VET Fair (ABN 44 983 956 589) is a provider of educational products and services for the vocational education and training (VET) sector.
Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management
Intellectual Property Statement
VET Fair (ABN 44 983 956 589) is a provider of educational products and services for the vocational education and training (VET) sector.
By purchasing the ‘BSBINN601 Lead and Manage Organisational Change’ assessment resources (“Product”), you are entitled to use it for educational purposes only, but the intellectual property remains with VET Fair. This Product includes the following components:
• Assessor Guide
• Student Assessment Guide
• Student Assessment Workbook
• any other material to support the implementation of the Product (e.g. policy and procedures, templates, etc.).
VET Fair owns all copyright to the Product as subject to the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968.
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Breaches of this copyright will lead to legal remedies being sought by VET Fair.
Table of Contents
1.1 Identify strategic change needs through an analysis of organisational objectives 3
1.2 Review existing policies and practices against strategic objectives 3
1.3 Monitor the external environment to identify trends 3
1.4 Identify major operational change requirements 4
1.5 Review and prioritise change requirements in consultation with stakeholders 4
2.1 Undertake cost-benefit analysis 5
2.2 Undertake risk analysis to address potential barriers to change 5
2.3 Develop the Change Management Plan 5
2.4 Develop draft reporting plan 5
2.5 Obtain approval from the Manager 6
3.1 Develop an education plan in consultation with the Working Group 7
3.2 Communicate change initiative to employees 7
3.3 Action interventions set out in the Change Management Plan 7
3.4 Activate activities for embedding change 8
3.5 Modify the change management plan 8
Phase 1 9
Phase 2 10
Phase 3 10
Assessment Information
Welcome to your Student Assessment Guide for BSBINN601 Lead and Manage Organisational Change. This Guide provides you with information on the assessment particularly what you have to do and to what level of performance.
This assessment has the following Assessment Events:
Assessment Event 1 – Knowledge Questions
There are five questions that will provide us with the evidence of your knowledge and understanding with the principles and practices of change management.
Assessment Event 2 – Simulation: FitLife
You will complete a number of tasks that will provide us with evidence of your skills as a Change Manager in developing a change management plan and leadings its implementation for FitLife, an organisation that provides health and fitness programs across Australia.
To complete the Simulation, you will need to refer to the following resources:
• FitLife Strategic Review: provides information on the health and fitness industry and the FitLife organisation. You will refer to this document throughout the simulation in Assessment Event 2.
• Policies and Procedures folder: provides information on the practices of the organisation to be used throughout the simulation in Assessment Event 2.
Remember, you do not type your responses in this Student Assessment Guide, but use the Student Assessment Workbook, which is a separate document. This document is simply a guide to explain what you are required to do, and by doing so, this will assist you to perform at your best.
Please note that your responses for both assessment events can (where appropriate) use dot point format. See below for an example of a dot point response and a full sentence response.
Dot point format Presentation Plan includes the following:
• outcomes
• needs of the audience
• context.
Full sentence format When you are preparing for a Presentation, there are a number of tasks that must be carried out. These are; listing the outcomes that you want to achieve, followed by the identification of the needs of your audience. When you have completed these two tasks, you then check on the room you will be conducting the simulation in etc.
Performance required
• complete all of the questions and tasks listed in the Student Assessment Workbook
• meet all the requirements listed in this Student Assessment Guide
• your responses to the questions and tasks must be relevant, accurate and specific
• submit your completed Student Assessment Workbook to your Assessor within the set timeframes
• your work must be in your own words
• where you use an external source of information, you must provide citation.
Assessment Event 1 – Knowledge Questions
The information contained in this assessment event lists the questions that you will need to develop a written response. These questions are theoretical and provide evidence of your understanding of the principles and practices that influence successful change.
Each question includes the requirements which indicate what you have to do and the depth of your response to achieve a satisfactory result.
Question 1
Explain the change management cycle and strategies for communicating and embedding the change.
R1. describe four phases within the change management cycle
R2. explain the process of embedding change
R3. word count is approximately 750 words in total.
Question 2
Explain how organisational behaviour can impact on change.
R 1. describe four organisational behaviours
R 2. describe how each behaviour can have an impact on change
R 3. word count is approximately 50 words for each description.
Question 3
Explain how the external environment can impact on change.
R 1. list and describe three external forces
R 2. with each of these forces, explain how this can impact on change within the organisation
R 3. word count is approximately 100 words for each force.
Question 4
Describe the components of a change management project plan.
R 1. list and describe five components of a typical change plan
R 2. word count is approximately 250 words.
Question 5
Explain potential resistances to change and explain possible strategies to address these resistances.
R 1. explain four types of resistance individuals may face in a workplace
R 2. with each type, describe a different strategy for managing this resistance
R 3. word count is approximately 50 words for each resistance.
Assessment Event 2: FitLife Simulation
In this assessment, you will undertake a number of tasks associated with developing a change process, implementing and critically evaluating its outcomes for a health and fitness organisation, FitLife, in accordance to the strategic review the company has recently conducted through an external marketing agency named SAMRA.
The focus is on producing and evaluating a Change Management Plan that is based on the following actions:
• identifying change issues
• developing a change management plan
• consulting with relevant stakeholders
• developing and implementing a communication plan
• monitoring and adjusting change management activities in accordance to outcomes achieved.
Please ensure that you familiarise yourself with this set of requirements that underpin this simulation. This includes understanding the background of the simulation and the criteria you will be assessed on. These are located in the Appendix of this document.
Task 1: Identify Change Requirements and Opportunities
In this task, you will review the documentation provided then identify the change requirements to meet the organisation’s strategic direction. This will involve identifying the current strengths and weaknesses of the business and the potential opportunities and threats in the market. You will then use your analysis to share with stakeholders and together develop priorities for change.
1.1 Identify strategic change needs through an analysis of organisational objectives
R 1. review the FitLife Strategic Review document and summarise the strategic direction of the organisation
R 2. identify a minimum of three strategic change needs to achieve this direction
R 3. with each change initiative, provide a rationale on its relevance to strategic direction
R 4. word count is approximately 250 words in total.
1.2 Review existing policies and practices against strategic objectives
R 1. review the policies and practices of the organisation and:
• summarise the strengths and limitations of the organisation
• explain one contribution for each of the three policies and procedures
• explain one limitation for each of the policies and procedures
• explain three additional practices that will support the achievement of the strategic direction
• provide a rationale on why these practices will support the strategic direction
R 1. word count is approximately 500 words.
1.3 Monitor the external environment to identify trends
R 1. list and explain three external environment factors that can have impact on achieving objectives
R 1. word count is approximately 250 words.
