conditioned hypereating,” “priming,” “abstinence violation,” “setting condition,” “transition emotions,” amygdal, and “vagabond feeding.”
*must use david kesslers readings
Answer all of the following questions, and make sure to incorporate all of the following concepts where relevant, as well as their definitions/explanations, in your answers: “conditioned hypereating,” “priming,” “abstinence violation,” “setting condition,” “transition emotions,” amygdal, and “vagabond feeding.”
- Why does the reward center in the brain light up in response both to hyperpalatable food and drugs?
- Why do people develop a disorder called conditioned hypereating and how do people come to be trapped into eating hyperpalatable foods?
- How does conditioned hypereating emerge, and what are its roots?
- What are the warning signs of hypereating in children?
- How and why does culture have an effect on overeating?
Write a 500 word paper to address the questions above. You are required to cite your sources in the body of your text properly, include a reference page, and use APA style.
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