Dark Tourism

Write a 6 page essay on Dark Tourism
On the other hand, the prevalence of the practice seems to indicate that there is wide appeal among people from all walks of life for dark tourism, and that there seems to be no common agreement as to whether the practice appeals to those who are seemingly inclined to dark tourism to satisfy some inner dark craving, or whether dark tourism as a practice is one that is essentially spiritual, or that serve some higher spiritual purpose. At any rate it is apparent from the large body of literature on the subject matter that dark tourism is prevalent, is institutionalized, and does not seem to incite people to commit crimes, or to trample on the rights of other people, and in some cases have some spiritual merit for those who pursue dark tourism, in terms of being able to precisely confront death and the darker side of human nature. This paper posits that depending on the motive and depending on whether the practice transgresses the fundamental rights and liberties of people, then from a philosophical perspective, dark tourism can be philosophically ethical or not. This paper further posits that some forms of dark tourism are ethical and some are not ethical, and it is the duty of the authorities to make sure that places that become popular dark tourist destinations are configured, and the travels and trips so structured, so that they do not cause harm to others both living and dead, and conform to common standards of decency and ethics. (Katz 2006. Mulin 2013. Stone and Sharpley 2008. Roberts 2013).


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