Meat does have some health benefits. It's high in iron and zinc as well as containing the full array of essential amino acids.

Meat does have some health benefits. It's high in iron and zinc as well as containing the full array of essential amino acids. Unfortunately, many studies show that consuming large amounts can have health implications such as increased cancer and heart disease yet a new study published in September 2019 says the opposite. And what about the health impact of raising beef and our planet? What would happen if the entire world decided to follow a Paleo diet? Do you eat meat? Would you consider reducing your consumption and going vegan before six? Why or why not?
Meats: A Health Hierarchy

No Need To Cut Back On Red Meat? Controversial New 'Guidelines' Lead To Outrage

WHO Says Eating Processed Meat is Carcinogenic: Understanding the findings.
Vegan Before Six

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