Fire Dynamics having the most impact on our profession, on our departments
Forum - Course Wrap-up
Our readings focused on those areas of Fire Dynamics having the most impact on our profession, on our departments, and on each of us as firefighters or future firefighters.
After reflecting on the material found in this class, write a post that answers the following:
1. What part of our readings had the biggest impact on you and why?
2. What was the most surprising or interesting thing you learned during the past eight weeks?
In closing out the course in Fire Dynamics I can honestly say that I have enjoyed each week of this class. From the forum discussion in week 1 when we were discussing the changing dynamics that many fire departments face in their local response districts from years ago to the firefighting tactics that have changed over the years. As I have stated in previous forum discussions my response local has many older “Legacy” homes where the construction has not changed but the home furnishings and contents of the houses has changed drastically over the years forcing us to change our firefighting tactics. The week 5 forum was a good refresher on how we extinguish fires. We are constantly emphasizing the basics of firefighting in my fire department and if we do not understand the basics of extinguishment and the different ways to extinguish a fire we are already at a major disadvantage. The most interesting and informative lesson for me was the fire modeling of week 7. In the fire service the lessons that we can learn from fire modeling and tactical approaches to fire scenes can literally save lives if we study the fire modeling and can learn from the specifics of previous events. We can never stop training and we can never stop learning in emergency services. In my position in my fire department I have many years of real life practical experience and this class has provided me with additional information and knowledge that I already have and will continue to bring back to my company so that we can continue to train and learn to improve our safety and fire fighting skills. I want to wish all my classmates continued success in the college studies and please be safe! Professor K thank you for the gained knowledge you provided us in this class.
Hello everyone, it is the last forum of this class. How did everyone enjoy the course? Looking back, this has been an exciting class. A lot of it, the material took me back to the basics of firefighting, which was refreshing. Lesson four probably had the most impact on me as it went into depth over an enclosed compartment fire. Being stationed in Guam, where the houses and facilities are made out of concrete, this is the type of fire that I would most likely encounter. I saved some of the lesson material and made a few training PowerPoint presentations from them.
The lesson that I struggled with the most was the fire modeling lesson. I do not know if it was the equations from the lessons that just made my brain struggle and understand what it was stating.
Lastly, I enjoyed how this class was structured. Nine forums, two papers, and one quiz was the right amount of work to where I could focus on the lesson and not rush myself to complete assignments. Overall I have no complaints and enjoyed learning different aspects of fire dynamics.
- Assignment status: Solved by our Writing Team at
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