Chapter 9: The text describes a number of different positioning strategies. Give examples of products or brands that utilise each of these different strategies.
Assessment item
IMC Conceptual Development
Length: Max 3500 words +/- 10%
Rationale: This assessment is designed to test the student's knowledge, skills or capabilities of the materials covered during the semester. Each question is of equal value. The Chapter numbers refer to Belch, G., Belch, M., Kerr, G. and Powell, I. (2014). Advertising: An Integrated Marketing Communication Perspective, 3rd Ed. McGraw Hill, Australia. ISBN 9781743078655
1. Chapter 9: The text describes a number of different positioning strategies. Give examples of products or brands that utilise each of these different strategies.
2. Chapter 9: It has been said that benefit segmentation should be the starting point for determining which market segments to target and that other segmentation strategies may just be descriptors of the segment. Discuss whether you agree or disagree with this position, citing specific examples to support your case.
3. Chapter 9: A number of companies have tried to reposition themselves in the marketplace. Some have been successful; others have not. Cite examples of both. What are the factors that you think led to their success or failure?
4. Chapter 9: Changing lifestyles can create both opportunities and threats for the marketer. Provide an example of a change in lifestyle that poses a threat to marketers and one that provides an opportunity. Give an example of a product or brand that has been affected in both of these ways.
5. Chapter 10 differentiates between communication objectives and sales objectives. Explain the difference. What are the strengths and weaknesses of each?
6. Chapter 12: Describe the three methods of media scheduling and give examples of products or services that might employ each method.
7. Chapter 12: Explain the relationship between reach, frequency, continuity and the media budget.
8. Chapter 11: The phrase ‘I think, therefore I am’ is a familiar one. Thinking rationally is what separates us from other species. Yet Du Plessis suggests that we are first and foremost emotional creatures, and how we perceive things emotionally determines how we respond rationally. What do you think of that? Or should I ask how you feel?
9. Chapter 11: List the four kinds of messages in Duncan's IMC message typology. Now, thinking about a product or service that you are familiar with, list examples of the four kinds of messages used in communicating with the various stakeholders.
10. Chapter 13: If growth is dependent on accurate measurement for each member in the marketing communication industry (brand owners, agencies and media owners), what innovations in measurement are needed in the future?
Learning outcomes addressed in this assessment include:
• being able to evaluate theoretical concepts underlying integrated marketing communications;
• being able to examine and evaluate various elements of a contemporary communication mix;
• being able to critically evaluate marketing communications for a range of organisations and reflect on current organisational marketing by using communications tools; and
• being able to apply theoretical frameworks that integrate various elements of marketing communication to specific organisations.
Marking criteria
There are five important elements to be assessed in the assessment:
• The presentation and style of report.
• The effort that went into research and the assessment. Have you answered all parts of the task?
• Creativity shown in developing a communication plan to solve a business problem/opportunity.
• Relating marketing communications theory to practice.
• Demonstrated understanding that marketing communications are not created in a vacuum, so contemporary customer needs and media preferences need to be taken into account.
A holistic, concise, original, and informed report on the outlined tasks. Ensure your A5 report format is as follows (marks will be deducted unless the following is included):
• Title Page: Subject details, assessment number and topic, your name and ID number; Title of the report, chosen brand, your name, date.
• Executive Summary – A one-page summary of your report written in past tense
• Table of Contents – with page numbers
• Questions 1-10 outlined using headings for report – this should answer the task requirements and dive into deep discussion
For this assessment you are required to use APA referencing to acknowledge the sources that you have used in preparing your assessment.apa-6
Turnitin software to assist in the detection of plagiarism. Submission of this assessment requires use of Turnitin to check your work for originality prior to submission. Find more information about Turnitin and how to set up a student account.
Assessment 5 - MKT570 Marking criteria – worth 100% Student ID and Name:
Criterion: The Learning HD: 100% - DI: 84% - 75% CR: 74% - 65% PS: 64% - 50% FL: 49% - 0%
various skills to be Outcomes 85% Max
assessed and
Communication skills LO4 Free of grammar Free of grammar Minor grammatical Some Poor grammar,
This is about the errors. Structure errors. Structure errors, sentences grammatical spelling, punctuation
report including: and format were and format were were clear and errors, sentences and concepts were not
Structure, Format, clear, logical and clear. Sentences complete. Structure were clear and clear. No paragraphs
Grammar, including consistent. were well and format were complete. Clear or formatting, no
images Sentences were constructed. used to aid the structure and images, tables or
Value 20% well constructed. Excellent use of reader including formatting using illustrations.
Grade Range 0-6 Exceptional use diagrams, diagrams, images headings, and Marks 0-3
of diagrams, images and and tables, that were sub headings,
images and tables, that were relevant to some
tables, clearly both visually argument, but were illustrations and
relevant , appealing as well not fully explained diagrams, but
explained and as clearly or described. not explained
insightful links relevant and Marks 4-4.5 and only
made explained decorative.