1.4 Identify major operational change requirements
R 1. describe five operational change requirements ensuring that these will:
• enable the organisation to take advantage of the business environment
• support the organisational objectives
• have an impact on the opportunities and threats of the external environment
• strengthen the limitations of the internal operations of the organisation
R 2. provide a rationale for each requirement
R 1. word count is approximately 100 words per rationale.
1.5 Review and prioritise change requirements in consultation with stakeholders
R 1. develop five criteria for prioritising the change requirements
R 2. deliver a consultation session with stakeholders:
• provide background to the situation
• present data and information on the opportunities and threats in the marketplace
• identify change initiatives
• use criteria to prioritise change initiatives
• seek feedback on this prioritisation
R 3. the session must meet all the requirements listed in Observation Check Sheet 1
R 4. the session has a duration of 45 minutes.
Task 2: Develop Change Management Strategy
In this task, you will take the change initiatives that were developed in Task 1 and then apply an analysis to ensure feasibility and viability. Next, you will develop a change management plan and communication plan, then seek approval from the Manager.
2.1 Undertake cost-benefit analysis
R 1. undertake a cost-benefit analysis in accordance to the organisational procedures:
• this must be for one of your priority areas of change
• include a minimum of four cost areas
• include a minimum of four benefits
• assign a realistic monetary value to each cost and benefit listed
• include a payback estimation
R 2. include explanations to ensure clarity in calculations.
2.2 Undertake risk analysis to address potential barriers to change
R 1. undertake risk assessment and populate the Risk Assessment Template in line with organisational procedures:
• include five risks as barriers to one of your priorities for change
• ensure one of these risks must be resistance by employees to the change initiative
R 2. word count is not critical.
2.3 Develop the Change Management Plan
R 1. develop a change management plan that must address one priority area for change as follows:
• develop a minimum of four strategies
• develop a minimum of four actions for each strategy
• include outcomes for each action
• include timeframes for each outcome
• list resource requirements for each action
R 2. word count is not critical.
2.4 Develop draft reporting plan
R 1. identify four stakeholders:
• these stakeholders must be accurate and specific to the change management project
• these stakeholders must include relevant parties who are essential to have reporting procedures
R 2. enter information for each stakeholder as follows:
• list two outcomes of communication efforts
• list two key messages to be conveyed
• list two channels of communication
• specify when/what frequency the communication channels to be used
R 3. word count is not critical.
2.5 Obtain approval from the Manager
R 1. send an email to the Manager (your Assessor) including the following:
• an overview of the change management initiatives
• Cost & Benefit Analysis, Change Management Plan, Risk Assessment, and Reporting Plan as attachments
• a request for feedback on them with a deadline for their finalization
• word count is approximately 250 words
R 2. attach the copy of this email exchange to your Student Assessment Workbook.
Task 3: Implement Change Management Strategy
This task continues to build on the information gathered from the earlier assessment tasks. It requires you to monitor the results of your implemented Change Management Plan (CMP), then address any performance gaps accordingly. By doing so, you will have conducted a number of evaluations and reviews on your CMP and made the necessary modifications prior to its finalisation.
3.1 Develop an education plan in consultation with the Working Group
R 1. develop an education plan that contained:
• a minimum of five actions to engage employees in the change initiative
• for each action, describe the methods to be employed in order to implement the action
• list the desired outcomes for each action
• list the resource requirements to achieve each action
• word count is approximately 250 words
R 2. seek input from the Representative of the Working Group (your Assessor) via email:
• attach the education plan
• the content of the email must provide a rationale for the plan
• word count for the email is approximately 150 words
• update the plan in light of the Representative’s input
R 1. attach the copy of this email exchange with the Representative to your Student Assessment Workbook.
3.2 Communicate change initiative to employees
R 1. deliver a collaborative session with the employees:
• provide data on current situation in market place and organisation
• enable problem solving on the opportunities and threats
• deliver the strategies and actions in the education plan
• invite collaboration on strategies to address situation
• use mitigation strategies in case of resistance
• reach consensus on change initiatives
R 2. the session must meet all the requirements listed in Observation Check Sheet 2
R 3. the session has a duration of 45 minutes.
3.3 Action interventions set out in the Change Management Plan
R 1. review the new information provided and undertake an action research as follows:
• select the relevant mitigation strategies and enter them into your Student Assessment Workbook
• make a comment on the appropriateness of this mitigation in terms of depth and relevance
• where mitigation is not appropriate, expand on the mitigation by providing detailed interventions required to address the situation
• where there is no mitigation, develop a detailed intervention approach
• provide a rationale for this intervention
R 2. word count for the intervention is approximately 250 words.
3.4 Activate activities for embedding change
R 1. review the latest information provided and complete the following:
• develop activities for embedding the change
• provide a rationale on these strategies
R 2. word count is approximately 250 words in total.
3.5 Modify the change management plan
R 1. use the interventions developed in Tasks 3.3 & 3.4 and complete the following:
• develop a minimum of two new strategies
• develop a minimum of four actions for each strategy
• update the CMP accordingly by including these strategies and actions
• develop outcomes for each of these actions
• list timeframes and resources for each action
R 2. highlight these strategies in the CMP as Additional Strategies for clarity.
Appendix A: FitLife Simulation
Simulation Background
FitLife is a privately-owned Sydney based Australian health club chain with 70 health clubs and 182,000 active members in Australia. FitLife serves as one of the industry leaders in the sport and fitness segment providing multi-purpose fitness venues across the country providing state of the art health clubs to swimming pools, sport clubs, squash courts, and many other facilities.
The company has recently undertaken a strategic review to further advance their products and services in order to remain highly competitive in the market space. This document is called FitLife Strategic Review which provides detailed information about the microenvironment, trends, and opportunities in the health and fitness segment.
The culture of the organisation is focussed on sales. Most employees embrace this vision and have been keen to earn the bonuses on offer. As a result, the company has experienced a level of growth, but it has not consolidated this trajectory with many support services for staff and client at a basic level. For example, there are limited policies and procedures documented with management making decisions without strong communication channels. Staff at times are not aware of the direction of the company.
In addition, they don't keep records of their services and other parts of their business. As one employee pointed out -this is great we don't have paper trails, in my last job we had documents for everything”; but morale is relatively low due to the lack of support.
You will take the role of Change Manager and is a recent appointment to assist the organisation take advantages of the opportunities in the Fitness industry. As the Change Manager, you are aware that the organisation cannot take up these new product initiatives without putting in place infrastructure and support services.
In this simulation, you will need to consult with stakeholders who will comprise of both FitLife managers and employees.
