Task:  You write a report that does the following:
o   defines a problem persuasively and accurately o proposes a solution or solutions to the problem or issue
o   presents that solution to a decision-maker or group of decision-makers who can implement the recommendation
•       Length: 2000-3000 words
•       Format:  Your sources will be cited and listed in APA format.
•       Components of the report:  
o   title page o letter to the decision maker (this should be a business letter, not a memo) o executive summary o table of contents o introduction
o   body of the report to include headings and subheadings o    conclusion stated as a recommendation for implementation of the solution o           References page, with references listed in APA format
     Instructions on how to list an interview in APA format can be seen at the following url:  
Primary and Secondary Sources
The report must incorporate the results of your own primary research. When integrating primary research, you must explain the method(s) you used to gather that research and insert a copy in your report’s appendices of any collection instrument you used.  For example, if you interviewed some people for the report, you would put the list of interview questions you asked in the appendix.  If you arranged for a group of people to take a survey, you would put the survey in the appendix.
The complete report should also cite at least seven secondary sources. At least three of these secondary sources should come from peer-reviewed, scholarly journals.
As noted above, your primary and secondary sources will be integrated into the paper to explain the problem, to provide evidence of the problem, and to support the solution. 
Your report might benefit from graphics.  As mentioned above, pictures of your workplace or community situation might help illustrate the problem you are trying to address.  Graphs, tables, or charts might help show trends that will persuade your decision-maker that the problem exists.  
Please do not incorporate a graphic for the sake of incorporating a graphic.  Include a graphic only if it helps communicate a message in your report.
Guides to Help You in Writing this Assignment:
•       Victoria University of Wellington  
•       Murdoch University 
•       Colorado State University   
Topic Selection:
For this report, you will write on the same topic on which you wrote the memo for writing assignment #3.  In addition, it should be related to the topic on which you wrote writing assignment #2.  The secondary research you conducted for writing assignment #2 should be usable in some form for this report.
You must contact your instructor for approval before changing your topic from writing assignment #3.  In addition, if you do so, you must re-submit a memo for writing assignment #3.


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