Internal Communication Between Managers and Employee.

Write a 8 page essay on Internal Communication Between Managers and Employee.
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For the success of a communication in an organization, therefore, managers need to implement plans that will ensure that employees are free to give their ideas, which can be constructive to the organization. In establishing a communication, people can achieve proper communication especially in their processes of introducing a new product into the market. Different stakeholders need to play their parts in the whole process so that they can be accountable for all the things they do regardless of the result of it all. In the same way, different organization managements use various media, which include. websites, social media, TV, radio, brochures, gift cards and email to reach the intended targets to communicate. With effective methods of communication, organizations address the different needs they have through intensive consultation between the members of the management team and employees. Sometimes the methods of communication adopted by the managers or the employees adopted may not be effective and therefore, training is required to enhance proper communication between them. This training also needs to be evaluated to ensure that it gives all the trainees the necessary skills they can use to present ideas to the people they intend. The method of data collection in the process of acquiring the data that is analyzed was primary data collection in which managers and employees were interviewed. The process also included the collection of data through observation of the behavior of different participants in relation to the different conduct when relating to each other. Analysis of Internal communication between managers and employee The process of analysis of internal communication between employees and managers involved three levels to ensure total coverage of all the different areas of the communication between them.


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