Simulation Phases
This simulation is divided into the following phases:
Phase 1: you will identify change requirements and opportunities.
Phase 2: you will develop Change Management Plan.
Phase 3: you will implement Change Management Plan.
Your Role in the Simulation
Your roles and responsibilities throughout the simulation are as follows:
Phase 1
Phase 1 occurs in Task 1. In Phase 1, your main duties in the organisation are as follows:
• identify strategic direction
• identify external forces
• identify internal strengths and limitations
• identify potential change management initiatives.
Note that in Task 1.5, you will have a 45-minutes session with two stakeholders to clarify and confirm the priorities for change based on the current situation. These stakeholders will be role played by staff external to your class. Your Assessor will observe your interaction with these stakeholders and document their observation using the Observation Check Sheet 1 at the end of this document. You must familiarise yourself with the criteria in this check sheet as your performance will be assessed based on them.
Phase 2
Phase 2 occurs in Task 2. In Phase 2, your main duties in the organisation are as follows:
• undertake a cost benefit analysis
• undertake a risk assessment analysis
• develop a Change Management Plan and reporting protocols
• obtain approval with plans.
Phase 3
Phase 3 occurs in Tasks 3. In Phase 3, your main duties in the organisation are as follows:
• inform employees of Change Management Plan
• review results being achieved and identify and develop strategies to address issues
• evaluate and update the Change Management Plan.
Note that in Task 3.2, you will have a 45-minutes session with two stakeholders to explain the Change Management Plan and manage any resistance of employees. These stakeholders will be role played by staff external to your class. Your Assessor will observe your interaction with these stakeholders and document their observation using the Observation Check Sheet 2 at the end of this document. You must familiarise yourself with the criteria in this check sheet as your performance will be assessed based on them.
Simulation Setup
The simulation chosen is to give you the opportunity to provide evidence that demonstrates your ability to develop and implement a change management initiative. We have tried to make this simulation as real as possible within a classroom setting through using scenarios that are typical of a workplace.
To carry out your role in this simulation will require you to follow these steps:
Step 1. At the commencement of the unit, your Assessor will overview the assessment with you. You will then sign the declaration of your understanding located in the Student Assessment Workbook (Pre-Assessment Checklist).
Step 2. Your Assessor will select the appropriate stakeholders who are external to your class with a sound understanding for the change management context. You will engage with these stakeholders in Task 1.5 and Task 3.2 as the Change Manager to develop and implement change management needs.
Step 3. Prior to the commencement of this assessment:
• Your Assessor will provide you with the folder that contains following resources:
Strategic Review
FitLife Communications Policy and Procedures
FitLife Recruitment and Selection Policy and Procedures
FitLife Risk Management Policy and Procedures.
• Then your Assessor will review all of the sources listed above with you in addition the following:
Simulation Background
your role in the simulation.
You will confirm your understanding with your Assessor before you commence working on your assessment. Please note that you are encouraged to ask all your questions to your Assessor.
Step 4. Before you commence on your work, your Assessor will arrange the equipment and facility needs for you to undertake simulation activities. These will include the following at a minimum:
• quite room (for the observation)
• computer and Internet access (to undertake simulation activities)
• word-processing software (to document your responses in your Student Assessment Workbook)
• any other office equipment required by you.
In case you have special needs within the context of this simulation, you must immediately communicate this with your Assessor.
Step 5. You will review the documents provided and summarise strategic change needs (Task 1.1).
Step 6. You will review the existing policies and procedures and summarise the issues with these documents (Task 1.2).
Step 7. You will review the external environment and summarise factors (Task 1.3).
Step 8. You will identify major operational change requirements (Task 1.4).
Step 9. You will deliver your first session with the two stakeholders in an interactive 45-minute timeframe. Your Assessor will observe your interaction with these actors throughout the session and document their feedback using the Observation Check Sheet 1 provided at the end of this document (Task 1.5).
Step 10. You will undertake a cost benefit analysis for a change initiative (Task 2.1).
Step 11. You will undertake a risk analysis for the change initiatives and populate the Risk Assessment Template in line with organisational procedures (Task 2.2).
Step 12. You will prepare a Change Management Plan for one priority area (Task 2.3).
Step 13. You will prepare a draft reporting plan (Task 2.4).
Step 14. You will obtain approval via email to proceed with the Change Management Plan in light of the Manager’s (your Assessor) feedback (Task 2.5).
Step 15. You will develop an education plan then communicate this to the Representative of the Working Group (your Assessor) (Task 3.1).
Step 16. You will hold your second 45 minutes’ interactive training session with two employees of FitLife to deliver your education plan. Your Assessor will observe your interaction with these stakeholders using the Observation Check Sheet 2 provided in Appendix B (Task 3.2).
Step 17. You will review the new information that will have been provided to you and develop appropriate interventions to address the situation (Task 3.3).
Step 18. You will review the latest information provided and then develop appropriate activities to embed the change initiative (Task 3.4).
Step 19. You will modify your Change Management Plan to include these situations (Task 3.5).
Step 20. Upon the completion of the assessment, finalise your Student Assessment Workbook to be submitted to your Assessor.
Assessment Conditions for the Observations
The information in this section outlines the assessment conditions for the Observation activities in Phase 1 (Task 1.5) and Phase 3 (Task 3.2), which involve your interaction with two stakeholders.
Before the Observation:
• you must ensure that you have read and understood any documents required to undertake the Observation
• you must ensure that you have read and understood all performance requirements listed under Task 1.5 and 3.2
• you must ensure that you have read the requirements listed in the Observation Check Sheets as your performance will be judged based on these criteria (see Appendix B):
Task 1.5: Observation Check Sheet 1
Task 3.2: Observation Check Sheet 2
• you must inform your Assessor to arrange the equipment and resources you need to deliver your session
• your Assessor will inform you of the dates of your Observations.
During the Observation:
• you will be interacting with the various stakeholders (two in each) who are external to your class
• each session will have a total duration of 45 minutes
• other students will not be observers during the sessions as this will give them an unfair advantage
• you cannot refer to the Observation Check Sheets while undertaking the Observations
• your Assessor will:
observe you individually based on the criteria in the Observation Check Sheets
document their observations in detail on the Observation Check Sheets
provide extensive written feedback
ensure that the session will be free from distractions
• you must comply with WHS requirements
• you must demonstrate all the criteria in the Observation Check Sheets to achieve a satisfactory result for the Observations.
After the observation:
• if you are successful, your Assessor will summarise your performance during the observations
• if you are unsuccessful, your Assessor will:
provide written feedback on the Observation Check Sheets explaining their justification in detail
communicate this feedback to you
arrange another suitable time to observe your second attempt.
