
Define cultural competence and cultural safety, and in your own words describe how you could implement them in an aged care setting.

HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing CHCDIV002 Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety Written Assessment Student Copy Instructions to Student To successfully complete the assessment requirements, you need to follow the following instructions. Step 1 Read the study guide and the related resources. Step 2 Read this assessment to gain an understanding of what you need to do to complete the unit. Talk to your trainer or supervisor and ask for help if you need to. Step 3 Complete all questions in this assessment. Please write clearly in pen (not pencil). You may attach printed answers if you prefer. Do not remove any pages from this assessment. Step 4 Complete the cover sheet and attach to this assessment. We recommend you make and keep a copy of the entire Assessment. Step 5 Submit for assessment. Question 1 The following website may assist with this question Part A Define cultural competence and cultural sa