Client Intake Form for your state

Client Intake
Selecting an assessment to use with a client can be an important part of a counselor’s work. A first step in selecting an assessment is often to research options using the Mental Measurements Yearbook. For this Assignment, you will identify a mental health issue, and then research assessments that may help in diagnosing a client.
You will create a self-recorded video directed at your client to explain the rationale for assessing him or her, and you will describe how the assessment you selected will accomplish this.
To Prepare:
· Locate the appropriate Client Intake Form for your state:
· Select 1 of the 3 clients from exercise 3.3 in your textbook.
· Select an appropriate issue to assess that you determine may assist in diagnosing this client, such as suicide, addiction, trauma, depression, anxiety, relationship satisfaction, or other issue.
· Determine which assessment to administer to the client you have selected.
Search the Walden Library for the Mental Measurements Yearbook (MMY) as follows:
· In the Walden Library, select Databases A-Z on the home page.
· Select “M” from the alphabetic menu.
· Select Mental Measurements Yearbook with Tests in Print from the options.
· Find an assessment that you think is a good one to recommend to your ‘client’
· Review the Kaltura Uploader link found in the navigation of the classroom for helpful guidelines for creating and uploading your video for this Assignment. (Note: Please be mindful of the technical requirements needed when creating your video.)
  • Create a 1 – 2 minute      self-recorded video addressing your client
  • To help you address your      comments to your client, you may want to use an object to represent the      client, such as stuffed toy or photograph. This object should be outside      the video frame.
  • In the video, explain to your      client these three things:
    • why you want to assess him or       her
    • which assessment you would       like to administer, and
    • what the assessment will       provide for the client

Required Resources
Neukrug, E. S., & Fawcett, R. C. (2015). Chapter 5: “Test worthiness: Validity, reliability: cross-cultural fairness, and assessment.” In The essentials of Testing and Assessment: A practical guide for counselors, social workers, and psychologists (pp. 83-109). Stamford, CN: Cengage Learning.
Required Media
Optional Resources
Kroenke, K., Spitzer, R. L., and Williams, & Janet, B. W. (2003). The Patient Health Questionnaire-2: Validity of a Two-Item Depression Screener. Medical Care, 41 (3), pp. 1284-1292. doi: 10.1097/01.MLR.0000093487.78664.3C
Note: You will access this article through the Walden Library databases.
National Counselor Exam Preparation
There are two primary types of credentials in the counseling profession:
  • Licenses or Certifications      issued by a state licensing board (e.g.,      Licensed Professional Counselor, Licensed School Counselor, Licensed      Professional Clinical Counselor, State Certified School Counselor, State      Certified Counselor, State Board Certified TeleMental Health Provider)
  • Certifications issue by a      national certifying board (e.g.,      Nationally Certified Counselor, Nationally Certified School      Counselor) 
Both types of credentials are important; most counselors hold both a state licenses and/or state certification and a national certification. For example, most school counselors earn state credentials (either a state license or state certification depending on the state requirements) first and become national certified counselors (NCC) after practicing. Most clinical mental health counseling students, on the other hand, often become NCCs while in field experience and then gain state licensure or state certification after fulfilling state required post-graduate hours. 
The requirements for each credential vary by state and counseling setting, but ultimately most credentials require an exam such as a National Counselor Exam (NCE), the National Clinical Mental Health Counseling Examination (NCMHCE), or a state board created exam.
The study materials in this class address some of the core content of the NCE, which is part of the requirement for becoming a NCC. Although the resources are outlined for the NCE, they are useful to supplement any and all credentialing exams as the NCE assesses foundational counseling knowledge.
Laureate Education (Producer). (2019). Research Design & Program Evaluation NCE Module [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.
Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 76 minutes.
  • with Dr. Elizabeth Ventura
Accessible player  --Downloads-- Download Video w/CC Download Audio Download Transcript 
Rosenthal, H. (2017). Encyclopedia of counseling: Master review and tutorial for the National Counselor Examination, state counseling exams, and the Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Examination (4th ed.). New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Chapter 9, “Research and Program Evaluation” pp. 412 –      473
(Note: This text was required for an earlier course.)Assignment - Week 5
Client Intake
Selecting an assessment to use with a client can be an important part of a counselor’s work. A first step in selecting an assessment is often to research options using the Mental Measurements Yearbook. For this Assignment, you will identify a mental health issue, and then research assessments that may help in diagnosing a client.
You will create a self-recorded video directed at your client to explain the rationale for assessing him or her, and you will describe how the assessment you selected will accomplish this.
To Prepare:
· Locate the appropriate Client Intake Form for your state:
· Select 1 of the 3 clients from exercise 3.3 in your textbook.
· Select an appropriate issue to assess that you determine may assist in diagnosing this client, such as suicide, addiction, trauma, depression, anxiety, relationship satisfaction, or other issue.
· Determine which assessment to administer to the client you have selected.
Search the Walden Library for the Mental Measurements Yearbook (MMY) as follows:
· In the Walden Library, select Databases A-Z on the home page.
· Select “M” from the alphabetic menu.
· Select Mental Measurements Yearbook with Tests in Print from the options.
· Find an assessment that you think is a good one to recommend to your ‘client’
· Review the Kaltura Uploader link found in the navigation of the classroom for helpful guidelines for creating and uploading your video for this Assignment. (Note: Please be mindful of the technical requirements needed when creating your video.)
  • Create a 1 – 2 minute      self-recorded video addressing your client
  • To help you address your      comments to your client, you may want to use an object to represent the      client, such as stuffed toy or photograph. This object should be outside      the video frame.
  • In the video, explain to your      client these three things:
    • why you want to assess him or       her
    • which assessment you would       like to administer, and
    • what the assessment will       provide for the client

