Choose four works of architecture from four different chapters from Ch 5-9. Identify each work: title, civilization, date, media, stylistic period, (i.e. Classical Greece)
Choose four works of architecture from four different chapters from Ch 5-9. Identify each work: title, civilization, date, media, stylistic period, (i.e. Classical Greece). Include an image or hyperlink for each chosen work. the artwork titles are the following: Venus of Willendorf,The Standard of Ur , stage hunt of the gnosis, and The Lion-Human
In 1000 words, write an essay in which you compare and contrast the styles and functions of the buildings according to each civilization. Discuss significant features of the religion, social and political hierarchy of each civilization. Discuss the function of the buildings according to their plans. Apply new terms from the architectural diagrams in each chapter. Utilize APA formatting and citation
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