Appendix B: Observation Check Sheet
We have provided the Observation Check Sheets for you to prepare for your assessment with the Assessor. Remember, you will not be able to use this Check Sheets during these sessions. However, we recommend you use this as a planning tool so that you are fully prepared for the observations.
Note that you must demonstrate all the criteria listed in the following Observation Check Sheets to be deemed satisfactory.
Observation Check Sheet 1 (Task 1.5)
Performance requirements:
1. Introduction
• introduces own self
• is friendly and enthusiastic
• explains the format for the session
• seeks confirmation of this process
2. Body
2.1 Overviews current situation:
• provides data and information on strategic direction
• provides data and information on state of economy
• discusses trends in consumer needs
• provides details on the competitors
• provides summary of strengths and limitations of the organisation
2.2 Discusses strategies to address situation:
• overviews the opportunities and threats from the external and internal environment
• discusses change options to address current situation
• identified the strengths and limitations of these change options
• develop a priorities list of change initiatives
• used priority rating to select preferred change initiatives
3. Conclusion
• provides an accurate overview of the session
• links to the Introduction and Body
• ends with a closing statement that is thought provoking
• thanks audience and introduces the next step
• session is completed within 45 minutes
4. Throughout the body:
4.1 Non-verbal:
• does not stare at a single spot in the audience
• maintains eye contact focusing long enough to complete a phrase
• uses appropriate facial expressions
• posture is appropriate
• gestures fit message
• nods the head to confirm understanding and attention
• avoids fidgeting, rather conscious of body language
• when not gesturing, hands sit quietly at the sides of the body
• appears relaxed
• does not slump but balanced showing engagement with audience
4.2 Verbal:
• language is clear, vivid and emphatic
• language is simple and avoids jargon
• delivers speech enthusiastically with vocal expressiveness and fluency
• has good pronunciation for clarity
• volume is audible
• tone is pleasant
• pace is at the right speed to achieve clarity
• does not use filled pauses (e.g. ‘er’, ‘erm’, ‘uh’, ‘um’)
• level of formality shows respect to both parties
• charismatic by injecting a level of honesty, humour and openness
• adjusts pace, volume and facial expressions to create different emotions
• adjusts language to assist understanding
• does not interrupt when others are talking
4.3 Questioning:
• seeks input if stakeholders are withdrawn using direct open questioning
• seeks input if participants are withdrawn through direct open questioning
• uses pauses correctly to allow time for thought
(e.g.; a two second pause after a question)
• adjusts delivery accordingly to ensure audience understanding based on the non-verbal signs of the audience
4.4 Negotiation:
• validates the views of stakeholders by acknowledging differences of opinion
• identifies common ground in their views
• where there are differences seeks input for generating options
• keeps focussed on achieving solutions
• where differences remain, seeks compromise
• attempts to seek resolutions for outstanding disagreements
• confirms any agreements
• processes emotions of self so stays calm and delivers a controlled response
• processes emotions of others by feeding back to them what is happening in terms of process e.g. “we seem to be more focussed on finding fault rather than searching for positives”
4.5 Credibility:
• is motivating by showing enthusiasm and positivity
• appears confident
• is concise
• appears well practices and organised
• uses accurate information
• uses resources to support understanding
• does not read from notes
• does not lose focus
Observation Check Sheet 2 (Task 3.2)
Performance requirements:
1. Introduction
• introduces own self
• is friendly and enthusiastic
• explains the format for the session
2. Body
2.1 Overviews current situation on market and organisation:
• provides data and information on market forces
• invites contributions particularly with consumer trends
• provides details on the competitors
• invites feedback on competition
• provides information on customer and employee surveys
• invites discussion on summary of strengths and limitations of the organisation
2.2 Discusses strategies to address situation:
• facilitates a discussion on the opportunities and threats from the external and internal environment
• invites ideas on change options to address current situation
• has the group identify the strengths and limitations of these change options
• develop a priorities list of change initiatives
3. Conclusion
• provides an accurate overview of the session
• links to the Introduction and Body
• ends with a closing statement that is thought provoking
• thanks audience and introduces the next step
• session is completed within 45 minutes
4. Throughout the body:
4.1 Non-verbal:
• does not stare at a single spot in the audience
• maintains eye contact focusing long enough to complete a phrase
• uses appropriate facial expressions
• posture is appropriate
• gestures fit message
• nods the head to confirm understanding and attention
• avoids fidgeting, rather conscious of body language
• when not gesturing, hands sit quietly at the sides of the body
• appears relaxed
• does not slump but balanced showing engagement with audience
4.2 Verbal:
• language is clear, vivid and emphatic
• language is simple and avoids jargon
• delivers speech enthusiastically with vocal expressiveness and fluency
• has good pronunciation for clarity
• volume is audible
• tone is pleasant
• pace is at the right speed to achieve clarity
• does not use filled pauses (e.g. ‘er’, ‘erm’, ‘uh’, ‘um’)
• level of formality shows respect to both parties
• charismatic by injecting a level of honesty, humour and openness
• adjusts pace, volume and facial expressions to create different emotions
• adjusts language to assist understanding
• does not interrupt when others are talking
4.3 Questioning:
• seeks input if stakeholders are withdrawn using direct open questioning
• seeks input if participants are withdrawn through direct open questioning
• uses pauses correctly to allow time for thought
(e.g.; a two second pause after a question)
• adjusts delivery accordingly to ensure audience understanding based on the non-verbal signs of the audience
4.4 Negotiation:
• validates the views of stakeholders by acknowledging differences of opinion
• identifies common ground in their views
• where there are differences seeks input for generating options
• keeps focussed on achieving solutions
• where differences remain, seeks compromise
• attempts to seek resolutions for outstanding disagreements
• confirms any agreements
• processes emotions of self so stays calm and delivers a controlled response
• processes emotions of others by feeding back to them what is happening in terms of process e.g. “we seem to be more focussed on finding fault rather than searching for positives”
4.5 Credibility:
• is motivating by showing enthusiasm and positivity
• appears confident
• is concise
• appears well practices and organised
• uses accurate information
• uses resources to support understanding
• does not read from notes
• does not lose focus
Assignment status: Solved by our Writing Team at
Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management
Intellectual Property Statement
VET Fair (ABN 44 983 956 589) is a provider of educational products and services for the vocational education and training (VET) sector.
By purchasing the ‘BSBINN601 Lead and Manage Organisational Change’ assessment resources (“Product”), you are entitled to use it for educational purposes only, but the intellectual property remains with VET Fair. This Product includes the following components:
• Assessor Guide
• Student Assessment Guide
• Student Assessment Workbook
• any other material to support the implementation of the Product (e.g. policy and procedures, templates, etc.).
