News on computer security breaches that occurred during April-August 2017
Search the web for news on computer security breaches that occurred
during April-August 2017. Research one such reported incident (Excluding
the May 2017 ransomware cyber-attack). Prepare a report on the
! What the problem was?
2 How occurred?
3 How and why it occurred?
4 What are the possible solutions.
Words: 900 Words
Due Date: 19 August 2017
I have chosen the following: security breach:
Topic: Deep dive into the Edmodo data breach
This assessment task is based on the following topics discussed in the subject: the overview of Information security fundamentals, security threats, cryptography, malicious software, and operating system security.
The assessment task is aligned with the following learning outcomes of the subject:
• be able to justify security goals and the importance of maintaining the secure computing environment against digital threats;
• be able to explain the fundamental concepts of cryptographic algorithms;
• be able to examine malicious activities that may affect the security of a computer program and justify the choice of various controls to mitigate threats.
• be able to compare and contrast the security mechanisms of a trusted operating system with those used in a general purpose operating system;
Assessment criteria
PART A : 10 marks
Assessable Components HD
100% - 85% DI
84% - 75% CR
74% - 65% PS
64% - 50% FL
49% - 0
Search the web for news on computer security breaches that occurred during April-August 2017. Research one such reported incident (Excluding the May 2017 ransomware cyber-attack). Prepare a report focusing on what the problem was, how and why it occurred and what are the possible solutions.
1. Comprehensive report addressing all criteria. Evidence of in-depth research.
(Value: 95%)
2. Referenced a wide range of appropriate sources.
Referencing style correctly used.
(Value: 5%)
1. Comprehensive report addressing all criteria. Evidence of in-depth research. Minor omissions only.
(Value: 95%)
2. Referenced a range of appropriate sources. Referencing style correctly used. Minor errors only.
(Value: 5%)
1. Mostly well-researched and well-presented report addressing all criteria. Some omissions.
(Value: 95%)
2. Referenced a range of appropriate sources.
Referencing style correctly used. Some errors and omissions.
(Value: 5%)
1. Partially complete report addressing most of the criteria. Evidence of research. Some omissions.
(Value: 95%)
2. Referenced some appropriate sources.
Referencing style mostly correctly used. Some errors and omissions.
(Value: 5%)
1. Major omissions or incorrect answers.
(Value: 95%)
2. Either no evidence of literature being consulted or cited references irrelevant to the assignment set. Major errors in referencing style.
(Value: 5%)
Possible marks 10.0 – 8.5 8.4-7.5 7.49 – 6.5 6.49 –5.0 4.99 – 0
• You are recommended to write the answers in a word document..
• Your answers to the questions should be precise but complete and informative.
• Each question should be answered individually with the corresponding label to indicate the tasks completed e.g. Task 1 a.
• APA reference style must be used throughout the document with the bibliography not counted in the page limit.
! What the problem was?
2 How occurred?
3 How and why it occurred?
4 What are the possible solutions.
Words: 900 Words
Due Date: 19 August 2017
I have chosen the following: security breach:
Topic: Deep dive into the Edmodo data breach
This assessment task is based on the following topics discussed in the subject: the overview of Information security fundamentals, security threats, cryptography, malicious software, and operating system security.
The assessment task is aligned with the following learning outcomes of the subject:
• be able to justify security goals and the importance of maintaining the secure computing environment against digital threats;
• be able to explain the fundamental concepts of cryptographic algorithms;
• be able to examine malicious activities that may affect the security of a computer program and justify the choice of various controls to mitigate threats.
• be able to compare and contrast the security mechanisms of a trusted operating system with those used in a general purpose operating system;
Assessment criteria
PART A : 10 marks
Assessable Components HD
100% - 85% DI
84% - 75% CR
74% - 65% PS
64% - 50% FL
49% - 0
Search the web for news on computer security breaches that occurred during April-August 2017. Research one such reported incident (Excluding the May 2017 ransomware cyber-attack). Prepare a report focusing on what the problem was, how and why it occurred and what are the possible solutions.
1. Comprehensive report addressing all criteria. Evidence of in-depth research.
(Value: 95%)
2. Referenced a wide range of appropriate sources.
Referencing style correctly used.
(Value: 5%)
1. Comprehensive report addressing all criteria. Evidence of in-depth research. Minor omissions only.
(Value: 95%)
2. Referenced a range of appropriate sources. Referencing style correctly used. Minor errors only.
(Value: 5%)
1. Mostly well-researched and well-presented report addressing all criteria. Some omissions.
(Value: 95%)
2. Referenced a range of appropriate sources.
Referencing style correctly used. Some errors and omissions.
(Value: 5%)
1. Partially complete report addressing most of the criteria. Evidence of research. Some omissions.
(Value: 95%)
2. Referenced some appropriate sources.
Referencing style mostly correctly used. Some errors and omissions.
(Value: 5%)
1. Major omissions or incorrect answers.
(Value: 95%)
2. Either no evidence of literature being consulted or cited references irrelevant to the assignment set. Major errors in referencing style.
(Value: 5%)
Possible marks 10.0 – 8.5 8.4-7.5 7.49 – 6.5 6.49 –5.0 4.99 – 0
• You are recommended to write the answers in a word document..
• Your answers to the questions should be precise but complete and informative.
• Each question should be answered individually with the corresponding label to indicate the tasks completed e.g. Task 1 a.
• APA reference style must be used throughout the document with the bibliography not counted in the page limit.
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