
It is the responsibility of the student who is submitting the work, to ensure that the work is in fact her/his own work

HI6026 Audit, Assurance and Compliance TRIMESTER 3, 2017 INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT 1 Assessment Value: 20% Instructions: • This assignment is to be submitted in accordance with assessment policy stated in the Subject Outline and Student Handbook. • It is the responsibility of the student who is submitting the work, to ensure that the work is in fact her/his own work. Incorporating another’s work or ideas into one’s own work without appropriate acknowledgement is an academic offence. Students should submit all assignments for plagiarism checking on Blackboard before final submission in the subject. For further details, please refer to the Subject Outline and Student Handbook. • Answer all questions. • Maximum marks available: 20 marks. • Due date of submission: Week 6, Friday at 5.00 p.m. Case Study on Double Ink Printers Ltd (DIPL) Background Information You are a senior manager with Stewart and Kathy and you have been approached to undertake the audit of Double Ink Printers Ltd (DIPL). 20...

Rationale for the media strategy (media mix)

3. Media Plan • Media objectives Must be SMART • Recommended media mix – Cover each media to be used. For each recommended media provide specific detail. • Geographic - • Media vehicles • Ad sizes • Time slots, indicative programs, section placement • Duration e.g. number of weeks, number of issues • Media weight e.g TARPS , insertions, numbers etc • Media scheduling e.g. Weeks on air Rationale for the media strategy (media mix) • Reference should be made to the media consumption habits of your target audience as support for the choice of the medium. • Rationale to be provided for each and every recommendation giving reasons for: • Geographic - • Each media vehicle • Ad sizes • Time slots, indicative programs, section placement • Duration e.g. number of weeks, number of issues • Media weight e.g. TARPS, insertions, numbers etc. • Media scheduling e.g. Weeks on air 4. Media schedule (To be submitted as a separate Excel file) • Translate all the information from the media plan onto the m...

Practicing border crossing’

Prompt: ‘Practicing border crossing’ Your task is to consciously make a decision to interact with another person who you have not communicated with before and who has a different background and life experiences from yourself. Your choice should involve a level of discomfort; a degree of perceived difference is necessary. However, please do ensure your own safety. Enter a discussion in a spirit of openness. Engage in a conversation of meaning, beyond the basic scripts such as “How are you? Fine. It’s hot today”. Ask open-ended questions that generate genuine responses and promotion of dialogue. Practice listening skills. After the interaction, reflect on the dialogue. Describe how easy or difficult it was for you to comprehend another individual’s worldview, from their perspective (not yours!). While practicing ‘border crossing’ did you have a chance to understand otherness in its own terms or did you only ‘see’ or acknowledge difference without exploring otherness in more depth? Please...

Outline a Care Plan for a child with bacterial meningitis.

Outline a Care Plan for a child with bacterial meningitis. Write a 350-word paper using APA Format Assignment. Assignment status :  Resolved by our Writing Team . CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS  NO PLAGIARISM

Mark Kishlansky et al., Civilization in the West

H 113 Western Civilization to 1648, Section 23285                                     Dr. Thomas A. Mason Review Sheet 3: for Final Examination, Wednesday, December 13 . The final exam will take the form of an essay (75%) and matching (25%). For the essay, you will write on one out of twenty-three available topic options. Instructions will ask you to support generalizations with detailed and well-defined evidence, to organize carefully your thoughts and argument, and to integrate information from the textbook and the videos / lectures. As with the quiz and mid-semester exam, you will be expected to develop your answer with details on the what, who, where, when (dates) , how, and why of your topic. The essay on the final exam is the same length as the mid-semester exam and longer—several (more than thre...