
Showing posts from September, 2018

An 88 year old client is being assisted by the nurse while.

Assignment An 88 year old client is being assisted by the nurse while. The client has arthritis and an unsteady gait. The nurse is assisting the client  with a partial bath. The client asks the nurse why a bath is necessary. a. why is a partial  bath more appropriate than a dailybath for this client? b. what benefits should the nurse share with the client about bathing? c. what are the types of soaps, bath oils, and skin care products that can be used by the client? Assignment status :  Solved by our Writing Team... CONTENT AVAILABLE Source@ GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS     CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT NO PLAGIARISM

Without the various roles and expertise of professional nurses in the development of nursing informatics, clinical information systems would not be able to have a foundation based on evidence-based practice.

ADVANCE NURSING INFORMATICS  Without the various roles and expertise of professional nurses in the development of nursing informatics, clinical information systems would not be able to have a foundation based on evidence-based practice. Evidence based practice is essential to developing clinical information systems in order to further the generation of nursing knowledge. Evidenced based practice is a process that uses the current best evidence in the care of patients as an approach to problem solving (McEwen & Wills, 2017). By nature, nurses gather data and record and collect clinical data that is objective on a daily basis. Professional nurses will gather this clinical data and identify trends seen across groups of patients (McGonigal & Mastrian, 2017). A solution to a problematic trend may be identified, implemented and seen to improve or make a positive impact on such trend which would be an example of evidence-based practice.       ...

A concept analysis is an exercise designed to help a researcher become as familiar as possible with a concept.

A concept analysis is an exercise designed to help a researcher become as familiar as possible with a concept. For the purposes of nursing, a concept might be related to health, managed care, or a variety of other topics. Common concepts analyzed in nursing are things such as pain, ischemia, mobility, trust, empowerment, family support, self-management, etc. A concept analysis is the first step in communicating meanings, understandings and feelings. The concept selected to be analyzed should relate to the nursing metaparadigm. In this unit’s readings and discussion, you and your classmates examined analysis methods and discussed strategies for approaching concept analysis. Now you will put one or more of these strategies into practice. This assignment is intended to allow the student to show evidence of achieving desired learning outcomes (CLO #3, #4, ILO #7 & PLO #7). To do this, read this unit’s Learning Resources, decide on a concept and provide a written concept analysis...

Mary, 21 years old, presented to the hospital emergency department with an infected laceration on her left foot

Mary, 21 years old, presented to the hospital emergency department with an infected laceration on her left foot. Mary was at a beach resort four days ago, when she trod on a broken glass bottle and sustained a deep 2 cm long jagged laceration over the lateral aspect of her left foot. She used her handkerchief to bandage the wound. This morning the wound was extremely painful, swollen and had a purulent discharge. On inspection of the wound the following wound observations were made: – Painful and swollen, – Red and warm when touched. – Purulent discharge. 7 A wound swab was taken for culture and sensitivity. A stat dose of ceftriaxone 1g was administered IVI immediately (she did not require a booster tetanus injection as she had already received one three months ago). She was then commenced on oral cephalexin 500mg to be taken every 6 hours before being sent home. Using the template provided (to be accessed from the Assessment tab in the Unit’s vUWS site), answer the following question...

Dark Tourism

Write a 6 page essay on Dark Tourism On the other hand, the prevalence of the practice seems to indicate that there is wide appeal among people from all walks of life for dark tourism, and that there seems to be no common agreement as to whether the practice appeals to those who are seemingly inclined to dark tourism to satisfy some inner dark craving, or whether dark tourism as a practice is one that is essentially spiritual, or that serve some higher spiritual purpose. At any rate it is apparent from the large body of literature on the subject matter that dark tourism is prevalent, is institutionalized, and does not seem to incite people to commit crimes, or to trample on the rights of other people, and in some cases have some spiritual merit for those who pursue dark tourism, in terms of being able to precisely confront death and the darker side of human nature. This paper posits that depending on the motive and depending on whether the practice transgresses the fundamental right...