VET Fair owns all copyright to the Product as subject to the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968.
This purchase grants you a non-exclusive, perpetual, non-sublicensable, and non-shareable right to use and contextualise this Product. You have the right to distribute unlimited copies of this Product to your students or internal staff, limited to only for educational purposes; however, you must not:
a) reproduce this Product or produce other assessment resources based on this Product
b) share this Product with any other external person or entity other than your students and internal staff through physical or electronic including online access
c) use this Product for any other purposes than education (e.g. assessing student competency, conducting validation and moderation activities, etc.)
d) resell this Product to any party of individual
e) use this Product without affixing the following statement in each copy of a modified, adapted, customised or contextualised version of this Product that is distributed electronically or in a physical format to your target learner audience:
“The assessment activities and information in this guide are derived from the BSBINN601 Lead and Manage Organisational Change assessment resources provided by VET Fair. VET Fair owns all copyright to this information and the intellectual property of this resource remains with VET Fair.”
Breaches of this copyright will lead to legal remedies being sought by VET Fair.
Table of Contents
1.1 Identify strategic change needs through an analysis of organisational objectives 3
1.2 Review existing policies and practices against strategic objectives 3
1.3 Monitor the external environment to identify trends 3
1.4 Identify major operational change requirements 4
1.5 Review and prioritise change requirements in consultation with stakeholders 4
2.1 Undertake cost-benefit analysis 5
2.2 Undertake risk analysis to address potential barriers to change 5
2.3 Develop the Change Management Plan 5
2.4 Develop draft reporting plan 5
2.5 Obtain approval from the Manager 6
3.1 Develop an education plan in consultation with the Working Group 7
3.2 Communicate change initiative to employees 7
3.3 Action interventions set out in the Change Management Plan 7
3.4 Activate activities for embedding change 8
3.5 Modify the change management plan 8
Phase 1 9
Phase 2 10
Phase 3 10
Assessment Information
Welcome to your Student Assessment Guide for BSBINN601 Lead and Manage Organisational Change. This Guide provides you with information on the assessment particularly what you have to do and to what level of performance.
This assessment has the following Assessment Events:
Assessment Event 1 – Knowledge Questions
There are five questions that will provide us with the evidence of your knowledge and understanding with the principles and practices of change management.
Assessment Event 2 – Simulation: FitLife
You will complete a number of tasks that will provide us with evidence of your skills as a Change Manager in developing a change management plan and leadings its implementation for FitLife, an organisation that provides health and fitness programs across Australia.
To complete the Simulation, you will need to refer to the following resources:
• FitLife Strategic Review: provides information on the health and fitness industry and the FitLife organisation. You will refer to this document throughout the simulation in Assessment Event 2.
• Policies and Procedures folder: provides information on the practices of the organisation to be used throughout the simulation in Assessment Event 2.
Remember, you do not type your responses in this Student Assessment Guide, but use the Student Assessment Workbook, which is a separate document. This document is simply a guide to explain what you are required to do, and by doing so, this will assist you to perform at your best.
Please note that your responses for both assessment events can (where appropriate) use dot point format. See below for an example of a dot point response and a full sentence response.
Dot point format Presentation Plan includes the following:
• outcomes
• needs of the audience
• context.
Full sentence format When you are preparing for a Presentation, there are a number of tasks that must be carried out. These are; listing the outcomes that you want to achieve, followed by the identification of the needs of your audience. When you have completed these two tasks, you then check on the room you will be conducting the simulation in etc.
Performance required
• complete all of the questions and tasks listed in the Student Assessment Workbook
• meet all the requirements listed in this Student Assessment Guide
• your responses to the questions and tasks must be relevant, accurate and specific
• submit your completed Student Assessment Workbook to your Assessor within the set timeframes
• your work must be in your own words
• where you use an external source of information, you must provide citation.
Assessment Event 1 – Knowledge Questions
The information contained in this assessment event lists the questions that you will need to develop a written response. These questions are theoretical and provide evidence of your understanding of the principles and practices that influence successful change.
Each question includes the requirements which indicate what you have to do and the depth of your response to achieve a satisfactory result.
Question 1
Explain the change management cycle and strategies for communicating and embedding the change.
R1. describe four phases within the change management cycle
R2. explain the process of embedding change
R3. word count is approximately 750 words in total.
Question 2
Explain how organisational behaviour can impact on change.
R 1. describe four organisational behaviours
R 2. describe how each behaviour can have an impact on change
R 3. word count is approximately 50 words for each description.
Question 3
Explain how the external environment can impact on change.
R 1. list and describe three external forces
R 2. with each of these forces, explain how this can impact on change within the organisation
R 3. word count is approximately 100 words for each force.
Question 4
Describe the components of a change management project plan.
R 1. list and describe five components of a typical change plan
R 2. word count is approximately 250 words.
Question 5
Explain potential resistances to change and explain possible strategies to address these resistances.
R 1. explain four types of resistance individuals may face in a workplace
R 2. with each type, describe a different strategy for managing this resistance
R 3. word count is approximately 50 words for each resistance.
Assessment Event 2: FitLife Simulation
In this assessment, you will undertake a number of tasks associated with developing a change process, implementing and critically evaluating its outcomes for a health and fitness organisation, FitLife, in accordance to the strategic review the company has recently conducted through an external marketing agency named SAMRA.
The focus is on producing and evaluating a Change Management Plan that is based on the following actions:
• identifying change issues
• developing a change management plan
• consulting with relevant stakeholders
• developing and implementing a communication plan
• monitoring and adjusting change management activities in accordance to outcomes achieved.
Please ensure that you familiarise yourself with this set of requirements that underpin this simulation. This includes understanding the background of the simulation and the criteria you will be assessed on. These are located in the Appendix of this document.
Task 1: Identify Change Requirements and Opportunities
In this task, you will review the documentation provided then identify the change requirements to meet the organisation’s strategic direction. This will involve identifying the current strengths and weaknesses of the business and the potential opportunities and threats in the market. You will then use your analysis to share with stakeholders and together develop priorities for change.
1.1 Identify strategic change needs through an analysis of organisational objectives
R 1. review the FitLife Strategic Review document and summarise the strategic direction of the organisation
R 2. identify a minimum of three strategic change needs to achieve this direction
R 3. with each change initiative, provide a rationale on its relevance to strategic direction
R 4. word count is approximately 250 words in total.
