populations: -offenders with AIDS -Offenders facing death penalty -disabled offenders -elderly offenders -female offenders offenders serving life sentence seriously ill offenders
select one of the unique prison populations listed below. Complete a midterm project examining this group, including addressing the following points: choose from the following populations: -offenders with AIDS -Offenders facing death penalty -disabled offenders -elderly offenders -female offenders offenders serving life sentence seriously ill offenders give a summary of the group's characteristics and challenges they face in prison Discuss how this population adjusts to incarceration. list any special services provided for this population in prison. Describe how the public views this population. Give a case study or example. Conclude your paper with your personal views on the topic including why you chose this population, how you believe the population should be treated while incarcerated and whether your beliefs concur with current practices. Responses should be 4-5 pages long. Assignment status : Resolved by our Writing Team CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT PrimeWri...