POSITION PAPER: POWER, POLITICS, AND CULTURE Due Week 8, worth 250 points Power and politics greatly influence an organization’s culture. In business, the culture can make or break an organization’s productivity. In this assignment, you’ll analyze the ways power and politics have influenced an organization’s culture. You’ll apply best practices you learned in course resources and your own research to make recommendations for improving this organization’s culture. PREPARATION Using the same organization from the first two assignments, imagine the CEO has now requested your task force investigate the influence of power and politics on the corporate culture. You have been asked to prepare a position paper that presents and supports your recommendations to improve the culture. Prepare for this assignment by delving into the organization’s culture and identi-fying the resources you, the task force leader, will use to create your research-supported position paper. Use at least two quality resources such as the course textbook, company website, business websites (CNBC, Bloomberg, etc.), resources from the Strayer Library, and/or outside sources. Note: Wikipedia and web-based blogs do not qualify as credible resources. INSTRUCTIONS Develop your position paper, addressing the following components: 1. Influence of Politics and Power Explain how politics and power-play may have influenced the organization’s culture. 2. Sources of Power Explore the sources of power and describe how management could use this influence to benefit your department and improve organizational performance. 3. Leadership Behavior and Culture Make recommendations that support how the study of power and politics could influence leadership behavior and improve the organization’s culture. 4. Leadership Influence Discuss the importance and complexity of leadership behavior. How does it influence organizational structure and performance? 5. Executive Summary Prepare an executive summary that presents your recommendations for ways in which the organization could build a stronger culture. Note:An executive summary is a condensed version of your fullreport. It should summarize briefly all the main points in concise paragraphs. It should be written clearly and should use language appropriate for the audience. PROFESSIONAL AND APA FORMATTING REQUIREMENTS Your assignment must follow these general APA formatting requirements: .jpg”>Be typed (five to seven pages recommended, excluding cover and reference pages), double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12) with one-inch margins on all sides .jpg”>Include a References List .jpg”>Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date .jpg”>Include in-text citations following APA style, using attributive tags and signal verbs .jpg”>Cite at least two credible sources .png”>POINTS: 250 .png”> Criteria .png”> 1. Influence of Politics and Power Weight: 20% ASSIGNMENT 3: POSITION PAPER: POWER, POLITICS, AND CULTURE .png”> Unacceptable Fair Proficient Exemplary Below 70% F 70-79% C 80-89% B 90-100% A Does not Partially Satisfactorily Completely explain how explains how explains how explains how politics and politics and politics and politics and power-play power-play may power-play may power-play may may have have influenced have influenced have influenced influenced the the organiza- the organiza- the organiza- organization’s tion’s culture. tion’s culture. tion’s culture. culture. Identifies some Identifies some Accurately issues but core issues and identifies the does not fully connects them core issues and explore them or to the impact strongly con- make a strong on the culture. nects them to connection to The explana- the impact on their impact. tion uses culture. The Uses little research explanation is research support well-supported support. by research. 2. Sources of Does not identi- Partially identi- Satisfactorily Completely Power fy the sources fies the sourc- identifies the identifies the of power or es of power sources of sources of Weight: 20% describe how and describes power and power and management how manage- describes how describes how could use this ment could use management management influence to this influence could use this could use this enhance organi- to enhance influence to influence to zational perfor- organizational enhance organi- enhance organi- mance. There is performance. zational perfor- zational perfor- no reference to Not all key mance. Most mance. Uses research concepts are key concepts relevant key identified and are accurately concepts and there is a loose identified and makes valid connection to there is a con- connections to performance. nection to enhanced There is little enhanced per- performance research formance with that are support. research well-supported support. by research 3. Leadership Does not identi- Partially recom- Satisfactorily Provides excel- Behavior and fy the sources mends how the identifies the lent recommen- Culture of power or study of power sources of dations as to describe how and politics power and how the study of Weight: 20% management could influence describes how power and poli- could use this leadership management tics could influ- influence to behavior and could use this ence leadership enhance organi- impact the influence to behavior and zational perfor- organization’s enhance organi- impact the orga- mance. There is culture, but the zational perfor- nization’s no reference to recommenda- mance. Most culture. Recom- research tions are unclear key concepts mendations are or unrealistic. are accurately credible and There is no clear identified and relevant with a connection to there is a con- strong connec- the impact on nection to tion to the culture. There is enhanced per- impact on little or no formance with culture backed research research by well-support- support. support. ed research. 4. Leadership Does not Partially recom- Satisfactorily Provides excel- Influence recommend mends how the recommends lent recommen- how the study study of power how the study dations as to Weight: 20% of power and and politics of power and how the study politics could could influence politics could of power and influence lead- leadership influence lead- politics could ership behavior behavior and ership behavior influence lead- and impact the impact the and impact the ership behavior organization’s organization’s organization’s and impact the culture. There is culture, but the culture. Recom- organization’s no reference to recommenda- mendations are culture. Recom- research. tions are clear and mendations are unclear or mostly realistic; credible and unrealistic. there is a con- relevant with a There is no nection to the strong connec- clear connec- impact on tion to the tion to the culture. impact on impact on Research sup- culture culture. There port is evident. backed by is little or no well-supported research research. support. 5. Executive Does not Partially Satisfactorily Thoroughly Summary discuss how the discusses how discusses how discusses how importance and the importance the importance the importance Weight: 10% complexity of and complexity and complexity and complexity leadership of leadership of leadership of leadership behavior behavior influ- behavior behavior influences ences organiza- influences influences organizational tional structure organizational organizational structure and and perfor- structure and structure and performance. mance. Some performance. performance. There is no key concepts Most key con- Relevant key reference to are missing cepts are pre- concepts are research. and there is sented with presented with little or no research strong research research support. support. support. 6. Write Writing does not Writing is satis- Writing could Writing is excel- Professionally meet minimum factory. Profes- be improved, lent. Tone is Using Quality standards. Tone sional tone is but meets professional Resources is not profes- developing. acceptable and sophisticat- sional. Commu- Shows moder- standards. Tone ed. Shows logic, Weight: 10% nication is ate logic, clari- is professional. clarity, and wholly lacking ty, and/or con- Shows logic, consistent in logic, clarity, sistent format- clarity, and formatting. and/or consis- ting. May con- consistent Contains no tent formatting. tain more than formatting. May spelling, Contains many a few spelling, contain few or mechanical, or spelling, grammar, no spelling, grammatical mechanical, mechanical, mechanical, errors. Is free of formatting, formatting, or and/or gram- formatting and citation, and/or citation errors. matical errors. citation errors. grammatical There may be errors. Does not meet minor format- Exceeds the required ting or citation number of References are number of errors. required refer- not provided. references; ences; all refer- some or all Meets the ences are references are number of high-quality of poor quality. required refer- choices ences; all refer- ences are high-quality choices




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