1.2 Review existing policies and practices against strategic objectives
R 1. review the policies and practices of the organisation and:
• summarise the strengths and limitations of the organisation
• explain one contribution for each of the three policies and procedures
• explain one limitation for each of the policies and procedures
• explain three additional practices that will support the achievement of the strategic direction
• provide a rationale on why these practices will support the strategic direction
R 1. word count is approximately 500 words.
1.3 Monitor the external environment to identify trends
R 1. list and explain three external environment factors that can have impact on achieving objectives
R 1. word count is approximately 250 words.
1.4 Identify major operational change requirements
R 1. describe five operational change requirements ensuring that these will:
• enable the organisation to take advantage of the business environment
• support the organisational objectives
• have an impact on the opportunities and threats of the external environment
• strengthen the limitations of the internal operations of the organisation
R 2. provide a rationale for each requirement
R 1. word count is approximately 100 words per rationale.
1.5 Review and prioritise change requirements in consultation with stakeholders
R 1. develop five criteria for prioritising the change requirements
R 2. deliver a consultation session with stakeholders:
• provide background to the situation
• present data and information on the opportunities and threats in the marketplace
• identify change initiatives
• use criteria to prioritise change initiatives
• seek feedback on this prioritisation
R 3. the session must meet all the requirements listed in Observation Check Sheet 1
R 4. the session has a duration of 45 minutes.
Task 2: Develop Change Management Strategy
In this task, you will take the change initiatives that were developed in Task 1 and then apply an analysis to ensure feasibility and viability. Next, you will develop a change management plan and communication plan, then seek approval from the Manager.
2.1 Undertake cost-benefit analysis
R 1. undertake a cost-benefit analysis in accordance to the organisational procedures:
• this must be for one of your priority areas of change
• include a minimum of four cost areas
• include a minimum of four benefits
• assign a realistic monetary value to each cost and benefit listed
• include a payback estimation
R 2. include explanations to ensure clarity in calculations.
2.2 Undertake risk analysis to address potential barriers to change
R 1. undertake risk assessment and populate the Risk Assessment Template in line with organisational procedures:
• include five risks as barriers to one of your priorities for change
• ensure one of these risks must be resistance by employees to the change initiative
R 2. word count is not critical.
2.3 Develop the Change Management Plan
R 1. develop a change management plan that must address one priority area for change as follows:
• develop a minimum of four strategies
• develop a minimum of four actions for each strategy
• include outcomes for each action
• include timeframes for each outcome
• list resource requirements for each action
R 2. word count is not critical.
2.4 Develop draft reporting plan
R 1. identify four stakeholders:
• these stakeholders must be accurate and specific to the change management project
• these stakeholders must include relevant parties who are essential to have reporting procedures
R 2. enter information for each stakeholder as follows:
• list two outcomes of communication efforts
• list two key messages to be conveyed
• list two channels of communication
• specify when/what frequency the communication channels to be used
R 3. word count is not critical.
2.5 Obtain approval from the Manager
R 1. send an email to the Manager (your Assessor) including the following:
• an overview of the change management initiatives
• Cost & Benefit Analysis, Change Management Plan, Risk Assessment, and Reporting Plan as attachments
• a request for feedback on them with a deadline for their finalization
• word count is approximately 250 words
R 2. attach the copy of this email exchange to your Student Assessment Workbook.
Task 3: Implement Change Management Strategy
This task continues to build on the information gathered from the earlier assessment tasks. It requires you to monitor the results of your implemented Change Management Plan (CMP), then address any performance gaps accordingly. By doing so, you will have conducted a number of evaluations and reviews on your CMP and made the necessary modifications prior to its finalisation.
3.1 Develop an education plan in consultation with the Working Group
R 1. develop an education plan that contained:
• a minimum of five actions to engage employees in the change initiative
• for each action, describe the methods to be employed in order to implement the action
• list the desired outcomes for each action
• list the resource requirements to achieve each action
• word count is approximately 250 words
R 2. seek input from the Representative of the Working Group (your Assessor) via email:
• attach the education plan
• the content of the email must provide a rationale for the plan
• word count for the email is approximately 150 words
• update the plan in light of the Representative’s input
R 1. attach the copy of this email exchange with the Representative to your Student Assessment Workbook.
3.2 Communicate change initiative to employees
R 1. deliver a collaborative session with the employees:
• provide data on current situation in market place and organisation
• enable problem solving on the opportunities and threats
• deliver the strategies and actions in the education plan
• invite collaboration on strategies to address situation
• use mitigation strategies in case of resistance
• reach consensus on change initiatives
R 2. the session must meet all the requirements listed in Observation Check Sheet 2
R 3. the session has a duration of 45 minutes.
3.3 Action interventions set out in the Change Management Plan
R 1. review the new information provided and undertake an action research as follows:
• select the relevant mitigation strategies and enter them into your Student Assessment Workbook
• make a comment on the appropriateness of this mitigation in terms of depth and relevance
• where mitigation is not appropriate, expand on the mitigation by providing detailed interventions required to address the situation
• where there is no mitigation, develop a detailed intervention approach
• provide a rationale for this intervention
R 2. word count for the intervention is approximately 250 words.
3.4 Activate activities for embedding change
R 1. review the latest information provided and complete the following:
• develop activities for embedding the change
• provide a rationale on these strategies
R 2. word count is approximately 250 words in total.
3.5 Modify the change management plan
R 1. use the interventions developed in Tasks 3.3 & 3.4 and complete the following:
• develop a minimum of two new strategies
• develop a minimum of four actions for each strategy
• update the CMP accordingly by including these strategies and actions
• develop outcomes for each of these actions
• list timeframes and resources for each action
R 2. highlight these strategies in the CMP as Additional Strategies for clarity.
Appendix A: FitLife Simulation
Simulation Background
FitLife is a privately-owned Sydney based Australian health club chain with 70 health clubs and 182,000 active members in Australia. FitLife serves as one of the industry leaders in the sport and fitness segment providing multi-purpose fitness venues across the country providing state of the art health clubs to swimming pools, sport clubs, squash courts, and many other facilities.
The company has recently undertaken a strategic review to further advance their products and services in order to remain highly competitive in the market space. This document is called FitLife Strategic Review which provides detailed information about the microenvironment, trends, and opportunities in the health and fitness segment.
The culture of the organisation is focussed on sales. Most employees embrace this vision and have been keen to earn the bonuses on offer. As a result, the company has experienced a level of growth, but it has not consolidated this trajectory with many support services for staff and client at a basic level. For example, there are limited policies and procedures documented with management making decisions without strong communication channels. Staff at times are not aware of the direction of the company.
