Create a GUI application with JFrame that contains five labels describing reasons that a customer might not buy a specific product (e.g. “too expensive”). P
Create a GUI application with JFrame that contains five labels
describing reasons that a customer might not buy a specific product
(e.g. “too expensive”). Place a JButton on the JFrame, and code its
functionality so that every time the user clicks on the button one
of the reasons is removed from a label.
Compile, run and test your application.
When done - submit the .java files zipped into a .zip archive as an attachment to your ( do not copy/paste the codes into your response.). provide comments and explanations of your solution, the UML class diagram of your application and resources used.
Compile, run and test your application.
When done - submit the .java files zipped into a .zip archive as an attachment to your ( do not copy/paste the codes into your response.). provide comments and explanations of your solution, the UML class diagram of your application and resources used.
- Assignment status: Resolved by our Writing Team
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