Temp Force Company

Your employer, a mid-sized human resources management company, is considering expan-sion into related fields, including the acquisition of Temp Force Company, an employmentagency that supplies word processor operators and computer programmers to businesseswith temporary heavy workloads. Your employer is also considering the purchase of Bigger-staff 8: McDonald (B&M), a privately held company owned by two friends, each with5 mfllion shares of stock. B&M currently has free cash flow of $24 million, which is expectedto grow at a constant rate of 5%. B&M’s financial statements report short-term investmentsof $100 million, debt of $200 million, and preferred stock of $50 million. B&M’s weightedaverage cost of capital (WACC) is 11%. Answer the following questions. a. Describe briefly the legal rights and privileges of common stockholders. b. What is free cash flow (FCF)? What is the weighted average cost of capital? What is thefree cash flow valuation model? c. Use a pie chart to illustrate the sources that comprise a hypothetical company’s totalvalue. Using another pie chart, show the claims on a company’s value. How is equity aresidual claim? d. Suppose the free cash flow at Time 1 is expected to grow at a constant rate of gLforever. If gL < WACC, what is a formula for the present value of expected free cash flows when discounted at the WACC? If the most recent free cash flow is expected togrow at a constant rate of gL forever (and gL < WACC), what is a formula for the present value of expected free cash flows when discounted at the WACC?

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