In addition, they don't keep records of their services and other parts of their business. As one employee pointed out -this is great we don't have paper trails, in my last job we had documents for everything”; but morale is relatively low due to the lack of support.
You will take the role of Change Manager and is a recent appointment to assist the organisation take advantages of the opportunities in the Fitness industry. As the Change Manager, you are aware that the organisation cannot take up these new product initiatives without putting in place infrastructure and support services.
In this simulation, you will need to consult with stakeholders who will comprise of both FitLife managers and employees.
Simulation Phases
This simulation is divided into the following phases:
Phase 1: you will identify change requirements and opportunities.
Phase 2: you will develop Change Management Plan.
Phase 3: you will implement Change Management Plan.
Your Role in the Simulation
Your roles and responsibilities throughout the simulation are as follows:
Phase 1
Phase 1 occurs in Task 1. In Phase 1, your main duties in the organisation are as follows:
• identify strategic direction
• identify external forces
• identify internal strengths and limitations
• identify potential change management initiatives.
Note that in Task 1.5, you will have a 45-minutes session with two stakeholders to clarify and confirm the priorities for change based on the current situation. These stakeholders will be role played by staff external to your class. Your Assessor will observe your interaction with these stakeholders and document their observation using the Observation Check Sheet 1 at the end of this document. You must familiarise yourself with the criteria in this check sheet as your performance will be assessed based on them.
Phase 2
Phase 2 occurs in Task 2. In Phase 2, your main duties in the organisation are as follows:
• undertake a cost benefit analysis
• undertake a risk assessment analysis
• develop a Change Management Plan and reporting protocols
• obtain approval with plans.
Phase 3
Phase 3 occurs in Tasks 3. In Phase 3, your main duties in the organisation are as follows:
• inform employees of Change Management Plan
• review results being achieved and identify and develop strategies to address issues
• evaluate and update the Change Management Plan.
Note that in Task 3.2, you will have a 45-minutes session with two stakeholders to explain the Change Management Plan and manage any resistance of employees. These stakeholders will be role played by staff external to your class. Your Assessor will observe your interaction with these stakeholders and document their observation using the Observation Check Sheet 2 at the end of this document. You must familiarise yourself with the criteria in this check sheet as your performance will be assessed based on them.
Simulation Setup
The simulation chosen is to give you the opportunity to provide evidence that demonstrates your ability to develop and implement a change management initiative. We have tried to make this simulation as real as possible within a classroom setting through using scenarios that are typical of a workplace.
To carry out your role in this simulation will require you to follow these steps:
Step 1. At the commencement of the unit, your Assessor will overview the assessment with you. You will then sign the declaration of your understanding located in the Student Assessment Workbook (Pre-Assessment Checklist).
Step 2. Your Assessor will select the appropriate stakeholders who are external to your class with a sound understanding for the change management context. You will engage with these stakeholders in Task 1.5 and Task 3.2 as the Change Manager to develop and implement change management needs.
Step 3. Prior to the commencement of this assessment:
• Your Assessor will provide you with the folder that contains following resources:
Strategic Review
FitLife Communications Policy and Procedures
FitLife Recruitment and Selection Policy and Procedures
FitLife Risk Management Policy and Procedures.
• Then your Assessor will review all of the sources listed above with you in addition the following:
Simulation Background
your role in the simulation.
You will confirm your understanding with your Assessor before you commence working on your assessment. Please note that you are encouraged to ask all your questions to your Assessor.
Step 4. Before you commence on your work, your Assessor will arrange the equipment and facility needs for you to undertake simulation activities. These will include the following at a minimum:
• quite room (for the observation)
• computer and Internet access (to undertake simulation activities)
• word-processing software (to document your responses in your Student Assessment Workbook)
• any other office equipment required by you.
In case you have special needs within the context of this simulation, you must immediately communicate this with your Assessor.
Step 5. You will review the documents provided and summarise strategic change needs (Task 1.1).
Step 6. You will review the existing policies and procedures and summarise the issues with these documents (Task 1.2).
Step 7. You will review the external environment and summarise factors (Task 1.3).
Step 8. You will identify major operational change requirements (Task 1.4).
Step 9. You will deliver your first session with the two stakeholders in an interactive 45-minute timeframe. Your Assessor will observe your interaction with these actors throughout the session and document their feedback using the Observation Check Sheet 1 provided at the end of this document (Task 1.5).
Step 10. You will undertake a cost benefit analysis for a change initiative (Task 2.1).
Step 11. You will undertake a risk analysis for the change initiatives and populate the Risk Assessment Template in line with organisational procedures (Task 2.2).
Step 12. You will prepare a Change Management Plan for one priority area (Task 2.3).
Step 13. You will prepare a draft reporting plan (Task 2.4).
Step 14. You will obtain approval via email to proceed with the Change Management Plan in light of the Manager’s (your Assessor) feedback (Task 2.5).
Step 15. You will develop an education plan then communicate this to the Representative of the Working Group (your Assessor) (Task 3.1).
Step 16. You will hold your second 45 minutes’ interactive training session with two employees of FitLife to deliver your education plan. Your Assessor will observe your interaction with these stakeholders using the Observation Check Sheet 2 provided in Appendix B (Task 3.2).
Step 17. You will review the new information that will have been provided to you and develop appropriate interventions to address the situation (Task 3.3).
Step 18. You will review the latest information provided and then develop appropriate activities to embed the change initiative (Task 3.4).
Step 19. You will modify your Change Management Plan to include these situations (Task 3.5).
Step 20. Upon the completion of the assessment, finalise your Student Assessment Workbook to be submitted to your Assessor.
Assessment Conditions for the Observations
The information in this section outlines the assessment conditions for the Observation activities in Phase 1 (Task 1.5) and Phase 3 (Task 3.2), which involve your interaction with two stakeholders.
Before the Observation:
• you must ensure that you have read and understood any documents required to undertake the Observation
• you must ensure that you have read and understood all performance requirements listed under Task 1.5 and 3.2
• you must ensure that you have read the requirements listed in the Observation Check Sheets as your performance will be judged based on these criteria (see Appendix B):
Task 1.5: Observation Check Sheet 1
Task 3.2: Observation Check Sheet 2
• you must inform your Assessor to arrange the equipment and resources you need to deliver your session
• your Assessor will inform you of the dates of your Observations.
During the Observation:
• you will be interacting with the various stakeholders (two in each) who are external to your class
• each session will have a total duration of 45 minutes
• other students will not be observers during the sessions as this will give them an unfair advantage
• you cannot refer to the Observation Check Sheets while undertaking the Observations
• your Assessor will:
observe you individually based on the criteria in the Observation Check Sheets
document their observations in detail on the Observation Check Sheets
provide extensive written feedback
ensure that the session will be free from distractions
• you must comply with WHS requirements
• you must demonstrate all the criteria in the Observation Check Sheets to achieve a satisfactory result for the Observations.
