Although every life has its crucial turning-points,every life has, also, its minor crises, its incidents which are less than crises, — almost anecdotes.

Although every life has its crucial turning-points,every life has, also, its minor crises, its incidents which are less than crises, — almost anecdotes. These, too, the Short-story writer may interpret. He may picture the little sorrows, the little joys,the little victories, the little defeats. He may show the inconsistencies and incongruities of life. "It is his delight to observe and note the fresh, the striking, the unusual or interesting phases of human life about him, to turn them over in his mind till they have taken definite new form, and send them forth again — his own creation." A whole life may not be vitally affected by what happens in some unimportant moment, but in the light of this moment a whole character may be explained. Upon brief and inconsequential moments the greater number of our modern magazine Short- stories are based.
Lucy Lilian Notestein
After reading Lucy Lilian Notestein's take of what happens in short stories (on the
DB), state whether you agree or disagree with her analysis. Give three (3)
examples from three (3) different stories from to Charters, Use the following stories for the examples:
1. Herman Melville, Bartleby, the Scrivener, p.606
2. Flannery O’Connor, A Good Man is Hard to Find, p.705
3. John Updike, A&P, p.831
4. Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., Harrison Bergeron, p. 837
A. (2015). The story and its writer: An introduction to short fiction. Boston: Bedford Bks St. Martin’s. to support your response.
so please be as specific and as comprehensive as possible. You must create your own thread to
CHARTERS, A. (2017). STORY AND ITS WRITER COMPACT 2016 UPDATE: an introduction to short fiction. S.l.: BEDFORD BKS ST MARTINS.


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