Write 2 page essay on the topic EMMA LARKINS FINDING GEORGE ORWELL IN BURMA. The army heightened a state of lawlessness that denied and extorted the people’s little resources to fulfil their political responsibility and unsustainable democracy in their society. The military government of Burma has showed similarities with the British colonial government in many ways for example it led to split of allegiances among different ethnic groups and also between the indigenous people of Burma (Larkin, 2011).&nbsp.Also ethnic minorities were not allowed to acceses land, it also resulted to religious conflicts between the muslims, budhist, hindus and Christians in Burma. Their was aslo displacement of citizen both inside and outside Burma. Besides forced labour by the military has also been expirieced which has led to the human rights violation as well as explotaiton of the minority goups. Some of the tools used by post colonial government of Burma was one the tgroup identity where th...

The Role of Learner Self Assessment in the IB PYP classrooms.

Compose a 5000 words essay on The Role of Learner Self Assessment in the IB PYP classrooms. Needs to be plagiarism free In the wake of this discussion, researchers have suggested that effective assessment at all levels of education holds the key to realising the aim of childhood. In the school set up, there are different kinds of assessment and assessments are conducted for different reasons and at different times. Students at the early stage of education have several areas of their education that is worth assessing. These diverse areas of assessment help in giving well resourced and comprehensive reports about individual students – their weaknesses, their strengths, their progress and projections for their future. In this regard, The Cedarville University (2010) admonishes that “understanding ones' skills, interests, abilities, personality, and values is important when considering any next step after obtaining a high school diploma.” This is to say that a lot of assessment has ...

The population involved a random sample of 75 men and 50 women blood donors and it involved an analysis of a particular trace element in their blood

Z / T Statistic Tools in Comparing Means The population involved a random sample of 75 men and 50 women blood donors and it involved an analysis of a particular trace element in their blood. The concentration mean of the trace elements is 28 ppm (parts per million) for the men and 33 for the women. The concentration of the trace element in the blood was calculated and found to be 14.1 ppm for the men and 9.5 ppm for the women. In the two formulas and are the means of the two samples used while Δ is the assumed variation between the sample means while σ 1 and σ 2 are the computed standard deviations of the two samples and n 1and n 2 are the sample sizes. The calculated z-value was negative because the bigger mean for the women donors was deducted from the smaller value for the males. However, the final figure can be given as 2.37 and not -2.37 because the hypothesized difference between the two samples was zero. The order of the samples thus did not matter and thus the male me...

Superstition in Eighteenth century England

Write 7 page essay on the topic Superstition in Eighteenth century England Superstition existed in eighteenth century England as a result of various social and political factors. Despite being dubbed as the age of reason and an age that prioritized rationality above all else, superstitions existed in the eighteenth century in England in a major way. These were beliefs that could not be explained away using the major philosophical force of the age, that of rationality and reason. Believing in the exclusive power of the human mind to rationalize, a feature that set him aside and above the beasts, philosophers f the eighteenth century sought to replace an order of dogma and irrational beliefs with frameworks that would depend solely on reason. The thought of earlier thinkers like Rene Descartes that had spread to England as well, was instrumental in driving this movement forward. However, superstitions that were previously a part of the cultural ethos of the English populace refused to...

In this survey, the viewers were required to answer a number of questions that would provide key information on what the average user was provided with in terms of service quality by each of these two sites.

An argumentative essay on E-marketing. Needs to be 24 pages. no plagiarism. In this survey, the viewers were required to answer a number of questions that would provide key information on what the average user was provided with in terms of service quality by each of these two sites. Other important reasons for choosing these companies are due to the fact that they continue to operate in similar ways. Moreover, they are in direct competition in the quest for gaining more shares in the online auction market. For the ease of conducting the survey, a group of around 30 people were chosen for the survey after having established that each of them had had no prior experience in all the site operations such as placing bids, searching, monitoring bids, buying them using credit cards etc. These people were then given a time frame of 10 days within which, they had to get familiarized with the operations of both the sites. As such, these set of 30 customers got ample time to explore the site ...

Kidney Dialysis and Kidney Transplantation.

