
MGT502 Assessment Brief 2 Digital Resource Analysis

MGT502 Assessment Brief 2 Digital Resource Analysis ASSESSMENT BRIEF Subject Code and Name MGT502 Business Communication Assessment Assignment 2 – Proposal and Report Individual/Group Individual Length Proposal – 1000 words Report – 2000 words Learning Outcomes This assessment addresses the following subject learning outcomes: a) Demonstrate academic skills appropriate to the level of study b) Demonstrate research skills and referencing appropriate to the level of study c) Critically analyse texts and/or multi-modal material in a business context d) Identify and apply effective communication methods within a business and academic environment e) Evaluate the use and importance of technology in presenting business communication Submission Proposal – by 23:59 (Sydney time) Friday of Module 4 Report – by 23:59 (Sydney time) Friday of Module 5 Weighting Proposal – 20% Report – 30% Total Marks Proposal – 20 marks Report – 30 marks Context: Tertiary students are expe

CASE STUDY : Electron Control

CASE STUDY  : Electron Control, Inc., sells voltage regulators to other manufacturers, who then customize and distribute the products to quality assurance labs for their sensitive test equipment. The yearly volume of output is 15,000 units. The selling price and cost per unit are shown below: Selling price $200 Costs: Direct material $35 Direct labor 50 Variable overhead 25 Variable selling expenses 25 Fixed selling expenses 15 150 Unit profit before tax $ 50 Management is evaluating the alternative of performing the necessary customizing to allow Electron Control to sell its output directly to Q/A labs for $275 per unit. Although no added investment is required in productive facilities, additional processing costs are estimated as: Direct labor $25 per unit Variable overhead $15 per unit Variable selling expenses $10 per unit Fixed selling expenses $100,000 per year   Q1. Calculate the incremental profit Electron Cont

Individual Assignment, Posters are a good way to get across information quickly and concisely

Points: 50 Submitting: PPT or PDF file upload This is an Individual Assignment Purpose Posters are a good way to get across information quickly and concisely. Posters are widely used at conferences to give very straightforward information about research, innovation and design. Posters summarize information concisely and attractively to help publicize it and generate discussion. The poster is usually a mixture of a brief text mixed with tables, graphs, pictures, and other presentation formats. At a conference, the researcher stands by the poster display while other participants can come and view the presentation and interact with the author. You can get some good information about developing a poster at Assignment Background: You are a Kentucky Professional Engineer designing a temporary runoff catch basin (pond) for the construction of a parking lot at a local Sports Complex. The purpose of this catch basin is to provide an area where runoff that h

Briefing Report on the UK Sneaker/Sports Trainer Market

Briefing Report on the UK Sneaker/Sports Trainer Market   Order Description   Briefing Report on the UK Sneaker/Sports Trainer Market 1000 words excluding references and a one-page Appendix (see below). You are encouraged to use a reasonable number of graphs, charts and diagrams to help illustrate your analysis; these will not contribute to the word count. Submission Deadline: Wednesday 8th November 2017 by 13:00 (UK time) For this assignment you are required to carry out an analysis of the UK Sneaker/Sports Trainer Market to help inform your company’s decision making activities. What your report needs to cover: 1. What does the UK Sneaker/Sports Trainer market look like? Market characteristics, dimensions and segments. (Word Limit: 300 words) (30 marks). Here you should discuss the overall size of the market (in terms of volume and value) and how it has changed in recent years, the range of products on offer and the relative importance of different market segments. 2. Who

Why Wonder Woman is a Masterpiece of Subversive Feminism

  Why Wonder Woman is a Masterpiece of Subversive Feminism Summary and critical analysis of the article. Answer the question of how feminist thought informs our investigation and justification of knowledge. What is the author trying to convey to the audience and why? Do this in two to three paragraphs.   The post Why Wonder Woman is a Masterpiece of Subversive Feminism appeared first on Homeworkacetutors . CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER………………………NO PLAGIARISM Get 100% Original papers from the writing experts     CLICK HERE TO GET A PROFESSIONAL WRITER TO WORK ON THIS PAPER AND OTHER SIMILAR PAPERS, GET A NON PLAGIARIZED PAPER FROM OUR EXPERTS……
I need six slides with 100 words per slide for this assignment. In the course scenario, this was stated regarding this assignment:  In the last employee satisfaction survey, the CEO became aware of growing feelings of mistrust between employees and managers. Hiring practices are also under scrutiny and criticism, because allegations of nepotism have been leveled at the company. For these reasons and others, employee turnover and absenteeism is on the rise in all four divisions. Staffing problems have made it difficult to meet customer expectations as the demand for company products grows. So far, you are seeing inconsistencies in leadership practices in each of the departments, and you are concerned that while the company is trying to improve its communication protocol, the different leadership styles may be creating confusion. For example, when you talked to one of the production employees, Sonja Diaz, she explained that she had many ideas for helping to streamline the production pr

Eight slides with 100 words per slide. In the course scenario

Eight slides with 100 words per slide.  In the course scenario, it stated the following: CMA rebounded and continued to manufacture and sell its components to computer manufacturers worldwide. The company structure was divided into product divisions, with each division focused on specific components. For the company, this structure was meant to streamline sales and delivery worldwide. As happens on occasion, there were some factors that had an effect on company profits, but the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Jared Smith, was in a position to focus on several internal strategic areas, including structure, work design, motivation, conflict, and company culture as a whole. To stay profitable, the company had to eliminate several management positions in an effort to flatten the organizational chart. Many of the responsibilities fell to the employees, and many people resisted the change. The vice presidents (VPs) are reading the information about theories of motivation that you sent them.