Exceptional clarity in understanding the nature of transferable professional skills in the contemporary economy. understanding of the nature of transferable professional skills

A3 Guidance: Future of Work, 2020
Assessment task 3: Skills Audit
Task: Students conduct an individual self-assessment of their transferable professional skills. They write a report discussing skills developed across their studies and through their work experience. The report will need to include evidence of skill development and elaborate on why these skills are significant. Students will be asked to reflect on how their skill base matches requirements for the specific industries in which they are interested in working.
Length: 1000 words
Due: Friday week 12, 11.59pm (through Turnitin)
IMPORTANT: You must read the subject outline. Pay close attention to these instructions, the assessment criteria, and the marking rubric.
Your submitted assessment must cover:
Assess what skills are needed for your target job and industry.
Individual self-assessment of transferable professional skills (including evidence of skill development and a discussion of significance). Reflect on how your skills base matches requirements of a specific industry which you are interested in.
Your A3 report should contain four key sections. Some people might prefer to do it in a different structure to this suggestion below, which is fine, as long as the key elements below are included. There are a number of ways to set out this assessment.
State in a few sentences what sort of position you want, and in what sort of industry.
2. Research on your target industry or profession
Research on specific industry or profession you wish to work in, focussing on what skills are needed and why these skills are significant. This section of the report should include references to how you established that these skills are significant for that industry. Use the suggestions from class, which included things like looking at position descriptions, company websites and conducting an informational interview. Your research might also include scholarly research, but it is not compulsory.
3. Self-assessment
Conduct an individual self-assessment of your transferable professional skills in relation to the position/industry you identified. Discuss skills developed across your studies, through your work experience, and in your personal life. Use the activities from class to help you.
4. Reflection on skill match to industry needs
Reflect on how you skill base matches requirements for the specific industries in which you are interested in working. You might like to develop a priority list regarding skills you need to obtain or improve on.
How will this be marked?
Read the marking rubric on the next page.

Marking rubric — Assessment 3: Skills audit
Criteria % Fail Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction
Clarity of 30 Failure to understand the nature of transferable professional skills in the contemporary economy. Basic clarity in
understanding the nature of transferable professional skills in the contemporary economy.
A good level of clarity in understanding the nature of transferable professional skills in the contemporary economy.
Excellent clarity in understanding the nature of transferable professional skills in the contemporary economy.
Exceptional clarity in understanding the nature of transferable professional skills in the contemporary economy.
understanding of
the nature of
Relevance of skills identified. 30 Unsatisfactory identification of skills and of limited relevance to the task. Satisfactory identification of skills, but relevant to the task only to a minimal level. Good identification of skills and relevant to the task.
Superior identification of skills and strongly relevant to the task.
Outstanding identification
of skills and highly relevant to the task.
Depth of 20 Unsatisfactory coherence of analysis; no/little evidence of critical reflection on the conditions shaping contemporary work
practices Satisfactory coherence of analysis; some evidence of critical reflection on the conditions shaping contemporary work practices
Good coherence of analysis; developing sense of critical reflection on the conditions shaping contemporary work practices
Superior coherence of analysis; strong sense of critical reflection on the conditions shaping contemporary work practices
Outstanding depth of analysis; excellent sense of understanding/critical reflection on the conditions shaping contemporary work
understanding of
the conditions
work practices
Clarity of expression of ideas and logical presentation of argument 20 Inadequate expression and editing. Significant errors in spelling and grammar, with content obscured. Very poor use
of citations and referencing. Adequate expression and editing. Some errors in spelling and grammar but
content still able to be communicated adequately. Many errors or areas for improvement, but still possible to locate sources. Good expression and editing. No or rare errors in spelling, grammar. A few errors or areas for improvement, but still possible to locate sources. Careful expression and editing. Few errors in spelling, grammar. Correct referencing throughout with very few errors. Superior expression and logical and coherent structure. Superior editing with rare errors in mechanics, spelling and grammar. Correct referencing throughout with no errors.

Assignment statusSolved by our Writing Team at EssayCabinet.com


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