The mentioned portfolio contains the company parameters and details you must follow when developing your company (Note #1, page 4).
All the discussions and assignments in this class will be focusing on this Non-Alcoholic beverage company you are creating. 
For this week's discussion, please respond to the following:
  1. Create your Non-Alcoholic Beverage company name and explain its significance. 
  2. Briefly describe the business and product (s). 
  3. Develop your company's Mission Statement and provide a rationale for its components.
1. Use headings for each section.
2. Use quotation marks for the mission statement.
3. You will use this information in Assignment 1- Questions 1 and 2.
4. Check out Chapter 5: Company Description to read more.


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