Complete 4 page APA formatted essay: Kidney Dialysis and Kidney Transplantation. Many die from kidney failure each day and in the U.K. alone, about 5,000 people develop renal failure annually (RDS Online, 2000). Kidney failure can be averted by performing either a kidney transplant or by hooking up the patient in a dialysis machine. Using a dialysis machine involves connecting the patient's circulatory system to a huge dialysis machine or artificial kidney which takes the role of a pair of kidneys. About 19,000 of people suffering from kidney failure are connected to dialysis machines (BBC, 2004). A kidney transplant on the other hand, involves surgically removing a patient's failed kidneys and replacing them with a healthy pair from a kidney donor. Such operations are rare and risky, and sometimes a kidney patient must wait for a year or more to receive a healthy kidney. More often than not, a patient dies before he or she receives the kidney. Both methods however are seen ...

The Lexington Co-op, Anna Grace, Lloyd Tacos, and Buffalo Spree Publishing

For our first formal assignment, you will be writing a report about a real business local to the Buffalo area (some examples are The Lexington Co-op, Anna Grace, Lloyd Tacos, and Buffalo Spree Publishing). The report must be at least 1,000 words and include the use of reliable research (see Chapter 12 on pages 368-403 and Chapter 13 on pages 404-443 of Business Communication for help). Unlike the brochure, this report is not intended to make the business “look good.” Rather, the purpose here is to provide management and/or investors with useful and well-researched information about the business so that they can make informed decisions going forward. Therefore, the information you provide should be well-balanced and your recommendations should logically follow from the information stated earlier in the report.  We will be having a mandatory peer review session in class on Tuesday 9/18. You are required to bring a hard copy of a draft of your report to class on the day of peer rev...

Everyone is a bit of an entrepreneur.

Chapter five describes the various forms of business ownership and introduces the topic of small business. The Small Business Administration is a tremendous resource for would be entrepreneurs. Research their resources for business plans and financing. Explore business plans and government resources for small business at:  The Small Business Administration (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.    (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Lets take a look at one of the worlds most prolific franchisers, McDonalds. How much does it cost to buy a franchise and how is the organization structured. Follow their links for franchise information. Interested in owning a McDonald's! Check out their site at: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Assignment Questions: Everyone is a bit of an entrepreneur.  What business have you always dreamed of starting? What would be your plan if you deci...

The Workplace Relations Amendment. (Parliament of Australia, 2006)

a 3250 words essay on the topic The Workplace Relations Amendment. (Parliament of Australia, 2006) The bill has caused strong reactions from numerous stakeholders. A substantial number of employer association affirmed their support for the Bill. However, there are also some trade unions and labor associations that strongly campaigned against the Act. Some of these groups oppose the way the Bill was passed in parliament. they feel that most of them were not adequately informed about it. These arguments were brought forward by opposition members of parliament who argued that members of the Liberal National Coalition did not give the Bill enough time. However, there are intentions to change many parts of the Work Choices legislation as asserted by Prime Minister Kevin Rudd. He represents the Labor party which may have won the election due to this issue. Numerous opposition parliamentarians were opposed to the legislation. This affected the way the matter was handled in parliament. Thes...

Continuous quality problems and spiraling costs in healthcare have lead to widespread interest in solutions that are effective and well supported.

Write a 11 page essay on Nursing Project. The evidence definitely supports the use of this program and s presented in this paper. Continuous quality problems and spiraling costs in healthcare have lead to widespread interest in solutions that are effective and well supported. Evidence based practice has taken hold as an answer to the problem that makes sense (Coleman, 2003) EBP is sometimes viewed as an ideology, however, as far as practice goes it's goal is to supplement professional decision making with the latest research. It is sometimes argued today that to treat someone with a practice that the efficacy has not been shown is not ethical (Kind,2007). That would leave many healthcare treatments today as unethical. This paper will discuss nursing transition to evidence based practice in the realm of patients and transitioning. The question would be, "What are the most effective interventions for improving care coordination" Many Medicare dollars are spent on a s...