Peter Kreeft, “The idea of God is either a fact, like sand, or a fantasy, like Santa


In the words of Peter Kreeft, “The idea of God is either a fact, like sand, or a fantasy, like Santa.” This is the fundamental question raised in Module 5. Namely, what are we rationally entitled to conclude about God’s potential existence? And if God does exist, what type of God is supported by empirical evidence? Said differently, is it rational to believe in a God that is omniscient, omnipotent, omnibenevolent (call these the three O’s), or does this characterization fail to hold up to scrutiny?

In support of the claim that God exists, there are two options to consider during this module. First, is the cosmological argument, which generates the conclusion God exists based on fundamental considerations about the cause of the world and/or why there is something rather than nothing. Second, is the teleological argument, which posits the existence of God based on the appearance of design. Both arguments rest on empirical (or a posteriori) reasoning. Both have deep roots in the history of philosophy. Both have particular versions that are important to consider for your essay.

In support of the claim that God does not exist, is the problem of evil. According to it, based on a careful examination of moral and natural evils in relation to the three O’s, God simply cannot exist. Said differently, pairing together the fact of evil with the concept of God is like postulating the existence of a round-square. A round-square is a contradictory object, whose actual existence is not rationally justified. So, too, (goes the argument) is an omniscient, omnipotent, omnibenevolent God that allows for moral and natural evil.

Essay Question: Critically evaluate ONE of the above three arguments (i.e., the cosmological, teleological or problem of evil) for or against God’s existence. Do NOT write on all three topics. The idea here is go into depth on a single one. Please note that there are different versions of these arguments, and it may be wise to distinguish between the different versions in your essay.


View the "Essay Writing Guide" attached to this dropbox.

Write and submit a thoughtful, clear and succinct thesis writing assignment of 1000-1500 words, in direct response to the Module 4 assignment above.

Draw directly upon our assigned textbook readings for this Module in carefully crafting your detailed response.

In answering the essay question provided, carefully review, reflect upon, and attempt to integrate the textbook material covered in Chapter 4: Section 4.0-4.2 and 4.4-4.5.
Please double-space your submission, include your name at the top of its first page, and be sure to cite all sources quoted or paraphrased from (even if it’s only our textbook). Please take careful note of the above formatting instructions.

Don’t forget to include a bibliography or “works cited” page at the end!

Submit it to the Module 5 Essay assignment to the Dropbox no later than the last day of this Module.


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