Integrating MySQL Table Data with a Python Script

Option #1: Integrating MySQL Table Data with a Python Script
In this assignment, you will write a Python script to increase the population of each city in the world_x database by 10% (rounded).
First, add a new column to the world_x city table using the following MySQL command:
  • ALTER TABLE `world_x`.`city` ADD COLUMN `Population` DOUBLE NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `Info`;
The existing population data are stored as JSON datatype in the city table in a field named Info. You learned about JSON data types in Module 2. To obtain the population data from the Info column in the city table, run the following MySQL command:
  • select info->’$.Population’ from city
Your Python script should do the following:
  • Copy the population data from the Info column into the Population column,
  • Increase the population by 10% in the Population column, and
  • List the population before the increase and the population after it was increased.
Submit your Python script and Python script output as two separate text files included in a zip file. Submit your zip file to the Module 6 folder. Provide a detailed technical report on the steps needed to integrate Python and MySQL. In addition, provide details on how you iterate through a JSON field in a Python script.
Assignment statusSolved by our Writing


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