After the observation:
• if you are successful, your Assessor will summarise your performance during the observations
• if you are unsuccessful, your Assessor will:
provide written feedback on the Observation Check Sheets explaining their justification in detail
communicate this feedback to you
arrange another suitable time to observe your second attempt.
Appendix B: Observation Check Sheet
We have provided the Observation Check Sheets for you to prepare for your assessment with the Assessor. Remember, you will not be able to use this Check Sheets during these sessions. However, we recommend you use this as a planning tool so that you are fully prepared for the observations.
Note that you must demonstrate all the criteria listed in the following Observation Check Sheets to be deemed satisfactory.
Observation Check Sheet 1 (Task 1.5)
Performance requirements:
1. Introduction
• introduces own self
• is friendly and enthusiastic
• explains the format for the session
• seeks confirmation of this process
2. Body
2.1 Overviews current situation:
• provides data and information on strategic direction
• provides data and information on state of economy
• discusses trends in consumer needs
• provides details on the competitors
• provides summary of strengths and limitations of the organisation
2.2 Discusses strategies to address situation:
• overviews the opportunities and threats from the external and internal environment
• discusses change options to address current situation
• identified the strengths and limitations of these change options
• develop a priorities list of change initiatives
• used priority rating to select preferred change initiatives
3. Conclusion
• provides an accurate overview of the session
• links to the Introduction and Body
• ends with a closing statement that is thought provoking
• thanks audience and introduces the next step
• session is completed within 45 minutes
4. Throughout the body:
4.1 Non-verbal:
• does not stare at a single spot in the audience
• maintains eye contact focusing long enough to complete a phrase
• uses appropriate facial expressions
• posture is appropriate
• gestures fit message
• nods the head to confirm understanding and attention
• avoids fidgeting, rather conscious of body language
• when not gesturing, hands sit quietly at the sides of the body
• appears relaxed
• does not slump but balanced showing engagement with audience
4.2 Verbal:
• language is clear, vivid and emphatic
• language is simple and avoids jargon
• delivers speech enthusiastically with vocal expressiveness and fluency
• has good pronunciation for clarity
• volume is audible
• tone is pleasant
• pace is at the right speed to achieve clarity
• does not use filled pauses (e.g. ‘er’, ‘erm’, ‘uh’, ‘um’)
• level of formality shows respect to both parties
• charismatic by injecting a level of honesty, humour and openness
• adjusts pace, volume and facial expressions to create different emotions
• adjusts language to assist understanding
• does not interrupt when others are talking
4.3 Questioning:
• seeks input if stakeholders are withdrawn using direct open questioning
• seeks input if participants are withdrawn through direct open questioning
• uses pauses correctly to allow time for thought
(e.g.; a two second pause after a question)
• adjusts delivery accordingly to ensure audience understanding based on the non-verbal signs of the audience
4.4 Negotiation:
• validates the views of stakeholders by acknowledging differences of opinion
• identifies common ground in their views
• where there are differences seeks input for generating options
• keeps focussed on achieving solutions
• where differences remain, seeks compromise
• attempts to seek resolutions for outstanding disagreements
• confirms any agreements
• processes emotions of self so stays calm and delivers a controlled response
• processes emotions of others by feeding back to them what is happening in terms of process e.g. “we seem to be more focussed on finding fault rather than searching for positives”
4.5 Credibility:
• is motivating by showing enthusiasm and positivity
• appears confident
• is concise
• appears well practices and organised
• uses accurate information
• uses resources to support understanding
• does not read from notes
• does not lose focus
Observation Check Sheet 2 (Task 3.2)
Performance requirements:
1. Introduction
• introduces own self
• is friendly and enthusiastic
• explains the format for the session
2. Body
2.1 Overviews current situation on market and organisation:
• provides data and information on market forces
• invites contributions particularly with consumer trends
• provides details on the competitors
• invites feedback on competition
• provides information on customer and employee surveys
• invites discussion on summary of strengths and limitations of the organisation
2.2 Discusses strategies to address situation:
• facilitates a discussion on the opportunities and threats from the external and internal environment
• invites ideas on change options to address current situation
• has the group identify the strengths and limitations of these change options
• develop a priorities list of change initiatives
3. Conclusion
• provides an accurate overview of the session
• links to the Introduction and Body
• ends with a closing statement that is thought provoking
• thanks audience and introduces the next step
• session is completed within 45 minutes
4. Throughout the body:
4.1 Non-verbal:
• does not stare at a single spot in the audience
• maintains eye contact focusing long enough to complete a phrase
• uses appropriate facial expressions
• posture is appropriate
• gestures fit message
• nods the head to confirm understanding and attention
• avoids fidgeting, rather conscious of body language
• when not gesturing, hands sit quietly at the sides of the body
• appears relaxed
• does not slump but balanced showing engagement with audience
4.2 Verbal:
• language is clear, vivid and emphatic
• language is simple and avoids jargon
• delivers speech enthusiastically with vocal expressiveness and fluency
• has good pronunciation for clarity
• volume is audible
• tone is pleasant
• pace is at the right speed to achieve clarity
• does not use filled pauses (e.g. ‘er’, ‘erm’, ‘uh’, ‘um’)
• level of formality shows respect to both parties
• charismatic by injecting a level of honesty, humour and openness
• adjusts pace, volume and facial expressions to create different emotions
• adjusts language to assist understanding
• does not interrupt when others are talking
4.3 Questioning:
• seeks input if stakeholders are withdrawn using direct open questioning
• seeks input if participants are withdrawn through direct open questioning
• uses pauses correctly to allow time for thought
(e.g.; a two second pause after a question)
• adjusts delivery accordingly to ensure audience understanding based on the non-verbal signs of the audience
4.4 Negotiation:
• validates the views of stakeholders by acknowledging differences of opinion
• identifies common ground in their views
• where there are differences seeks input for generating options
• keeps focussed on achieving solutions
• where differences remain, seeks compromise
• attempts to seek resolutions for outstanding disagreements
• confirms any agreements
• processes emotions of self so stays calm and delivers a controlled response
• processes emotions of others by feeding back to them what is happening in terms of process e.g. “we seem to be more focussed on finding fault rather than searching for positives”
4.5 Credibility:
• is motivating by showing enthusiasm and positivity
• appears confident
• is concise
• appears well practices and organised
• uses accurate information
• uses resources to support understanding
• does not read from notes
• does not lose focus
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