Describe and summarize the content and essential argument of the article in a concise format

Select and evaluate a research article on an evidence-based practices that relates to nursing practice and health assessment.

Describe and summarize the content and essential argument of the article in a concise format. Select a research article that pertains to the management of health for a specific population. Critique the selected research article related to evidenced-based practice. 

 The assignment must be 3 pages (not counting resources) 
Name of the author (s), title of the article, type of journal, volume number, date, and page numbers.  A paragraph abstract of the article to summarize the essential content/ideas.  A paragraph describing your view of the article's balance. Did the writer address both sides of the issue? Was there bias involved and if so, slanted towards which side? What is your evidence of this bias or imbalance?  A paragraph describing your opinion of the article's quality and your own position:  Did the writer do sufficient research?  Is the article technically correct and clearly presented and supported? Are there elements of the argument that could have been enhanced with more detail or more argumentation?  What would a follow-up article contain to be useful to this one?  Did you agree with the article? Did it support or change your opinion? If not, then why?  The final paper should be typed, double-spaced on one side of white standard (8 ½ X 11 inch) paper.


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