Required Resources
Neukrug, E. S., & Fawcett, R. C. (2015). Chapter 5: “Test worthiness: Validity, reliability: cross-cultural fairness, and assessment.” In The essentials of Testing and Assessment: A practical guide for counselors, social workers, and psychologists (pp. 83-109). Stamford, CN: Cengage Learning.
Required Media
Optional Resources
Kroenke, K., Spitzer, R. L., and Williams, & Janet, B. W. (2003). The Patient Health Questionnaire-2: Validity of a Two-Item Depression Screener. Medical Care, 41 (3), pp. 1284-1292. doi: 10.1097/01.MLR.0000093487.78664.3C
Note: You will access this article through the Walden Library databases.
National Counselor Exam Preparation
There are two primary types of credentials in the counseling profession:
  • Licenses or Certifications      issued by a state licensing board (e.g.,      Licensed Professional Counselor, Licensed School Counselor, Licensed      Professional Clinical Counselor, State Certified School Counselor, State      Certified Counselor, State Board Certified TeleMental Health Provider)
  • Certifications issue by a      national certifying board (e.g.,      Nationally Certified Counselor, Nationally Certified School      Counselor) 
Both types of credentials are important; most counselors hold both a state licenses and/or state certification and a national certification. For example, most school counselors earn state credentials (either a state license or state certification depending on the state requirements) first and become national certified counselors (NCC) after practicing. Most clinical mental health counseling students, on the other hand, often become NCCs while in field experience and then gain state licensure or state certification after fulfilling state required post-graduate hours. 
The requirements for each credential vary by state and counseling setting, but ultimately most credentials require an exam such as a National Counselor Exam (NCE), the National Clinical Mental Health Counseling Examination (NCMHCE), or a state board created exam.
The study materials in this class address some of the core content of the NCE, which is part of the requirement for becoming a NCC. Although the resources are outlined for the NCE, they are useful to supplement any and all credentialing exams as the NCE assesses foundational counseling knowledge.
Laureate Education (Producer). (2019). Research Design & Program Evaluation NCE Module [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.
Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 76 minutes.
  • with Dr. Elizabeth Ventura
Accessible player  --Downloads-- Download Video w/CC Download Audio Download Transcript 
Rosenthal, H. (2017). Encyclopedia of counseling: Master review and tutorial for the National Counselor Examination, state counseling exams, and the Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Examination (4th ed.). New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Chapter 9, “Research and Program Evaluation” pp. 412 –      473
(Note: This text was required for an earlier course.)


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