Marks 5.1-6 Marks 4.5-5.1 Marks 3-3.9
Theoretical analysis LO2-LO4 IMC theoretical IMC theoretical IMC theoretical IMC theoretical Concepts were not
skills. This criterion is concepts provide concepts provide concepts are clear, concepts are defined, described or
about defining, clear definitions, clear; definitions, with relevant defined, there evaluated, mainly
describing and descriptions with descriptions with definitions and was an attempt listed without
evaluating the IMC examples and examples and descriptions with to provide explanation.
concepts relevant to analysis of analysis of examples, some descriptions Marks 0-4.5
the questions. concepts with concepts with attempt to develop with examples
Value 30%. highly insightful comparison, with analysis by to explain,
Grade Range 0-9 and perceptive clear evaluation comparing and limited
comparisons, and conclusions. contrasting of analytics.
evaluations and Marks 6.75-7.65 concepts. Marks 4.5-5.9
conclusions. Marks 5.9- 6.75
Marks 7.65-9
Application skills. LO2-LO4 An organisation is An organisation An organisation is An organisation There was no or
This criterion is about described and is described and described and is described and limited application to
linking theory to a identified and identified and identified. The identified. The an organisation, no
specific organisation, insightful insightful context was context was examples provided, no
explaining how the evaluations were evaluations were connected to theory connected recommendations.
concepts can be made. The context made. The with clear links. briefly to theory, Mark 0-6
applied to practice and was connected to context was There were relevant but the
making theory with connected to well supported discussion was
recommendations. exceptional, theory with clear, market discussions not well
Value 40% logical and creative and and supported by the
grade range for 0-12 imaginative links. logical links. recommendations. arguments.
The market There were Marks 6-9 Mark 6-7.8
discussions were relevant, well
highly relevant, supported market
realistic and discussions with
supported with explicit
explicit connections to
connections to theoretical
theoretical arguments.
arguments. Mark 9-10.2
Mark 10.2-12
Referencing Skills. LO2 Both the in text Both the intext Referencing applied. There was an There was limited or
This criterion was and end reference and end However, attempt to apply no attempt at in text or
about the application list were reference list style/application was APA 6th end of text referencing
of APA 6th consistent in were consistent inconsistent with referencing, but Marks 0-1.5
referencing. Value terms of style and in terms of style some errors in style and
10% Grade range 0-3 application of and application text/reference list application were
APA. Referencing of APA Marks Marks 1.5-2.25 inconsistent and
apparent in all 2.6 some points
places where remain
expected unreferenced
IMC Conceptual Development
Length: Max 3500 words +/- 10%
Rationale: This assessment is designed to test the student's knowledge, skills or capabilities of the materials covered during the semester. Each question is of equal value. The Chapter numbers refer to Belch, G., Belch, M., Kerr, G. and Powell, I. (2014). Advertising: An Integrated Marketing Communication Perspective, 3rd Ed. McGraw Hill, Australia. ISBN 9781743078655
1. Chapter 9: The text describes a number of different positioning strategies. Give examples of products or brands that utilise each of these different strategies.
2. Chapter 9: It has been said that benefit segmentation should be the starting point for determining which market segments to target and that other segmentation strategies may just be descriptors of the segment. Discuss whether you agree or disagree with this position, citing specific examples to support your case.
3. Chapter 9: A number of companies have tried to reposition themselves in the marketplace. Some have been successful; others have not. Cite examples of both. What are the factors that you think led to their success or failure?
4. Chapter 9: Changing lifestyles can create both opportunities and threats for the marketer. Provide an example of a change in lifestyle that poses a threat to marketers and one that provides an opportunity. Give an example of a product or brand that has been affected in both of these ways.
5. Chapter 10 differentiates between communication objectives and sales objectives. Explain the difference. What are the strengths and weaknesses of each?
6. Chapter 12: Describe the three methods of media scheduling and give examples of products or services that might employ each method.
7. Chapter 12: Explain the relationship between reach, frequency, continuity and the media budget.
8. Chapter 11: The phrase ‘I think, therefore I am’ is a familiar one. Thinking rationally is what separates us from other species. Yet Du Plessis suggests that we are first and foremost emotional creatures, and how we perceive things emotionally determines how we respond rationally. What do you think of that? Or should I ask how you feel?
9. Chapter 11: List the four kinds of messages in Duncan's IMC message typology. Now, thinking about a product or service that you are familiar with, list examples of the four kinds of messages used in communicating with the various stakeholders.
10. Chapter 13: If growth is dependent on accurate measurement for each member in the marketing communication industry (brand owners, agencies and media owners), what innovations in measurement are needed in the future?
Learning outcomes addressed in this assessment include:
• being able to evaluate theoretical concepts underlying integrated marketing communications;
• being able to examine and evaluate various elements of a contemporary communication mix;
• being able to critically evaluate marketing communications for a range of organisations and reflect on current organisational marketing by using communications tools; and
• being able to apply theoretical frameworks that integrate various elements of marketing communication to specific organisations.
