continue to recognise the traditional custodians of the lands, on which our campuses are located

Assessment 2:
Project Scenario
Acknowledging First Nations Peoples (and their elders) project
1. Project Title
Acknowledging First Nations Peoples (and their elders) project by naming/renaming selected CQ University premises (and/or land).
2. Concept:
To acknowledge the First Nations Peoples (and their elders) by naming (or re-naming) selected CQU premises (and/or land).
3. Background
One key element of the CQUniversity Strategic Plan (2019) is that we will “continue to recognise the traditional custodians of the lands, on which our campuses are located” (p. 1). In order to support that plan, the School of Engineering and Technology (SET) Indigenisation Committee is interested in projects that give visibility to the world’s oldest living culture by acknowledging the traditional owners by naming/ renaming selected CQU premises (and/or land) in honour of local indigenous people.
The project would include selecting suitable premises (or land), owned and/or operated by CQU, constructing and erecting signs (signage), plaques and organising naming ceremonies to commemorate the event. It is anticipated a total of ten (10) premises (and accompanying naming ceremonies) will occur across different CQU campuses.
In terms of procurement, the Committee has requested that where possible, indigenous suppliers, artists and performers be involved, particularly in constructing and erecting signs (signage), plaques and naming ceremonies. After some discussion Committee members agreed that such a project would be challenging but worthwhile.
The Chair of the Committee wants further information before raising the idea with the relevant funding body. The Committee agreed it would be good to have the project plan released to coincide with the National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee (NAIDOC) week in July 2020.
The project executive has asked the plan to be completed before work commences on the project. Once the project plan is approved, then actual work on executing the project cannot commence until 1st August 2020 and needs to be completed, on or before, 30th July 2021.
4. Preferred Project
The School of Engineering and Technology (SET) Indigenisation Committee has requested a project acknowledging local indigenous people by naming/renaming selected CQ University premises (and/or land) comprising the following:
• Constructing and erecting signs (signage);
• Designing and erecting plaques; and
• Organising and staging naming/renaming ceremonies.
The School of Engineering and Technology (SET) Indigenisation Committee has indicated that members of the local Indigenous communities be one of the key stakeholders in this project. The Committee has requested that during the project any contact with these communities be undertaken in a respectful and culturally appropriate manner.
5. Your Task
The Chair of the CQUniversity SET Indigenisation Committee, Dr Shane Doyle has tasked you to provide the project board with further information regarding the project. The Chair will act as the Project Executive for the project board. You are to develop a tailored project plan that reflects the project described in this document and aligns to PMBoK and Prince2 requirements.
6. Project Scope and funding
The Chair of the SET Indigenisation Committee will seek internal funding (up to $200k), to complete the entire project. However, this amount of funding is not guaranteed, and cost savings should be identified and implemented wherever possible. Due to time and financial constraints, the Chair has requested that ten different (10) CQUniversity premises be included in the scope of this project.
7. Due Date
This submission is due 8am Friday 17th January 2019 (Week 8).
8. Template
The Project Executive has supplied a template, which has been tailored to suit the organisational context and incorporates elements of the project plan and charter. You must use the assessment template supplied by the Unit Coordinator (or from Moodle). Delete all blue explanatory text prior to submitting your work. Your submission will be assessed on the following project management criteria (see marking breakdown – in part 9 below) including how they reflect the project scenario and meet the requirements of PMBOK guide and Prince2.
9. Marking Breakdown
The marking breakdown below for the submission is reflected in the content headings of the template provided. To avoid losing marks ensure you understand the project topic, the content headings and check your writing quality, including spelling, references, grammar, etc.
Content of project submission Marks
Project description and justification 4
Stakeholders 10
Requirements management 5
Scope 10
Schedule 6
Cost Baseline 6
Risks 5
Tolerances 2
Lessons 2
10. Group assessment
Assessment task 2 is a group assessment. Groups must comprise at minimum of three (3) students and a maximum of four (4) students. Each member of the group must be enrolled in the same tutorial. Note: Flex (distance) students can elect to complete this project individually or in a group.
11. References
Please note that at least nine (9) separate references must be cited, in the body of assessment 2. All references must comply with the American Psychological Association (APA) 6th Ed. guidelines.
Each term groups are investigated for academic misconduct; this includes the group members who authored the original submission. It is your responsibility to ensure you understand what constitutes academic misconduct and the consequences. All members of your group may likely to be found guilty, regardless of who in the group provided (or failed to secure) the submission, as well as those who have copied.
CQUniversity Australia (2019) “Our future is You”, A Strategic Plan for our Shared Future, retrieved 10th November, 2019 from:


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