Interview a professional in the criminal justice field to gain a better understanding of their work

This week you will interview a professional in the criminal justice field to gain a better understanding of their work. Interviews are a great way to collect in-depth information about a topic that could not be as effectively captured through other qualitative or quantitative data collection tools. The goal of the Assignment is to select a criminal justice profession that you would like to work in and/or learn more about. Choose open-ended questions rather than those that can be answered merely with a “yes” or “no,” as this provides greater information. Use the Question and Answer Form to conduct the interview. Five questions have already been prepared for you and you will create another five questions. You will want to be sure to take detailed notes while conducting the interview, as you will use the notes to summarize the data collected.
Read an article on informational interviewing to prepare for your interview.
Download the Interview and Question Form as a guide. Fill this form out as you conduct the interview and copy and paste it as an Appendix to your Assignment.
You interviewee will also be required to sign a consent form prior to being interviewed. Scan the signed form and upload it to the Unit 3 Dropbox along with your Unit 3 Assignment.
Prepare a 750–1,050 word essay outlining the following:
Who did you interview and what is their position in the field?
When did you conduct the interview (date and time)? Did the time you conducted the interview have any effect on the information you collected? Explain why the time did or did not have an impact on your data collection.
What did you learn from the interview? Be sure to discuss findings from each of the questions that you asked, as readers will not have access to your data collection table.
What other data collection tools might you have used to obtain information about your selected profession? How would the collected data have been different if you had used these other tools?
What information would you have liked to obtain, if any, but did not get as a result of using the interview tool? Would you do anything differently were you to conduct a full study on the selected profession? Explain.


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