
Showing posts from December, 2019

Client Intake Form for your state

Assignment  Client Intake Selecting an assessment to use with a client can be an important part of a counselor’s work. A first step in selecting an assessment is often to research options using the Mental Measurements Yearbook. For this Assignment, you will identify a mental health issue, and then research assessments that may help in diagnosing a client. You will create a self-recorded video directed at your client to explain the rationale for assessing him or her, and you will describe how the assessment you selected will accomplish this. To Prepare: · Locate the appropriate Client Intake Form for your state: · Select 1 of the 3 clients from exercise 3.3 in your textbook. · Select an appropriate issue to assess that you determine may assist in diagnosing this client, such as suicide, addiction, trauma, depression, anxiety, relationship satisfaction, or other issue. · Determine which a...

Palestinian Weddings

After watching the documentary on Palestinian Weddings (access here: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. you will write a short essay (approx. 600-700 words) discussing the role of  music and dance  in this major week-long celebration. Grading standards: 60% content/quality of responses; 40% academic writing (proofread for errors in grammar, syntax, spelling). This tool was successfully loaded in a new browser window. Reload the page to access the tool again. Assignment status :  Solved by our Writing Team at   CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM

A friend says to you, “I’m really concerned about my child [an eight-year old girl] eventually developing an eating disorder. What should I do or not do?”

140 points total – 28 points per question Instructions: Answers must be paraphrased (restated in your own words with  no quoting permitted ), properly source credited, using APA formatting requirements – including within-answer citations and a list of references included at the end of each answer – and at least 600 words each, not counting source citations and references. Answers should be succinct, thorough, articulated in well-organized paragraphs (lists, sentence fragments and bulleted items are not permitted), and more substantive than just definitions of terms, procedures, or issues. To complete this exam, save a copy of it on your hard drive, construct your answers below each question on a separate page per question, attach a cover page to the front and a reference list to the end (references must also be placed at the end of each question for which they were used) and upload it under the Final Exam assignment tab. NOTE :  Answers copy/pasted into a student comm...

When considering juvenile delinquency and crime, what theory or theories provide the best insight or explanation? Support your stance for your rationale.

Assignment status :  Solved by our Writing Team at   CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS NO PLAGIARISM  When considering juvenile delinquency and crime, what theory or theories provide the best insight or explanation? Support your stance for your rationale. 

Effects of climate change: An Inconvenient Truth

EFFECTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE 2 Effects of climate change An Inconvenient   Truth The central them {M: spelling} of the {U: omit article} An Inconvenient Truth {M: italics for titles of long works} is based on the effects of climate change which is caused by natural and human activities. The speech is based on the impacts human activities have on the climate and economic activities. The human activities outlined can be controlled to minimize the impact of climatic changes and lower emission of greenhouse gases. To mitigate the impacts of changes in climate conditions, it is the responsibility of the stakeholders to spread information on the impacts of changes in climate(Falkowski  et al., 2000). An initiative duped go green {M: quotes} has been adopted to support mitigation of climate change effects. The go green initiative is recalling people to minimize the use of paper on printing only the most important messages. This would reduce the numb...

Three-year-old Tommy is crying and upset because he can’t draw a truck like Sam’s.

Guidelines:  Format: APA writing style, sources cited in APA format Margins: 1” all sides Headings: Bold Times New Roman, 12 point No page numbers No headers or footers * Response must be 4 pages minimum Let’s say you have been reflecting on your first few weeks as a preschool teacher. You often find yourself asking yourself things like, “Is this child just grumpy, or is there something more going on?” “Why aren’t the children cooperating?” “How can I manage this negative behavior that is occurring? Is there something more I can do?” With that in mind, consider the scenarios in Part A and Part B. Part A Three-year-old Tommy is crying and upset because he can’t draw a truck like Sam’s. For this scenario · Determine the cause of the behavior. Provide one (1) supporting fact to justify your answer, citing your source. · Develop a guidance approach that you might use to address the cause of the behavior. Provide one (1) supporting fact to justify your a...