According to Hume, moral judgments are based on sentiment or internal feeling rather than exclusively on reason, but he does say that reason or facts have a role to play. Explain what part reason and sentiment play in his empirical theory of ethics.
- 1)According to Hume, moral judgments are based on sentiment or internal feeling rather than exclusively on reason, but he does say that reason or facts have a role to play. Explain what part reason and sentiment play in his empirical theory of ethics.
- 2)Based on Hume's view about the nature of morality, what do you think he would suggest is the reason(s) why people engage in immoral acts and based on this, how might he suggest we should prevent such acts from occurring either in ourselves or in others?
- 3)The concept of autonomy plays a central role in Kant's moral view.What is autonomy?Choose at least two aspects of Kants view that are informed or motivated by this concept and explain that connection.(hint: the concept of autonomy or freedom or being the source of your own behavior lies behind the first two principles of morality, the Kingdom of Ends, the tests of the categorical imperative, etc.)
- 4)Based on Kant's view about the nature and source of morality, what do you think he would suggest is the reason(s) why people engage in immoral acts and based on this, how might he suggest we should prevent such acts from occurring either in ourselves or in others?
Please watch the video then answer the following questions with detail. Thank you very much !
Running head: KANT AND HUME ON MORALITY Kant and Hume on Morality(Student name)(Course name)November 8, 2016 1 KANT AND HUME ON MORALITY 2 Kant and Hume on Morality1. Hume is by all accounts...GET A PROFESSIONAL WRITER TO WORK ON THIS PAPER AND OTHER SIMILAR PAPERS
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