Marking criteria
There are five important elements to be assessed in the assessment:
• The presentation and style of report.
• The effort that went into research and the assessment. Have you answered all parts of the task?
• Creativity shown in developing a communication plan to solve a business problem/opportunity.
• Relating marketing communications theory to practice.
• Demonstrated understanding that marketing communications are not created in a vacuum, so contemporary customer needs and media preferences need to be taken into account.
A holistic, concise, original, and informed report on the outlined tasks. Ensure your A5 report format is as follows (marks will be deducted unless the following is included):
• Title Page: Subject details, assessment number and topic, your name and ID number; Title of the report, chosen brand, your name, date.
• Executive Summary – A one-page summary of your report written in past tense
• Table of Contents – with page numbers
• Questions 1-10 outlined using headings for report – this should answer the task requirements and dive into deep discussion
For this assessment you are required to use APA referencing to acknowledge the sources that you have used in preparing your assessment.apa-6
Turnitin software to assist in the detection of plagiarism. Submission of this assessment requires use of Turnitin to check your work for originality prior to submission. Find more information about Turnitin and how to set up a student account.
Assessment 5 - MKT570 Marking criteria – worth 100% Student ID and Name:
Criterion: The Learning HD: 100% - DI: 84% - 75% CR: 74% - 65% PS: 64% - 50% FL: 49% - 0%
various skills to be Outcomes 85% Max
assessed and
Communication skills LO4 Free of grammar Free of grammar Minor grammatical Some Poor grammar,
This is about the errors. Structure errors. Structure errors, sentences grammatical spelling, punctuation
report including: and format were and format were were clear and errors, sentences and concepts were not
Structure, Format, clear, logical and clear. Sentences complete. Structure were clear and clear. No paragraphs
Grammar, including consistent. were well and format were complete. Clear or formatting, no
images Sentences were constructed. used to aid the structure and images, tables or
Value 20% well constructed. Excellent use of reader including formatting using illustrations.
Grade Range 0-6 Exceptional use diagrams, diagrams, images headings, and Marks 0-3
of diagrams, images and and tables, that were sub headings,
images and tables, that were relevant to some
tables, clearly both visually argument, but were illustrations and
relevant , appealing as well not fully explained diagrams, but
explained and as clearly or described. not explained
insightful links relevant and Marks 4-4.5 and only
made explained decorative.
Marks 5.1-6 Marks 4.5-5.1 Marks 3-3.9
Theoretical analysis LO2-LO4 IMC theoretical IMC theoretical IMC theoretical IMC theoretical Concepts were not
skills. This criterion is concepts provide concepts provide concepts are clear, concepts are defined, described or
about defining, clear definitions, clear; definitions, with relevant defined, there evaluated, mainly
describing and descriptions with descriptions with definitions and was an attempt listed without
evaluating the IMC examples and examples and descriptions with to provide explanation.
concepts relevant to analysis of analysis of examples, some descriptions Marks 0-4.5
the questions. concepts with concepts with attempt to develop with examples
Value 30%. highly insightful comparison, with analysis by to explain,
Grade Range 0-9 and perceptive clear evaluation comparing and limited
comparisons, and conclusions. contrasting of analytics.
evaluations and Marks 6.75-7.65 concepts. Marks 4.5-5.9
conclusions. Marks 5.9- 6.75
Marks 7.65-9
Application skills. LO2-LO4 An organisation is An organisation An organisation is An organisation There was no or
This criterion is about described and is described and described and is described and limited application to
linking theory to a identified and identified and identified. The identified. The an organisation, no
specific organisation, insightful insightful context was context was examples provided, no
explaining how the evaluations were evaluations were connected to theory connected recommendations.
concepts can be made. The context made. The with clear links. briefly to theory, Mark 0-6
applied to practice and was connected to context was There were relevant but the
making theory with connected to well supported discussion was
recommendations. exceptional, theory with clear, market discussions not well
Value 40% logical and creative and and supported by the
grade range for 0-12 imaginative links. logical links. recommendations. arguments.
The market There were Marks 6-9 Mark 6-7.8
discussions were relevant, well
highly relevant, supported market
realistic and discussions with
supported with explicit
explicit connections to
connections to theoretical
theoretical arguments.
arguments. Mark 9-10.2
Mark 10.2-12
Referencing Skills. LO2 Both the in text Both the intext Referencing applied. There was an There was limited or
This criterion was and end reference and end However, attempt to apply no attempt at in text or
about the application list were reference list style/application was APA 6th end of text referencing
of APA 6th consistent in were consistent inconsistent with referencing, but Marks 0-1.5
referencing. Value terms of style and in terms of style some errors in style and
10% Grade range 0-3 application of and application text/reference list application were
APA. Referencing of APA Marks Marks 1.5-2.25 inconsistent and
apparent in all 2.6 some points
places where remain
expected unreferenced
- Assignment status: Resolved by our Writing Team

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